The Night Demon's cold voice radiated in all directions, as if he was everywhere!

"I sentence you to death!"

"No one can judge me, shut your mouth, monster!!!"

When the fear reached its peak, the so-called courage overwhelmed the body that was trembling with fear. Ross roared and picked up a rifle next to him and pulled the trigger to the end.

The roaring bullets dispersed the Night Stalker's voice in the atmosphere. However, after finishing the magazine, Ross did not feel the slightest relief. The ubiquitous cold gaze still stuck to his body like brown candy.

"You commit arson in urban areas and use weapons without caring about civilians. The applicable penalty for your crime is - burning at the stake!"

At this time, light appeared around Ross

The darkness that was so dense that it couldn't be dispelled was finally dispelled around Rose, and what illuminated this area was the flame.

It was the sea of ​​​​fire created by the aerial bomb thrown by Ross!

Ross didn't know when he had reached the center of the sea of ​​​​fire, his limbs had been burned like charcoal, and the greedy tongue of fire was still licking his clothes and body.

He immediately wanted to run out, but his completely carbonized limbs made it impossible for him to stand, and instead he fell into the sea of ​​​​fire in front of him.

In an instant, General Ross turned into a ball of fire, rolling on the ground wailing and screaming. The night that shrouded all of this slowly faded away, and under the gaze of everyone, the Demon King of the Dark Night looked indifferently at Rose, who had turned into a charred corpse on the ground, just like Satan looking down at his prisoner.

The law is destined to be unable to give you the punishment you deserve, so let me do it for you!

18. Hulk World War

When the suffocating darkness faded and the victor stood on the throne of the ruins, it naturally attracted everyone's attention.

At the top of the ruins of the burning city, General Ross's body was inserted into the flames in the shape of a cross. The scorching tongues of flames turned his whole body into charcoal. His whole body was like those who were sent to the witch hunt in the Middle Ages. Like the poor girl at the stake!


Betty let out a mournful scream and almost fell if the soldiers next to her hadn't grabbed her.

No matter how much of a terrible person Ross is, he is still his father! And Ross is a terrible person, not a terrible father.

"Things are getting more complicated."

Natasha, who had finally managed to discredit and crawl to the entrance of the city, took one look at this complicated situation and chose to hide without hesitation.

No joke, this situation is no longer something she can handle personally. You can't be like those brainless policemen in gangster movies, who jump out without saying a word and just raise your hands!

"Director, General Ross died at the hands of a new... monster, as well as his soldiers."

It can be said that there is no winner this time. Hell's Kitchen was affected and destroyed half of it. Ross died and all his personal guards were killed here, including a large number of armored vehicles and helicopters.

As a result, not only were the problems not solved, but they became more numerous. Originally there was only one mutated Sitwell and Dr. Banna, but now there is a monster that seems to be even more troublesome!

To be honest, the sum of these things is completely clueless. In short, with the authority Natasha has, she will definitely not be able to get involved in this matter.

"... Wait and see what happens. If conditions permit, it would be best if we could grasp Sitwell's whereabouts."

Nick Fury's depressed voice came from the earphones. He originally hoped to bring Ross together to solve the problem of Sitwell and Hulk. At worst, everyone would be evenly divided, but now it seems that this is not possible.

It's not that SHIELD doesn't have tools to deal with these monsters, but to be fair, this is New York! And Hell’s Kitchen is also a loud and populated area!

He, Nick Fury, is not Ross's fool who is obsessed with climbing up the ladder. S.H.I.E.L.D. is blatantly using weapons of mass destruction in urban areas. After giving this order, he has to prepare to write his resignation!

Oh, there's no need to write a resignation letter, he will stay in Muzhen Prison for the rest of his life until he dies!

At this moment, the second batch of people arrived - it was actually the news media.

This group of guys who look like scavenging vultures are coming even faster than the people from S.H.I.E.L.D.! Although the interior of Hell's Kitchen is difficult to get close to, this does not prevent them from setting up a camera from a relatively safe distance and starting nonsense.

What military is catching super dangerous criminals? What kind of military is arresting escaping biological weapons? Others are even more straightforward, directly spreading rumors that the military is cracking down on illegal immigrants!

Anyway, they spread rumors and there is nothing they can do about it when others refute the rumors and break their legs!

And among these journalists, there are also some who risk their lives to get first-hand holiday news.

Eddie Brock carefully climbed up from the pier, took out the equipment wrapped in the waterproof bag, and couldn't wait to head towards Hell's Kitchen on the other side of the blockade.

He is a reporter at Global Daily, but he is only a trainee. Interns like him who graduated from ordinary universities can be seen almost everywhere in Global Daily.

If he wants to stay in such a large news company, he must make some achievements of his own!

Eddie realized that there was big news after the news of Ross's troop mobilization came out. Facing the crisis of becoming a full-time official, Eddie chose to seize this opportunity and swam to the pier of Hell's Kitchen from another waterway!

Fortunately for him, Ross did not set up a line of defense at sea. For Eddie, as long as he captured even one photo of the scene, it was enough for him!

Of course, there is no doubt that the greater the benefits, the greater the risks. Although I don’t know what happened, but being able to mobilize such a large number of troops, it is obvious that it will not be a simple and safe matter...

Taking a deep breath, Eddie held the equipment and leaned closer to the ruins of the war. He held his breath at the first sight.

The Incredible Hulk, a big man who once made headlines, then had all his photos and messages quickly deleted, and was forced by the authorities to be certified as a ‘hype’!

Just being naked is enough to keep Eddie in the Daily Globe!

Not only that, there are two monsters that are very scary and extraordinary at first sight, a large group of soldiers who died miserably, the remains of tanks and planes all over the ground - and General Ross who was crucified and roasted on the fire!

Big news, this is definitely the biggest news of the year!

With this thing, he might even win this year's Pulitzer Prize—damn it, take a picture of it now!

Eddie suppressed his excited breathing, raised the camera with a slightly trembling hand, and pressed the shutter repeatedly on the scene on the battlefield!

He originally wanted to take a long-range photo and leave, but there were so many news breaking points here - his professionalism as a reporter made it impossible for him to leave!

So he began to focus on each person's face and take photos, and even gave them names in his mind - you see, the one who looks like Shi Bat is called Batman, and he looks like several knives stuck on Together is the sword man, and...

"Hulk is going to beat you to death!!!!"

The roaring and trembling roar spread throughout Hell's Kitchen, and the deafening roar even caused the glass windows in the distance to shatter.

Hulk became angry when he saw General Ross, who was killed by Night Stalker and tried by fire before his eyes.

But the anger comes more from Banner himself.

The relationship between Banner and Hulk is very strange. They cannot be said to be two independent souls, but they cannot be simply summarized as dual personalities.

If I have to say it, it seems that under the influence of that wonderful gamma ray, Bruce Banner's soul is biased to two sides, one is Banner, and the other is Hulk.

But this is not the so-called good and evil side. The Hulk side is just a purely ignorant child, with simple thinking and rough behavior. Especially since he was born, he has been constantly attacked by humans. This first impression made him have a negative attitude toward humans. Very unfriendly.

But overall, the relationship between the two of them is reciprocal at any time.

If Banner wanted to, he could lock Hulk's consciousness in the deepest part of his soul, and vice versa. But if they are willing, their consciousness and thinking will also communicate with each other. Whatever Hulk sees, Banner can also see.

Then, Banner's anger will also become Hulk's anger!

Yes, he hates Ross, he wants this power animal who is chasing him, damn bastard, to die! But no matter what, he is also his girlfriend’s father!

He deserves to die! Time to stand trial! But not here, being killed in such a miserable and cruel way!

Banner's anger instantly ignited Hulk's emotions, and the powerful child roared and rushed towards the Night Stalker.

Obviously Matt didn't want to fight the big guy like Hulk. He flapped his wings and took off into the air without hesitation, widening the distance between him and Hulk.

Although he also intends to try and execute Hulk here, his current strength... is really insufficient.

The power of Dark Ascension cannot be activated a second time in a short period of time. Although his condition has improved in the dark night, he is obviously not an out-of-standard opponent like Hulk.

"Die monster!!!"

The two surviving gunships saw the Night Stalker in the air, roared, aimed their weapons at him and opened fire.

Even though Ross had all his faults, he had nothing to say about how good he was to his own people, especially his personal guards.

Night Demon just glanced at them and clenched his claws slightly. Two transparent vortices seemed to appear in the void and enveloped the two helicopters. Then the powerful torque instantly caused the two helicopters to be scrapped and fell!

Even if they were just following orders from their superiors, it was an indisputable fact that these soldiers massacred ordinary citizens.

A murderer kills with a knife. The murderer is the guilty one, but the knife must also be destroyed!


And while Night Demon was distracted handling the two armed helicopters, a burst of running Hulk jumped high and hit the Night Demon in the air like a meteor!

But just before the body that had broken the sound barrier approached, the Night Demon's body collapsed into countless pitch-black bats, escaping the fatal blow.

Matt used the ability of the vampire fruit like a duck to water. Perhaps it was the experience he had before he became a monster. After becoming a monster, he was able to master such power skillfully.

The Blade Tooth Ghost looked at the two fighting men and quickly set his target on Betty.

A cold arced smile appeared at the corners of his sharp-edged mouth. His purpose of coming this time was to recruit Hulk to join him, but if not, it would be possible to stimulate him to become more terrifying!

The great god has given him the noble duty to let the terrifying green hunk join them! Or, make him even scarier!

Now it is impossible to expect that green crazy guy to join them. In this case...

Let him completely lose control!

The next moment, the blade-tooth ghost transformed into a silver light flew towards the transport helicopter in the air like a leaping lightning. Betty, who was still grieving over her father's tragic death, did not realize anything until the sharp blade penetrated her heart. reaction.

"Hulk! This is your first shackles!"

The malicious laughter of the Blade Tooth Ghost attracted Hulk's attention, and Hulk's eyes widened even more when he saw Betty, who was penetrated by the Blade Tooth Ghost's blade and dripping with blood.

Hulk, who is like an ignorant child, also likes Betty, who has always taken care of him. This kind of love is just a child's mother-like love, but because of this, it is more pure.

The Blade Tooth Demon mercilessly threw the dying Betty towards Hulk, and the big green man jumped out and caught the falling Betty.

The thick fingers were careful but did not dare to touch the dying Betty. The woman looked at her boyfriend with a vague expression and reached out to touch his cheek gently.


His arms dropped and his heart stopped beating.


Hulk, and Banner in his body, lost their loved ones, and roared with extreme sadness and anger at the same moment.

The next moment, turbulent gamma rays were released from the Hulk's body. The intense rays had even reached the level that could be seen with the naked eye. The terrifying energy burst swept through everything around him, and the entire Hell's Kitchen was trembling!

Hulk's body expanded again. The powerful physical strength and the intense gamma rays released all the time have brought Hulk's power to an unimaginable critical point!

At this moment, Green Death comes.

Things are getting bigger and bigger now.

It was originally just Abomination VS Hulk, a simple plot of The Incredible Hulk 2, but now it's completely derailed.

To be honest, Mu Feng did not play any role in leading the change. He only provided variables, and the final product is the current terrible status quo.

The Hulk, who transformed into the Green Death, went on a killing spree in Hell's Kitchen, far more powerful than when he was in the Avengers.

A building was shattered with one punch, and a road was cracked with one kick. The entire Hell's Kitchen area will be razed to the ground under the ravage of the Green Hulk in a short time.

And presumably by now, the U.S. military has also gotten the news.

Contain the Hulk, the crazy monster, in Hell's Kitchen! This is their first order!

Those bastards planned to use the entire Hell's Kitchen as a sacrifice to solve Hulk's huge problem.

Now, five guided missile destroyers have even entered the range, and the Army's suppression forces are also being transported to Hell's Kitchen on a large scale.

But what will be the result?

Don’t even think about it. If the Hulk can be killed by these hot weapons, he will no longer be the Hulk. On the contrary, if he attacks the Green Hulk at such a critical moment, he is looking for trouble for himself.

In SHIELD's aerospace aircraft carrier, Nick Fury, who hurried here, gave orders to the frontline agents and entered the command room.

"Agent Natasha! Do your best to persuade Dr. Banner to come back! We can't let him continue to wreak havoc like this!"

"Director, I don't think I can talk to him."

Watching Lu Shang from a distance as he demolished the building unscrupulously, Black Widow twitched the corner of her mouth and said helplessly

"try your best!"

Natasha really wanted to kick the black braised egg brother on the other end of the phone who only knew how to talk, and let him try it on his own, how to deal with such a monster?

But having said that, Natasha, who upheld her professional qualities, boldly walked over and said comforting words to the man who was making love.

"Dr. Banner, I know you are still awake, don't run away anymore, come with us..."

Lu Shang ignored her and just continued to destroy the building like the Invincible King of Destruction.

A piece of reinforced concrete penetrated the left side of Natasha's face like a spear. She touched the oozing blood and retracted decisively.

She really couldn't persuade this big monster.

Night Demon didn't run away, but he didn't have the guts to go head-to-head with the monster Green Shang. He is not a weirdo suitable for frontal hard steel. If he fights with Lu Shang, the result will be that he will lose himself in vain.

He chose to take advantage of Lu Shang's attention not being on him, and instead send the surviving people out of Hell's Kitchen.

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