There is nothing impossible about this. Captain America can brainwash you into becoming Captain Hydra, so who are Peter’s parents?

But there is no doubt that Norman always kept this in mind.

The despicable betrayal of Peter and his wife was the beginning of the decline of the Osborne Group, and it was also the reason why he wandered on the edge of life and death for so long.

So when Mu Feng told Norman that his son's good friend Peter Parker was Richard's son, the old Green Goblin almost couldn't help but order an assassination on the spot!

It was also thanks to the false identities Peter and his wife used to infiltrate the Osborne Group, otherwise Peter would have died a hundred times long ago.

Mu Feng brought him good news. There was still a copy of the successful spider serum in the unlucky child.

And the bad news is—

This thing can only be used by people with Peter family blood.

After hearing this, Norman's expression was extremely bad. He sat in a chair and was silent for a moment, then said

"Does that mean I only have one choice from the beginning?"

He looked at the weirdo cells on the table, ate this, turned into a monster, and then stood among those monsters - was this his future?

“You don’t have to choose the best answer to be the correct answer.”

Mufeng knocked on the table, looked at Norman and smiled.

"Maybe you can try to get Peter Parker to hand over his father's relics, or ask Harry to take action."

"If it turns out that he is as unfaithful as his father, then you have only the second option."

After that, he stood up and left, leaving only Norman, staring at the two beating cells in silence, thoughtfully.

There is no need to think about what options Norman will make.

Norman, who is cautious, suspicious and even cold-hearted by nature, would not choose the first option when given a choice. The success rate is less than half, but he will definitely try the third option - and then he will definitely fail.

Given Norman's character, he might have already investigated and even known Peter's identity. At least during the time when Peter was helping Connors, he figured out the character of his son's friend.

An innocent good man, such a simple description can basically sum up Peter Parker.

However, just because he is such a good old man, he is destined not to hand over the spider serum to Osborne. After all, in addition to being Spider-Man, Peter also has the title of a genius biologist. It is logical to use his ability to discover the problem of spider serum.

He would not give the serum sample to Osborn until he solved the problem that the spider serum could only be effective on himself.

But to be honest, the little Green Goblin in The Amazing Spider-Man 2 can be considered Peter’s own creation.

As long as he speaks openly and clearly, or tells Harry straightforwardly why he can't give the blood to him, how can it be that his brother dies and then his girlfriend dies?

Therefore, the Riddler is not worthy.

But then again, could Norman be Harry? The personality differences between them are simply astonishing.

Don't think that Norman is a good person just because he has displayed some loving fatherly images in front of his son in recent years. Norman Osborn's character is an out-and-out villain.

Even if Peter explained the problem of the serum clearly, 99% of the time this guy would do something excessive to ensure that what Peter said was true.

For example, kidnapping Aunt May, kidnapping Gwen, and even more extreme things - this guy can do it, and he can even do it far more than imagined!

But no matter what, the fate of that little spider will usher in a huge point of disagreement here.

He will become the thread that holds Mu Feng's destiny!

In the crowded underground boxing arena, countless men and women who looked glamorous on the surface were waving money here. These gentlemen and ladies took off their civilized disguises and waved the tickets in their hands like madmen.

What they were watching was a duel in an iron cage. The electric cage covered two deformed and twisted wolf-level monsters. Stimulated by the temptation of blood and death, they howled and launched an attack on their own kind. .

Tearing flesh and blood, biting throats, the battle between monsters is far more exciting than the fight between humans. After all, apart from teeth and claws, they have too many things to fight with.

"Tony Stark, huh, has a self-righteous clown."

Kingpin sneered and shattered the report about Iron Man in his hand. His huge size and posture did not change even if he became a weirdo, because he also liked such a menacing appearance.

"Night Stalker and Iron Fist have been kicked out of Hell's Kitchen."

Kingpin's new deputy, Sitwell, duly handed over new documents.

"Hell's Kitchen is now completely under your control, but Stark has taken an interest in you and the criminal state you control..."

"As Iron Man he was a clown, but as Tony Stark he was a huge pain in the ass."

Jin Bin crossed his fingers and narrowed his eyes slightly.

King doesn't care about superheroes. He always looks down on those masked vigilantes and tight-fitting clowns, but he can't help but care about Stark, because he is the player who advocates the power game in this country.

Villains like him can kill police officers and violate the law at will, but they still have to pay taxes to the US government. But Stark is different. He made the rules, and he only has to pay taxes because he wants to.

Although he has extremely powerful power relying on the favor of the weirdo cells, Kingpin is still running his own empire.

He realizes the power and importance of personal strength, but he will not give up the idea of ​​building a collective of his own.

It would be better to say that this idea became clearer after he gained power. A joint organization of bad guys connected him with those illegal fanatics in order to protect each other.

Not only must we achieve this unified alliance in politics, military, and economics, but we must also achieve absolute superiority in fists!

"Let's wait and see what happens. If Stark insists on intervening in things here, give him a warning first. If he insists on life and death..."

A cold light appeared in Jin Bing's eyes

Killing Stark would cause a lot of trouble, but there would also be many people who wanted Stark dead.

In power struggles, there is no saying that doing one thing will offend everyone. Whatever you gain, you will definitely lose something, and whoever you offend will also please another group of people.

"Also, in recent times there have been people who have wished to be protected by us."

Sitwell handed over another list.

"They are all targeted by the Night Stalker, hoping to gain the protection of Hell's Kitchen through trade."

Kingpin took a brief look, picked out some of the guys who didn't look so 'excessive', and then threw the rest into the wastebasket.

"Keep these and drive the rest out!"

Kingpin is not afraid of the Night Stalker. The clown who only dares to appear as a bat at night will only end up being torn to pieces, but that does not mean that he will provoke the Night Stalker casually for these trashes.

After all, if the Night Stalker insisted on wreaking havoc, Kingpin would also feel very uncomfortable. Night Stalker's willingness to leave Hell's Kitchen was also a compromise, and Jin did not need to take the initiative to break this relationship.

"Okay, one last thing." Sitwell said softly.

"Baron Strucker hopes to obtain more experimental samples from you, but the yield of our weirdo cells... is somewhat too low, and the quality is not good."

"It's his problem that he can't find a suitable body." Jin Bin said coldly.

"Cultivation of weirdo cells requires a powerful weirdo as a mother body to produce weirdo cells. The more powerful the weirdo produces, the better the cells. But look at the trash he found! And these things from Hell's Kitchen, which one is considered a qualified body? ? There are only a few who can survive without their sanity being swallowed up!"

"Don't talk to me about cell supply if you don't increase the body supply! I promised to be your 'leader', but that doesn't mean that I will really work hard for your Hydra!"

Yes, he, Wilson Fisk, is already a 'head' of Hydra.

As proof of their importance to his strength and power, Alexander and Baron Strucker gave Kingpin the leadership position that belonged to Baron Zemo.

Anyway, the Baron Zemo family of Sokovia has declined with the disappearance of the Red Skull. Now the only remaining Helmut Zemo is even eager to break away from Hydra.

The ultimate goal of Hydra is to rule the world. No matter which leader has this goal, it's just a different way of doing things.

Such an organization is very attractive to the merger, and this is why Hell's Kitchen can so easily break away from the relationship targeted by S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's just that their tentacles in the business world are still a little bit different after all. Although Jinpin knows who gave him all this power, he doesn't dare to contact the other party casually.

"I know." Sitwell said nonchalantly.

"Hail Hydra!"

26. The idiot prince’s political show

"Nick Fury, His Majesty asked me to warn you!"

Just when Nick Fury was about to transfer the money he had just embezzled to the secret account of his Nth construction team, a portal opened in front of him, and a dark head emerged.

Good literacy made the King of Secret Agents pull out the gun without pulling the trigger. Pulling it out proved that he was really well-educated, and not putting his finger on the trigger proved that he was very smart.

Using hot weapons on this group of mages is definitely a recipe for death.

"Fuck, can't you mystics just open the door and come in?"

Nick Fury complained and sat down, but he had installed a non-slip armrest on his chair since last time to prevent himself from falling to the ceiling again.

Baron Mordo's attitude is cold and rigid. His attitude is as stodgy as his face.

"I'm just here to convey His Majesty's message, Nick Fury, you and your SHIELD must not harm the man you captured!"

"Captured man? You mean..."

Nick Fury was stunned for a moment, but with his good memory, he quickly remembered what happened not long ago.

A man who calls himself Thor, with strength and physical abilities far greater than that of an agent and even a super-soldier, wants to pull out the hammer that fell in Arizona. But even so, after he couldn't pull out the hammer, he just let them arrest him as if he was autistic.

Considering the other party's self-declaration, Nick Fury did not send him to the laboratory for autopsy immediately. Although it is very mysterious, Nick Fury must consider everything carefully.

But now it seems that this may be true?

"He is Thor Odinson, the future prince of Asgard." Baron Mordo said calmly.

"Wait, let me digest it, the name of an alien planet?"

Mordo had no intention of talking nonsense with Nick Fury. He raised his hand and knocked out Nick Fury's consciousness with an out-of-body shot and astral travel.

The unlucky King of Agents is once again howling while swimming in the sea of ​​stars.

As if he had known better, Baron Mordo took out a glass of whiskey from where Nick Fury kept his wine and poured himself a glass, his eyes twinkling slightly.

The Venerable has disappeared, and he is the only one who knows about it.

After the Venerable informed them some time ago that he wanted to solve a problem in person, the whereabouts of the Venerable have been unknown.

Modu didn't know where the Venerable went. Maybe she discovered some problem and solved it herself, or maybe she encountered some crisis...

But neither one of them was something he could consider.

The difference in power level of Kama Taj is really too big. This difference is mainly reflected in the difference between the Supreme Mage and other mages.

No supreme mage of any generation can have such a huge difference from his colleagues like the Ancient One. Even Agamotto does not have such a huge gap with his colleagues. After all, the Ancient One is the only one in history who clearly owes many dimensional demons. He is a tyrannical person who doesn't even talk about his debts, but beats people up when he comes to collect debts.

The other Supreme Mage's immediate bosses are all the Trinity Weishan Emperor, but Gu Yi's immediate boss is...

It can be said that the problems that Gu Yi could not solve were in vain for other mages. Therefore, although Modu was worried about Gu Yi, he did not take any action or method.

It would be better to complete the questions given by His Holiness and then wait for His Holiness to return.

The biggest problem in recent times, apart from the increasingly restless dark dimension, is Asgard's king selection.

That idiot prince Thor is about to ascend the throne, and the father of the gods is about to expire, and such a big change in power will inevitably lead to great chaos.

The Lord did not intend to interfere in Asgard's internal affairs, and she also ordered all mystics not to interfere in Asgard's internal political struggles. Even if the two crown princes are about to die on earth, they are not allowed to interfere.

After all, the Venerable still needs Asgard to use its own power to suppress other restless areas in the Nine Realms, and the Venerable knows too well that for existences at Odin and her level, death is just an ambiguous adjective.

If you really want to take advantage of Asgard's decline to escape, Odin might suddenly pop out from somewhere and give you a shot!

Having dealt with Odin for thousands of years, Ancient One knew very well how serious the father of the gods was.

Before leaving, Ancient Yi asked Modu that if she could not come back for the time being, he would be responsible for the education of the idiot prince of Asgard, the producer. But supervision, don’t get involved.

In short, as long as they ensure that Thor does not die in the hands of the earthlings, as for whether he will die in the hands of the Asgardians, that is their problem.

When Nick Fury returned to his body in shock, Mordo had just finished a glass of whiskey.

"Mazefak! Do you have to do this? Can't you just talk properly!"

Nick Fury cursed and took his drink and drank it. Mordo gave him a cold look and said indifferently.

"With your self-righteousness, if you don't see the situation with your own eyes, you will not learn to respect it."

Nick Fury casually wiped the wine stains from the corner of his mouth. He didn't refute anything. Paranoia and the natural arrogance brought about by relying on the United States were indeed their problems from top to bottom.

But Nick Fury still doesn't have these bad habits. Having met the Kree, he knows that in this universe, the United States is nothing.

"So this time it's the prince of Asgard who comes to be tested?"

"You can understand it that way." Morton said coldly.

"Thor Odinson is the heir chosen by the Father of the Gods and the destined future crown prince of Asgard. If something happens to him here, Asgard and Earth will go to war!"

"Shet! He obviously threw his son directly into other people's land!" Nick Fury cursed

"Midgard is Asgard's territory, even in name only. Odin will only inform His Holiness, not your so-called president," Mordo said calmly.

Even without any expression, Nick Fury could read deep contempt and superiority from Mordo's face.

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