Not only is he astonishingly weak, but his thinking is also astonishingly small.

This weakness, like flesh and blood, gave Sataras the ability to easily invade and control it, and only after getting deeper into it did Sataras discover some interesting secrets...

"He is not a natural cosmic god."

Sataras whispered in Lazy's ear with a lazy voice.

"He is just an experiment, a defective product created by imitating the God of the Universe, using part of the flesh and blood of the God of the Universe, and then combining it with the thinking of a mortal."

"It's really interesting. Did the person who created him want to create a clown to make himself happy? Why would he use such a great body to match such a weak soul?"

"Maybe, we can't guess the thoughts of this big man in the universe." Lazy said calmly.

"I'm more looking forward to what you're planning than this, Sataras - what exactly do you want to do?"

"Do what I should do." Sataras licked his tongue charmingly


After hearing Ego's words, Star-Lord froze on the spot, and then looked at Ego in disbelief.

"I know this is bad, but it is also necessary. For my dream, my water lily must disappear." Egg said lightly

He loved that woman, but after killing her, there was nothing to look back on except memory. He will never regret it, because even if it is a defective product, he still has a part of the pride of a higher being.

"I am going to kill you!!!!"

Star-Lord roared angrily, and actually broke free from his restraints in an instant, rushed over, grabbed Ego's neck, and flew out.

"You killed my mother, bastard! I'm going to cut you into pieces!!!"

"That's your weakness, Quill, you're too human."

Egg sighed.

Star-Lord took off the elemental gun from his waist without hesitation, and the roaring gunfire bombarded a man's body, penetrating and tearing his fictional body!

However, the body that was blasted out and constructed of pure energy like starlight could easily recover as before no matter what kind of damage it suffered.

After all, this is just a simulacrum, an illusory puppet.

"It's a pity that Yondu has hidden you for too long. If I could have brought you back earlier, maybe you wouldn't have become like this. doesn't matter."

Star-Lord's angry struggles and roars were meaninglessly restrained by Ego, and the energy tentacles extending from the broken earth penetrated his body!

Star-Lord was forced to kneel on the ground. A pain and hallucinations that penetrated the bone marrow continued to spread. He screamed in pain, but never forgot to look at his father with hatred.

Egg looked at Star-Lord and said calmly

"You don't have to look at me like this. It was only at the end of my life that I realized how pathetic I was for having such a small relationship. I subverted the original intention and purpose of my birth, but I still have you, Quill."

"You will inherit my legacy and my dream - to expand the entire universe and make this sea of ​​stars more orderly."

Egg's body suddenly collapsed, and the illusion of the created biological form collapsed into countless basic particles.

Instead, there is a trembling planet!

From the original core, the planet created by absorbing countless elements is trembling! This is Egg's true body, a living planet, a remnant god made from the fragments of the god's corpse!

But soon, even this planet began to collapse.

The maintained environmental system created by imitating the planet suddenly collapsed, and the huge planet began to 'break out of the ground'! ! !

In the cracked planet, a huge figure that cannot be seen in its entirety with shallow vision appears from the universe!

It is an energy body shaped by the gathering of infinite starlight. Broken planets are draped on his body like armor, skin, and flesh. Every move is a scene of broken stars. Rather than saying that he is a planet, it is better to say that he has absorbed a The material of this planet serves as his 'palace'.

This is the Cosmic God Group, the gods of the stars who are as ancient as the Titans of the Azeroth universe and even more terrifying.

The majesty displayed by Egg was enough to break the spirit of weak mortal beings. However, in this way, he was just a defective member of this great race.

"I have seen the stars swallowed by the infinite black abyss, and I have also seen the constellations burned out in the blazing fire. Under this vast vision, only the stupidity of mortals remains unchanged!"

"Thousands of races are born and extinct in front of me, repeating the sad reincarnation of mortal things. Who do you think you are?"

Egg's voice became extremely vast. It was not a sound transmitted through simple air vibrations, but a shattering sound that reached directly into everyone's heart and even soul.

"Asshole...damn, son of a bitch!!!"

When his teammates were almost knocked unconscious by the voice of Ego's soul, Star-Lord still clenched his teeth and refused to let go.

"Your mission does not end there, Quill! Being restricted by the emotions of this miserable mortal will only make your greatness and uniqueness cheap and ridiculous. Join me and recognize the great mission you have shouldered!"

Egg looked at Quill solemnly and slowly stretched out his hand to him.

"I will never give in to you..." Quill gritted his teeth

"Really?" Egg's voice suddenly became softer, and the great figure, shaped like the shape of infinite starlight, also began to change.

"It's useless to talk more, Quill. Only broken bones can make you understand the grandeur of the universe and your great mission."

A deep purple-black color is spreading.

"Then you will see the deepest horror of the stars, under this irreversible destruction and plague... the Mad Titan."

"You will see a fallen, crazy, and dead god."

The stars began to die from this moment, and the sky and the present screamed.

104. Star-Lord is dead, but the gods live forever

The Cosmic Celestials and Titans are very similar in every sense.

They are all beings in the form of pure energy bodies. Titans are arcane entities condensed from the souls of powerful planets, while Cosmic Gods are positive energy entities born from the great energy floating in the universe since the birth of the universe.

Yes, even though these cosmic gods are keen on experiments everywhere and act as judges to judge the death of hundreds of billions of lives, they are still the embodiment of the "positive energy" in the universe.

They represent 'existence', because they are the existences that symbolize the 'eternity' of these countless out-of-control connectors, imitating a greater existence.

The secret energy of the universe, the laws of physics, or all the energy carriers that keep the existence of the universe running, are the foundation for the existence of the gods of the universe.

Just like the 'arcana' represented by the Titan entity, which symbolizes the order and essential meaning of existence, they are all symbols of the entity universe.

But the factors that led to the fall of such a great being were almost exactly the same.

That's the exact opposite energy.

The chaotic energy of increasing entropy symbolizes the nothingness and darkness at the end of the universe that is destined to perish. It is the unstoppable natural enemy of these cosmic gods.

The cosmic god Zagreb, who once fell to the earth and fell, was driven crazy alive by the terrifying vision formed by the infinite chaotic source of power reversed from the dead corpses of his compatriots, and then turned into a terrifying... The Dark Gods Group.

The Dark Gods Group is far more terrifying than the Cosmic Gods Group, because the Cosmic Gods symbolize the existence of the universe no matter what, while the Dark Gods Group is proof of the heat death void.

No, Zagreb's transformation was not a complete transformation, because he was destroyed and sealed before he could degenerate into that terrifying existence. But even so, his terror also frightened those ancient beings.

And Egg is now changing in this direction.

Like Egg made of dazzling starlight, his huge body suddenly turned into darkness, and the endless purple-black light was like a bottomless black hole, swallowing up all the light and hope around him.

"The Void Titan combines the origin of heat death and the origin of material existence, a perfect creation!!!"

Sataras cheered happily, her thoughts and existence were rooted in Igo's body, and even merged with him perfectly.

She was a part of Egg, a part that couldn't be separated.

She completed the responsibilities that she had never completed in Azeroth, and accomplished the great deeds that the four useless ancient gods could not do!

The body of Sataras is the fifth ancient god dropped by the void into Azeroth. It is a weapon that carries the flesh-and-blood curse of the void and is used to infect the souls of the stars.

But this does not mean that the essential change of the void is to turn steel into flesh, or that adding some tentacles and eyes is the so-called symbol of the void.

In fact, the flesh-curse erosion of the Ancient God is essentially a gentle transformation of the star titans by the void.

The curse of flesh and blood is actually a special power created by the combination of shadow and the power of life. The power of chaotic and disordered entropy is combined with life, and the extremely chaotic life form that is born is the creation of the curse of flesh and blood.

The essence of the void does not have any messy tentacles or eyeballs. The void is the void, the darkness before all things are born, and the end where all things will eventually reach.

Satalas, whose body was devoured, returned to her essential posture in the void, and it was precisely because of this that she was able to invade Egg's body with such essential void power.

Every universe has a void, but for Sataras, the void of this world does not include the void kings who observe countless endings.

Because of this, Sataras felt extremely happy.

If possible, why can't she covet the supreme throne of the void? If given the chance, why couldn't she challenge the incarnation of the source of all things?

Therefore, Sataras kicked away Mu Feng as his collaborator without hesitation, and chose to charge towards the supreme throne by himself.

"We will eat everything to the ends of the stars!!!"

Sataras Huanxu's voice emanated from Yi Ge's mind, and the power of the dark void extended to the star sea in all directions, and everything that was touched by the darkness of the void was dragged into the darkness of absolute heat death. middle!

Seeing this scene at close range, which is no less than the most terrifying scene in the universe, the Guardians of the Galaxy and the others fell into endless madness.

Their fragile mortal minds cannot comprehend this terrifying truth. The darkness in the void after all things are destroyed is far more frightening than any indescribable knowledge!

Among them, the only one who didn't fall into madness was Star-Lord.

He is the bloodline of Ego, with the blood of the Celestials flowing in his body. He is the descendant of the great ancient god, a unique miracle in the universe.

Only he can maintain a semblance of sanity amidst such madness.

"You have no choice."

Lazy appeared next to Star-Lord, stood next to Star-Lord who was kneeling on the ground, and said lightly

"Your humanity is so insignificant. Compared with these stars and all things, your love and memory are insignificant. When you really know the grandeur of the universe, can you still say that you put love above everything else?"

"You want me to sacrifice for him, to sacrifice myself for the devil who killed my mother?" Star-Lord growled in pain.

"No, not for him."

Lazy squatted down, untied Star-Lord, and said calmly

"It's for yourself and the entire universe. I don't want to kidnap you morally, but Quill, you are a unique and special product in the universe. In fact, you are far more successful than your father."

Although Star-Lord is always ridiculed as being comparable to mortals in the body of a god, his background and abilities are indeed unmatched by everyone else in the Avengers combined.

The unique descendant of the gods, and the essence that is powerful enough to contain the power of the stars in a mortal body.

Compared to Ego, a fake created by piecing together pieces of the Celestial Corps' corpse, there is no doubt that Star-Lord is a more successful and mature product.

The incomplete finished product of Egg will still be influenced by seven emotions and six desires. The most important thing is that it even retains a weakness in the material world.

But if Star-Lord swallows Ego's power, then he may become a complete group of cosmic gods.

Of course, this cycle may be very long, or it may only take a blink of an eye, but this perfect container does have the possibility of being perfect!

"You don't have many options left, Quill."

Lazy looked at the fallen god who had incarnated the essence of original darkness, and said calmly to Star-Lord

"You can give up and do nothing, but you and your friends will merge into the darkness of silence. You can try to seize your father's power. If you fail, the result will not change, but if you succeed, you can be saved. friends."

"Of course, I don't know if you will still maintain this mortal mindset and concerns at that time..."

"You are always like this, never giving me a chance to choose from the beginning."

Star-Lord stood up with a sneer, stared at Sloth, pointed at the crazy Gamora and the others and said

"Cure them and get them out of here! I don't care what you want, but I want your sacrifice!"

"As you wish." Sloth smiled and snapped his fingers, and saw Fury walking from Vormir holding the Cosmic Cube, and easily pulled Gamora and his party out of this dark realm of collapsed heat death.

The space gem is so unreasonable. After all, this is not a question of strength, but a question of authority.

"So, what do I do?"

Seeing his friend leave this dangerous and frightening dark place, Star-Lord seemed to take a breath and asked in a low voice.

"Go and enter your father's body." Lazy pointed at the dark void and said with a smile.

"Your destiny will be revealed there. Whether you succeed or fail, there will be a successful ending."

"I hate people like you who don't speak human words." Star-Lord closed his eyes and felt the power drawn from Ego.

In an instant, the power of the original darkness poured into his body. It was endless, pure and incomparable source of void power!

"If the group of void believers in Azeroth see it, they will definitely be jealous to death."

Furiously looking at Star-Lord at this moment, the evil eyes of the fallen incarnation allowed him to easily spy on the essence of the void power pouring into Star-Lord's body.

It has not been contaminated or added in any way. It comes directly from the void and extracts the great power from the source of infinite darkness.

Star-Lord couldn't make any sound. The moment he chose to accept this void source power, he no longer had the concept of 'pain'.

Everything about Peter Quill as a human being, including his soul, consciousness, memory, and personality, is rapidly dissolving.

How much information can be gathered in a life of only more than 20 years? Compared with the message represented by this heat-dead and eternally dark void, it is so insignificant...

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