"You like to use your head every time you tell half the truth. Even if it's another person like you, you still can't change this bad habit!"

"Okay." Loki smiled and shrugged.

"Actually, I have another purpose here, because apart from me, there is a dangerous guy who came to this world on his own initiative. I don't know what big news he wants to make, but to be honest, I don't have the ability to stop him now. "

"I'm going to wait and see, sit here and watch everything develop. So I won't get involved in anything you do, um...except for one thing."

As if he thought of something, Loki raised his hand and suddenly threw a girl out.

It was a beautiful girl with a delicate face and long wavy light golden hair that was slightly curly. She wore a long black leather cloak and a golden headdress with a short horn missing, which highlighted her slim figure, slender waist, and slender legs. She was a dangerous beauty.

However, no matter how beautiful he was, Thor couldn't arouse any interest.

Because as soon as he saw this girl, Thor felt a strange sense of familiarity and a strange feeling of being fucked!

"Sylvie, you can call her that, at least that's how she named herself." Loki shrugged.

"You murderer!!!"

As soon as Sylvie came out, she roared and wanted to stab Loki, but before she could stab Loki, she was hung up and tied up tightly.

"This universe of yours is really strange." Loki touched his chin and said with some distress.

"Sylvie... I remember that it was just a joke that I made over there. How come it turned into the female version of me in this universe?"

"Obviously I remember that the woman I pretended to be was much prettier and sexier than a yellow-haired girl like you - oh, I'm sorry, I remembered wrong. Did I steal Sif's reincarnated body at that time?"

"Wait a minute, what did you say?" Thor's voice suddenly rose an octave, and he seemed to have a strange sense of excitement.

"It's just like the literal meaning." Loki showed a malicious smile and pointed at Sylvie.

"She is me in other world lines in this independent universe."

Thor's eyes almost popped out of his head, while Sif's face turned dark and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"How is this possible? This..."

"When you were six years old, you were fooled by me into wearing the Valkyrie's armor. You even rode a mule to Odin and asked him if you could be a Valkyrie."

Sylvie sneered and started talking about Thor's embarrassments back then.

"And when you were eight years old, I turned into a snake to tease you, but ended up stabbing you and you went to complain to Frigga in tears."

"And when you were ten years old, you took Sif to the door of the women's bathroom and wanted to recruit people to rebuild Valkyrie..."

“Enough, enough, enough, enough!!!!”

Thor quickly stopped Sylvie's revelation, and then looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you really—my sister? Although I have always wanted an obedient sister, but—"

"Who is your sister!" Sylvie interrupted him unceremoniously.

"I don't know you, and I also recognize that one-eyed dragon as my father! Also, instead of paying attention to me, you should pay attention to the bastard next to you!"

"He killed more than thirty of your 'brothers'!"

Under Thor's extended gaze, Loki nodded slightly and confessed to what he had done.

"Yes, I did kill 'me' thirty-four times."

As the Crown Prince of Asgard, Thor, who has received a complete education, is certainly aware of the concept of parallel worlds.

Even though this guy slept during 80% of the class, it wasn't difficult to understand the concept.

But understanding is understanding, just like Thor spent most of his life growing up in the military camp, he is not without a brain, he is just too lazy to use it.

But with such... nonsense happening in front of him, Thor still felt a huge sense of absurdity and unreality.

Suddenly, he got a younger sister, and then his new brother killed his other thirty brothers?

"Why did you do this?" Thor asked loudly

"Because they are all homeless phantoms." Loki said calmly.

"That self-righteous idiot whose brain was kicked by a donkey captured me from more than thirty parallel worlds and threw them into a garbage dump. The world lines of those captured by him have all closed themselves, and they are locked up there. , sadly spent countless years, sadly 'living' in the endless waste."

"They are homeless, and their world line has become an insignificant drop in the long river of annihilation. They don't even have the ability to get out. In this case, I am happy to give them relief - after all, looking at them, I will too I feel unhappy.”

"You obviously just want to seize their power!" Sylvie said excitedly

"I don't deny your statement." Loki looked at Sylvie sideways and shrugged.

"Coming to this universe has done a lot of harm to me. The little power I have left as the God of Stories is running out. If I still want to keep it, I have to collect the power of the Ancient Gods that are similar to mine. Blood."

"Then what could be more suitable than my own blood? Of course, a bunch of pathetic 'me's are the most suitable."

Loki's words were understated, but they contained an unparalleled smell of blood.

"I gave them relief, but in turn, I also took away power that they would never be able to use."

Even Sif and Hogan were frightened now. They did hate Loki, but the Loki they hated was nothing compared to the Loki in front of them!

Who can say in such an understatement that he killed thirty-four of himself, just for a little power?

"Don't look at me like that, Thor." Loki looked at the angry Thor and smiled.

"Sooner or later you will get used to this. That idiot's fake administration was dismantled by me, so it won't be long before you can see yourself in the parallel world."

"For our world, it is commonplace to fight with another group of selves in the multiverse all day long. If you are here, fighting with yourself in the parallel world will not be much different - believe me, You'll get used to it sooner or later."

Loki closed the book gently and gently stroked his face with his palms.

His body and everything seemed to have been erased by an eraser, slowly disappearing into nothingness.

"That's it, Thor. I'll leave this girl to you. I hope we can meet again one day."


As soon as Thor stretched out his hand, there was nothing in front of him. Thor was stunned for a while, then looked at Sylvie who was tied up, and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Well... do you want to go back together... sister?"

Good news, His Royal Highness Crown Prince Thor has returned safely from the expedition to Jotunheim!

Bad news, His Highness Thor has brought news that the winter of Fimbul is definitely coming.

Good news, His Highness Thor already knows the cause of Finbul Winter!

Bad news, there's no way they can solve this problem.

This is the huge problem facing the upper echelons of Asgard.

Yes, they knew about the Winter of Finbul, knew that Ragnarok was coming, and even knew the root of all these problems.

But... they couldn't stop it at all.

The cause of the Finbul Winter is Ymir who merged into the World Tree. They can't cut down the World Tree to prevent the Finbul Winter, right?

The cause of the current turmoil in the nine kingdoms is Nidhogg, the poisonous dragon that eats the roots of the world tree, but who are you looking for to chop him down?

This is not a question of whether to cut or not, but a question of not knowing where they are!

Where are the roots of the World Tree? This question is a mystery to most Asgardians.

They know the World Tree, recognize the World Tree, and even worship the World Tree. However, no one of them has ever truly seen the World Tree.

That thing itself can be said to be a symbol of illusion, a very special demon from another dimension, a thing that may or may not have a real body in the material universe. Perhaps only Odin, who has discovered the essence, knows about Ukot Where does Rahil exist?

So at this time, the Asgardians miss their omniscient father of the gods.

Odin may be a very cunning and ruthless king, but at least he is the biggest backing and shield for all Asgardians. With him here, all problems are just a matter of time.

He can always handle these incredible problems, unlike now where Thor knows the problems but can't solve them.

So for Thor, he has one more non-stop task.

"I want to go to Earth to find my father!"

Thor firmly told Frigga that in his eyes, only his omnipotent father could solve these problems.

"Thor, you just want to escape the complicated paperwork, right?"

Frigga glanced at the pile of documents behind her and smiled half-heartedly at her son.

"I, this..." Thor looked embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, if you are not good at dealing with this issue, just leave it alone for now. You can learn slowly, but there is no second time for some things."

Frigga smiled and touched the face of the girl next to her, saying with love and affection on her face

"Don't you think so, Loki?"

"My name is Sylvie, not Loki!"

The stubborn Sylvie retorted dissatisfiedly, but judging from her cat-like attitude, she obviously did not object to Frigga's intimacy.

The Queen of Heaven possesses such magical power, it seems that in front of him, even the most cruel and violent warriors will become extremely peaceful and obedient.

"You can actually be crowned Princess of Asgard. I've always wanted to see the vacant female crown in my father's collection..."

"Shut up, Thor!"

The scolding from his sister made the next generation Asgard God-King shut up without hesitation.

Just like Thor said, Sylvie's arrival made him see something different all of a sudden. Think about it, compared to a arrogant, hard-spoken, soft-hearted, cute sister, or a lying, bad brother who always disgusts her, which one is more likable?

Loki? What Loki? My Thor Odinson's only sister is Sylvie Odinson!

"But Thor, Asgard still cannot do without you. You can leave these paperwork to me, but you are still needed elsewhere."

"...What happened again?" Thor's expression immediately became solemn.

"The dwarves of Wat Alheim ask for Asgard's assistance." Frigga said softly.

“Those demonic legions calling themselves the Burning Legion fought with the fleet of the Dark Order led by General Deathblade under Thanos next to their star domain. Although they did not invade the space domain of Watt Alheim, we must ensure that it is safe and sound. "

For Asgard, their two real and closest allies in the Nine Realms are Vanaheim and Watt Alheim.

The former is almost an extension of Asgard, while the latter is equivalent to Asgard's arsenal.

The dwarves of Watt Alheim possess the strongest forging technology in the nine worlds. Their forging research on Uru metal combined with Asgard's rune technology is the reason why countless artifacts were forged.

Thor's Thor's hammer, Odin's Gungnir, Hela's Sword of the Night Sky, Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet, these weapons are all derived from the powerful forging technology of the dwarves.

Even more than that, the main structure of the Bifrost is derived from the technology of the dwarves - those dwarves who turned their planet into a huge forge, using the power of the guiding star to forge their weapons.

Although Asgard has not asked the dwarves to build artifacts for a long time during these thousand years of peace, their importance is still self-evident.

The Asgardians will never allow the fall of Watt Alhelm, and their protection level for the Dwarf Kingdom is also the best among the Nine Realms!

In fact, if Asgard hadn't been bombed in Thor III, Thanos' troops would have been directly shot up by the Bifrost as soon as they arrived at Watt Alheim.

"You have to carry a hammer to protect those dwarves who are not short at all." Sylvie smiled happily.

"Thor, take the berserker army to Vanaheim. The fleet left by Asgard is ready." Frigga said softly.

Asgard also has their own voyage fleet, but those huge rune battleships are not stored in Asgard.

The reason is very simple - Asgard is too small.

Although it is the crown of the Nine Realms, Asgard is the smallest among the Nine Realms. This is normal. After all, the other eight kingdoms are all normally derived planets, but Asgard is a flat world forcibly created by the gods with their power.

"No one can violate the majesty of Asgard!"

Thor punched his chest hard with his fist and said seriously

"As for you, Sylvie. Wait a little longer and stay with me for a few days." Frigga stroked Sylvie's cheek and smiled softly.

"When poor Loki is healed, let him go to Earth with you to find your father."

"Odin is not my father!"

Sylvie angrily resisted. Of course, it was meaningless.

155.Brother’s Eyes

Tony Stark is undoubtedly a disgusting guy.

No matter whether it was in the early or later stages, or when he had a daughter or not, he always behaved like that.

Anyway, it’s hard to find three people in the entire MCU who don’t want to give Tony a hard time.

His detestable character is largely due to the fact that he is an extremely confident person.

He has a thousand percent trust in his abilities and what he can do, and he has the bad habit of saying, "I am the best in the world, and everyone else is a loser."

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