Arrogance narrowed his eyes slightly.

He seemed to have come to a new guess and conclusion.

They travel to the established future of this universe, which seems to have changed for some reason.

In other words, they were supposed to go to the set of Avengers 4, but now... they seem to have gone 'wrongly'.

Interesting, really interesting.

Arrogant smiled playfully.

There is no need to stay on the earth any longer. If you want to confirm everything you envision, then you have to go to the key point of everything.

Destiny Thanos

202. The beginning of a world’s destruction

"It is your destiny to get the Time Stone and the Mind Stone."

Arrogance looked at the two gems in Thanos's hand and said faintly

"It is also your destiny to obtain all the remaining gems."

"If they come from another universe, why do they still work here?"

Thanos narrowed his eyes and raised the gem. He asked the most critical question, which was also a question that Arrogant himself had not yet understood.

He already had some insights and clues, but he still had to advance the 'plot'.

"I'm here to reveal to you the fate you would have had." Arrogant said lightly, waving his palm lightly.

A vision unfolded before Thanos' eyes.

That was a vision of the future, that was a destiny, the destiny of the Mad Titan that succeeded and then failed.

His future is destined to be entangled in that complicated time loop, and there is no doubt that Thanos will usher in the failure of his destiny at the hands of the Avengers in another world.

"This will be your future destiny."

Thanos lowered his head and was silent for a moment, then said softly


The Mad Titan seems very calm, in fact he is so gentle most of the time.

It was just a bad prophecy and an outsider, not worthy of his fuss.

Maybe that will be your future, but when the future is revealed, it either cannot be changed or it will never come true.

Neither option is worth Thanos' panic.

"I came here just to let you get all the gems." Arrogant said softly.

"This is my destiny and my testimony. I will complete my projects and conjectures. And in the process, you will also complete your dreams."

"Just... tell me, Mad Titan, if the future you see is really the one that must happen, then what is your current dream?"

Thanos didn't answer this time.

Killing half of all lives has always been his behavior and ideal, and this firm will will not change drastically due to any special external factors.

But you must always understand that the essence of Thanos' crazy behavior is for the order of the universe. Killing is just a means, and the longevity of the universe is the foundation.

"...I have my own ideas." Thanos said softly

"That's good." Arrogance chuckled.

"I will quietly watch your destiny!"

"Auroro, open your mind, relax your heart, and feel your power..."

At the top of the majestic Apocalypse Pyramid that stood above the remains of Cairo, Apocalypse looked at the Storm Girl in front of him gently like a loving father and said softly.

"Your power is more than that, you are the God of Weather, the Queen of Storms!"

Ororo closed her eyes tightly, her spirit expanded infinitely under the guidance of Apocalypse, and completed the restraint and shaping of her abilities under the guidance!

Storm's power goes beyond creating storms, of course.

Like most mutants in this world, limited by education, depth of thinking, and special effects issues, Ororo has almost never truly used his abilities.

Although her name is Storm Girl, her ability is to control the weather!

This is their family's 'ancestral' X ability. It seems that their family has a stable chain of X gene mutations.

The special energy released by Ororo's ability allows her to sense and affect weather energy forms. Coupled with a little data coaching, she can easily create any weather.

A butterfly flaps its wings to create a storm. And Ororo only needs a little thought to unleash an unprecedented storm from one end of the planet to the other.

And that's exactly what she's doing now!

Her ability is interfering with the temperature above the clouds. She is trying to create a large amount of cold air to condense the water vapor floating in the atmosphere to condense raindrops!

She changes the friction in the movement of the atmosphere, forming airflow turbulence in the air that develops into low pressure, creating storms and pushing against the clouds, allowing the warm and moist airflow of the storm to combine with the dripping clouds.

She is creating an unprecedented storm!

The coverage is – the whole world! ! !

Of course, even with Ororo's terrifying abilities and the guidance of Apocalypse, it would be difficult to do such a thing.

She needs help from others.

For example, Xiao, who evaporated the entire Mediterranean Sea, guided the impact of clouds, and assisted the White Queen, who helped Ororo's thinking accelerate and deepen!

An entire community of mutants assist Ororo in her work.

And obviously - she did it perfectly!

Create cold air, counter airflow, guide clouds, create heavy rain, and then merge into the earth's natural atmospheric circulation.

The earth itself is the best diffuser. Materials dispersed in the atmosphere will be circulated and spread to every corner of the world at extremely fast speeds.

Along with the thunder in the sky, Apocalypse showed a satisfied smile.

Naturally, this storm will not be just rain.

In the water vapor condensed in the atmosphere, there was a part of the mutant awakening potion that was infused with various elements such as Mystique's genes and perfect blood after Xiao Duo's research.

It is a liquid that cannot be degraded naturally, and the most terrible thing is that even a trivial milligram can pollute the entire lake as long as it drips into the lake!

If you survive, you will gain mutant abilities. If it fails, the X-gene in your body will go berserk instantly, and within a few hours, the blood in your body will be transformed into this deadly awakening substance.

With Ororo's abilities, these liquids are bound to spread across the globe within twenty-four hours.

It is estimated that in no more than forty-eight hours, five billion people around the world will be lucky enough to undergo a large-scale racial awakening.

The fittest survive and the weak retreat!

"On this planet, we will be the only ones!"

Tianqi clenched his right fist towards the moon and said fiercely!

Xiao on the side looked at the proud Tianqi, lowered his head, covered up all his emotions and expressions, and murmured in a voice that only he could hear.

" will only be us."

"Charles, your vague concession to the President of the United States not only does not allow me to see any ideas for realizing your dream, but it makes me feel that we are just like those black people!"

Eric looked at his old friend and scolded him unceremoniously.

He was complaining about Charles's "humbleness" in front of Kennedy. They were obviously the ones who took the initiative, but Charles acted as if he had done something wrong.

"Eric, we have to be more humble." Charles persuaded him earnestly.

"We mutants do not occupy the mainstream in this world. We must show our kindness so that we can integrate into humans."

——But since we are not a species, how can we talk about good intentions?

Eric sighed and buried these words in his heart.

The more he followed Charles, the more helpless and disappointed Eric felt towards human beings.

He didn't see any respect or even thought for mutants in politicians like Kennedy. All he saw was use and malice.

"And isn't the situation getting better and better?" Charles said softly.

"Really? The robot developed by Bolivar and Stryker has almost become our natural enemy!" Eric sneered.

The new sentry robot jointly developed by these two guys, after combining the genetic samples of Darwin and leeches, became another form of mutant killer.

They will independently detect mutant genes and then directly launch a surprise attack. Ordinary mutant attacks are almost impossible to kill them, because after the leech's ability is weakened, they are simply unable to kill a biomechanical monster that possesses part of Darwin's genes and can evolve and degenerate independently.

Only a few have extremely strong mutant abilities, such as Eric. Or, like Beast and Wolverine, mutants with direct physical abilities are more effective against these sentinel robots.

"Dum's invasions have been crushed by us time and time again. Although Stryker and Bolivar are not popular, they..."

"There are also those guys of unknown origin." Eric interrupted Charles and frowned.

"You don't want to read their consciousness, but where do they come from? I still don't think they are trustworthy!"

Of course Eric was talking about the group of reincarnators.

During this period of time, Doom would go to a city to open a portal whenever he had nothing to do. In just one month, he successfully reduced the population of the United States by one-fifth.

But this was actually already the case when Charles and the others tried their best to stop it.

If they hadn't taken action to contain Doom, if it hadn't been for the humanoid reincarnations sealing the dimensional gates everywhere, that's not the only number of people who would have died.

However, the death of one-fifth of the population is still a shocking thing for a country!

U.S. officials have already been pressured to launch nuclear bombs at DOOM.

Whether it is the future or the past, especially in this era, humans always have a blind worship and trust in nuclear weapons.

They seem to think that as long as a nuclear bomb is dropped, there is no one that cannot be killed, no thing that cannot be killed, and no thing that cannot be destroyed.

In short, when it comes to nuclear bombs, they have to reach hundreds of millions of degrees in the center, as if the instantaneous temperature is strong enough to destroy the earth.

It's a pity that the nuclear bomb didn't hurt Doom at all.

Even when he was at his most depressed, God Lord Doum would not be reduced to a level where he could not deal with nuclear weapons.

Doom threw the nuclear bomb easily. The nuclear bomb successfully detonated in the Rocky Mountains, and the chain reaction almost destroyed Yellowstone Park.

The U.S. military, which has fully realized that it is just a herd of cattle and horses, no longer has any thoughts.

Their army that swept across the world was nothing more than a tangled group of ants in Doom's eyes.

But the only thing that can make the U.S. military happy is probably their old rival-the Soviet Union's situation is no better than that of the United States.

Even the situation around the world is extremely bad. Under Apocalypse's connivance and wanton destruction, countries around the world that had barely recovered from World War II were once again thrown back into hell.

No, it's worse than that.

East and West Berlin were forcibly implanted with thought stamps by the White Queen and became collective slaves. London was destroyed more completely by the massive earthquake caused by the shock wave than the original bombing by the Germans.

Not to mention Paris. Although the white flag was immediately replaced, Apocalypse still built a larger pyramid in Paris.

Made from all of Paris.

In such a miserable situation all over the world, it highlights that the United States is not so bad.

"It's raining."

Charles looked out the window covered by curtains and said softly

The raindrops fell bit by bit from the dark sky, hitting the ground and stirring up dust. What fell into Charles' ears were more of the voices of his heart beneath the silence of New York.

He has begun to learn to enjoy this kind of sound. At least after experiencing the torture of those mutant consciousness hybrid monsters who died tragically, the voices of ordinary people are really like the sound of nature.

He closed his eyes and listened to the sound, but after a moment, his expression suddenly changed.

"No, Eric, something happened!"

"There's something wrong with this rain!"

203. Reincarnation cannon fodder, mortal extinction

"Okay, the people over at Tianqi have completed the layout."

John, who was closing his eyes to rest in the secret base, suddenly opened his eyes and faced Dou Ni, who was wiping his equipment aside.


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