In that ancient historical story, they exiled the Abyss Familia who claimed to be human beings, but now, they have returned again.

This seems to be a simple cause and effect relationship, but... is it really so?

Where did these Abyss Familia who call themselves humans come from? Why are they contaminated by the source of darkness outside the universe?

There are countless existences in the vast universe who are more qualified to be selected as Abyss Familia than those weak 'human beings' in the past, but this selection is meaningless to the source of darkness.

For that darkness, there is only choice or not, not suitability.

Even the weakest insect will be promoted to the enemy of the universe if it is chosen by the darkness. The core of this question is, where did they come into contact with these sources of darkness?

No one knows the truth, and all possibilities are buried in the abyss of history.

Even the gods are still powerless in the face of the unfathomable fate. The judgment of the strong ones who think they control the fate may be just the result of a throw of fate.

"Perhaps our great enemy has not returned from the void. Over the years, there have been many remaining insect swarms in the universe."

Frigga reassured her husband that there was no need to consider things from a pessimistic perspective.

"Maybe..." Odin said with a gloomy expression.

"But where is the Ancient One? Where is Karma Taj? And most importantly...where is the Time Stone?"

If the bald man was here, Odin's cleansing of New York would not go so smoothly, but Odin would not be the least bit happy about the disappearance of his old rival.

In a sense, Ancient One is better at saving lives and escaping than Odin. If there is no news about her being trapped by something, and it happens suddenly, then it only means that the matter has happened.

The unknown whereabouts of the Time Stone is also a huge problem. If there is any possibility that the Infinity Stone falls into the hands of the Abyss, the damage caused will be inestimable.

not to mention……

"The Space Stone should have ended up in the hands of the Mad Titan."

Odin said in a tone of relief or complexity.

It is not something to be happy about when Thanos, a paranoid madman, gets the gems, but no matter what, it is better than falling into the hands of those representatives of the source of darkness!

"It is said that the Mad Titan has lost his Black Order, but has gained a group of demons who call themselves the Burning Legion."

Frigga said softly

"They claim to have the support of a cosmic god, which is not good news for Asgard."

"...Go to Helheim and contact her."

Odin thought for a long time and finally made a surprising decision

"Free Hela, now Asgard needs her power!"

Odin knew the consequences of releasing his crazy and crazy eldest daughter. If he could not save her, she would be the target of triggering Ragnarok in advance.

But since the situation is already extremely bad, Odin will not worry about it getting worse.

Moreover, he had to take advantage of the time when his health was still good to make arrangements for everything.

As long as he is here, Hela will not be able to make any big waves.

"Even if she wants the throne of Asgard, the worst case scenario is to give it to her... If Thor doesn't have the ability to lead Asgard to the future amid the tide, then I'd rather it be controlled by a tyrant!"

241. The devil is coming, sing

Bruce Banner, who was imprisoned in a prison, looked at the eternal scenery indifferently.

He couldn't remember how long he had been placed here.

In fact, he has already been freed. This prison no longer has any restraints on him. As long as he wants to, he can leave here with just one sentence.

But...does it make any difference if we can't leave this prison?

Isn't that vast world just another form of prison? Returning to the outside world, to a place without iron cages, will he gain true freedom?

Banner exhaled softly. The biggest feeling he felt now was...the blur of self-awareness.

The ragged Banner looked at the unchanging sea of ​​stars in confusion, his pupils dilated, and his disheveled hair looked like a homeless man on the street.

But if you look carefully, you will find that there is an indelible mark of yellow light in Banner's eyes, and the light emitted is almost like an eternal furnace.

Odin, Zeus, and Mu Feng chose Banner as the container to absorb Kull's divine power, and used him as the source and template to create the Yellow Lantern Ring, a cosmic-level majestic power.

But this powerful power was eventually dispersed by him, becoming the seeds of divine power scattered throughout the universe, and creating nearly god-like yellow lantern holders.

But this power is still in the control of those cunning gods.

Banner's actions ensured that his personality was not eliminated in the turbulent wave of divinity, but it brought him more lasting and terrifying changes.

The yellow lantern rings scattered across the universe have created countless yellow lantern holders who can use the power of fear. However, the fear caused by those holders is not only powerful for themselves, but also for Bruce Banner, who is its source. .

Every time the Yellow Lantern's power spreads, his divinity becomes stronger. Every time the Yellow Lantern creates fear, Banner will gain a share of the power of fear.

The efficiency increased by this way of dispersing power is terrifying. With the exponential increase brought about by the spread of the yellow lantern ring from the beginning to now, his divine power has accumulated to a terrifying level!

As long as he gathers this power, his divine power will even exceed the peak of Kull. In a true sense, he will cross the gap of Heavenly Father level, and he will become a god of fear no less than Odin level!

However, the cost of this terrifying increase in power is also huge.

The shaping of divinity, the birth of gods, also means the annihilation of human nature.

Divinity and humanity are not destined to coexist, but humans, especially beings like Banner who have separated their own humanity, cannot maintain themselves under the erosion of this torrent.

The God of Fear will never share an existence with Bruce Banner, divinity and humanity will never coexist, not to mention that there is a huge trouble in Banner's body, the Hulk.

The crazy animality that almost represents anger will only violently conflict with Banner the moment he ascends to godhood, and Banner's fragile consciousness will only be affected and annihilated in this crazy soul fighting.

What if you do nothing?

That's just delaying time. From the actions of those yellow lantern holders who wreaked havoc on the universe and absorbed the power of fear, Banner will inevitably be transported to this wisp of divine power.

As the source of fear, the moment he established this identity, he could not get rid of his identity as the source of fear.

No matter what, what awaits him will not be a good ending.

Bruce Banner's existence will be completely wiped out from this universe!

In a daze, Banner seemed to see a familiar figure.

But he no longer had any thoughts or actions at this moment. He just leaned lazily on the cage and looked at everything dullly, with eyes like a person who had undergone a frontal lobotomy.


Odin looked at the almost crippled Banner, sighed, and said softly

"But don't worry, my promise will definitely come true. Betty has been resurrected. But now, you still have one last thing to do."


Banner was speechless, but the way he looked at Odin expressed his boundless condemnation of this shameless father of the gods.

From a certain perspective, making a deal with the gods is no different from making a deal with the devil. Of course, the great father of the gods and a great tyrant would not have such an expensive thing as shame.

"This is really the last job." Odin said, but he took out a hammer and put it in Banner's hand.

That is a new fear hammer, the last 'gift' that Odin received from his 'brother' who had been drained.

He betrayed and even killed his loved ones, but the father of the gods didn't show any sadness or guilt at all. There is only endless majesty and coldness in his one eye.

He only knew that everything he did was for Asgard, for everything worth fighting for.

He just wanted to take Asgard out of a bad cycle of fate.

No one could understand his grand plan, and he didn't expect anyone to understand him.

They just need to wait quietly, he will choose, he will judge, and he will make all the decisions they need to make!

After placing Banner, Odin returned to his golden palace in the blink of an eye.

The father of the gods returned to his palace, but he was still quiet and slowly walked behind his wife.

"You are finally back."

Frigga looked at her husband behind the mirror and chuckled.

"I have the last three months of my life left." Odin said calmly.

"I don't plan to use the golden apple to continue my life. It's no longer necessary...but there are some things I must do before I die."

Frigga nodded gently, and the Queen looked at her husband with endless tenderness and trust.

She firmly believes that her husband is always right and will make the best decision!

Odin took off his Gangnir and handed it into Frigga's hands.

"I don't need it anymore." Odin looked at his old friend, exhaled softly, and said solemnly

"Use it to complete the final legendary battle on my behalf, my Valkyrie!"

"I haven't worn armor for ten thousand years. I wonder if my equipment is rusty."

Frigga picked up Gangnir and waved it skillfully in her hand. Her capable posture and appearance, her murderous eyes, and her powerful fighting aura made no one doubt her martial arts!

Most people in the Nine Realms know the gentleness and wisdom of Queen Frigga, but few people remember that she was once a goddess of war who wore armor and rode a Pegasus on a horse!

Even the Valkyrie troops were led by Frigga in the beginning!

"I will use it to hunt enough heads!" Frigga tore open her long skirt, as if she was freed from some restraint, and said loudly

"I wish you good luck in martial arts, my goddess of war."

Odin whispered, then turned into a crow, flew out of the Golden Palace, and landed on the huge Glory Square.

"...It seems you have made a decision, father."

Story Loki looked at Odin with complicated eyes. Even if he changed to another universe, the father of the gods would still look like this.

He didn't know whether to hate this man or admire him.

He sacrificed everything for Asgard, himself, his wife, his children, everything he could sacrifice without mercy.

"Have you guessed the script?"

Odin looked at Loki and said in a hoarse voice

"Someone is now sending the future to the past of another universe. And the past of another universe has buried the consequences of reaching the future of this universe."

Loki whispered.

"These two universes have been locked by fate! The outsider is the key to everything. He made the fate happen, but... he also became a part of the fate!"

This is the essence of the power of destiny. There is no ability to transcend it. You have created history and you will become history.

Destiny has decided the past and present, but here's the future - the final endgame has not yet arrived!

The final decisive moment for a contender's victory is there, not now!

Everyone has offered sacrifices to each other, and all choices will point to the future of destruction.

Story Loki exhaled softly, this is a wonderful story, a story worthy of being recorded by him and sent to the real multiverse.

Boom! ! ! !

The sky thundered, and a miserable green halo covered the entire sky.

Heimdall blew the doomsday horn again, and the desolate and shrill horn sound once again resounded throughout Asgard.

In the wild laughter of the deceiver, in the green tribulation fire that covered the sky, the burning expedition sounded, telling the gods——

The coming.

"Hmph, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum, hum..."

In the Well of Distortion above the planet Hala, on top of the Burning Throne burning with the raging fire of entropy, Raging Fury was humming a song easily with a huge antique bronze sword on his back.

In fact, he is currently the one with the slowest progress among all Mu Feng individuals.

Compared with the laziness of transforming into a lamp beast, the arrogance of going to the limit of mechanical ascension and going to another universe to fulfill his destiny, and the main body of hiding his body to strategize, the actions of rage can be said to be extremely lazy.

But anyway, this is his characteristic.

After occupying the incarnation of Sargeras, and through the knowledge of the body of the void titan Ego, who was transformed from the fallen infant god, the rage of this titan's body was constructed, which is actually almost reaching its climax in this universe.

That’s not to say that there aren’t any strong people in this universe who can provide him with continued ‘occupation’

But the problem is, aside from the fact that those strong ones can naturally fight, the causal lines involved in them are also too deep.

Going to the trouble of them is purely thankless.

What's more...Rage has long since transformed from a mere parasite to a stage of self-research and satisfaction in completing the creation of a new body.

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