At best, it's just an intermission in this big drama.

Before this upcoming drama of chaos, stupid and ignorant mortals are still fighting for the right to die early for their ridiculous selves.

This kind of degradation and blooming of human nature is a joyous drama that sloth cannot refuse.

Unlike other clones of Mu Feng, the power and essence of Sloth comes from the changing emotions of life, and he will always treat these emotions with an attitude of appreciating beautiful works of art.

Whether it's fear, anger, madness, or ugliness.

The variability of human emotions is a sweet fruit, a delightful drama, a comic puppet show that sloth cannot refuse.

Lazy stretched his body, and with a playful malice, released a negligible emotional impact on the bewildered Cross.

For a moment, Cross, who did not take any precautions, was immediately attacked.

The feelings of panic and uneasiness that were already felt were immediately stirred up by these slight impacts, and there was resentment and anger towards these unruly people, as well as resentment and unwillingness towards this reality.

Everyone's emotions are actually a pile of powder keg. They will always accumulate in the depths of the soul, accumulating in every daily action until the spark that ignites everything appears.


Cross let out an angry roar, and the raging nova energy burst out in her body, instantly burning the people around her to dryness! ! ! !

Cross felt extremely regretful at the moment of the attack, but what had happened would not change.

Screams and chaos spread among the crowd. The confused Cross looked at the people who were running away and trampling on each other, and silently flew back to his office.

"Tyrant, dictator, murderer..."

The guy who was slapped into the wall by her was still mumbling, but Cross didn't even pay attention to her thoughts.

"For intellectual life, dictatorship and autocracy will always be rejected and despised, and regarded as the existence of backward systems."

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded in Cross's ears, and she turned around suddenly. Standing behind her was a 'person' she was familiar with!

"Good afternoon, ma'am, I wonder if you Shandar have the habit of drinking afternoon tea?"

Trazin sat elegantly in her seat, playing with the small artwork on the table, smiling relaxedly at Cross.

"Oh, it's a joke. We can't drink tea, but I can try some Nuka-Cola."

"……What do you want to do?"

Cross took a step back and looked at the undead overlord who suddenly appeared next to her, alert and full of hostility.

"Don't think of us as enemies, Ms. Cross. In fact, have we ever had any conflict?"

Trazin fiddled with the artwork on the table and said in an elegant voice

"In fact, you Xandar are a lucky country. Our dynasty did not build a sleeping tomb under your planet, so we don't actually have an absolute conflict, right?"

Cross remained silent and did not respond. Trazin's statement was both correct and wrong.

There is indeed no inextricable hatred between the Necron and them, but the problem is that the attitude of the Necron is destined to make them definitely not get any collaborators and friends in life forms.

After all, the way they coexist is terrible! Worse than the Burning Legion!

Of course, the reason why you can't coexist with these terrible skeletons is just because they are the worst friends in the universe, but if you encounter another group that is even worse, it's hard to say.

"Actually, ma'am, I'm here to help you."

Trazin put the small work of art back into its place exactly, crossed his ten metal fingers, and said gently and elegantly.

"We have ample experience dealing with infected planets."

"...It sounds like that was your former enemy again?" Cross raised his eyebrows and narrowed his eyes.

"Is that the darkness you said..."

"No, although they are very close, they are decisively different in nature." Trazin raised his finger and said leisurely

"Those things that corrupt the planet do not come from the source of darkness in the world, but from an extremely bad universe that is extremely close to the source of darkness."

"A cancerous universe."

272. Cancerous Universe

"I don't know if you have ever had this idea. If the universe is compared to a person, then any life is equivalent to cancer cells in this person."

"They devour the host's nutrients, divide themselves infinitely, take away the nutrients needed by other parts, and finally let their owners 'starve to death' alive."

"Are you saying that life is meaningless to the universe?" Cross said expressionlessly.

"You can understand it this way. In fact, for those beings, life is indeed a meaningless and annoying thing." Trazin chuckled.

"But they don't care about all this. Although life is like cancer cells in the universe, even if the tiny cells are gathered together, they are just things that will be killed instantly by white blood cells."

"Yes, there is actually a huge 'white blood cell' in the universe. His existence will ensure that the life of the universe will not cause the universe to die from the plunder of life before the heat death due to abnormal excessive reproduction. There are many of these 'white blood cells'. Some of them will devour material entities, and some will devour conceptual entities. Their existence is called evil or righteous by life, but the meaning of their actual existence is to serve as the universe's White blood cells exist.”

"For example, the ever-hungry Galactus, the dark dimension that plunders magic and life, the ever-righteous Veshandi, for example...their identities are never fixed, and one of the values ​​of their existence is to ensure that life does not over-reproduce. and plundering too much of what should not be plundered.”

"The cancerous universe is a world where all the 'white blood cells' have collectively failed."

Trazin's fingers gently drew an asymmetrical pentagram on the table, with a pattern of eyes drawn in the center, but for some reason it always felt uncomfortable to look at it.

"At first, it may have been just a ritual of a stupid cultist, linked to the projections of existences outside the universe. But I don't know which link caused an accident, which led to the destruction of those things that call themselves 'Old Dominators' and 'Outer Gods' The true body has arrived.”

Trazin said leisurely while sketching some blasphemous runes and pictures.

"At that time, those cosmic 'white blood cells' were unable to take action due to many reasons, which led to these old rulers running rampant, spreading their chaotic essence wantonly, and excessively expanding life that should have reproduced normally..."

"So in that universe, the life you see is not just something that can walk, move, jump, or photosynthesize. The life you see, including rocks, waterfalls, water flows, and even stars, all have their own life."

"Those chaotic old rulers spread their essence and their chaos all over the universe, and the universe that completely fell into disorder and runaway was like a completely rampant cancer. Countless cancer cells gathered together to form individual of malignant tumors.”

"In the end, the universe completely 'died' in the hands of these cancer cells, and the cancerous things that occupied the entire universe also reincarnated forever in endless rebirth and death..."

Speaking of this, Trazin seemed to be sarcastic and smiled at himself.

"That universe is extremely close to the lower level of Source Darkness. It's probably because of this that they fell so quickly and horribly. You see, even the universe and the world itself have distinctions between good and bad~"

"You mean, the one who caused all this was...the Old One?" Cross frowned.

"Of course not! The white blood cells in our universe are functioning very normally." Trazin shook his head and chuckled.

"At least it's quite competent at this stage, so even though there are some specious projections and clones, those chaotic collections cannot come to this universe."

"The one who created everything is an artificial alien god that was artificially catalyzed and manufactured using the most valuable materials in the universe..."

"Do you know the Cosmic God Group?" Trazin asked in a teacher's tone

Looking at Cross who shook his head again, Trazin sighed and said in a rather resentful tone.

"Such ignorance is not something worth promoting. I think every race in your universe must remember their existence! The spreaders of life civilization in the universe are also judges! And in this universe, their nature has become more Oops!"

"Their existence is equivalent to the materialization of the laws of the universe, equivalent to a part of the physical universe. They are difficult to kill, but they can be 'converted' through certain conditions."

"They can fall into darkness, they can fall into madness, they can become magical entities, and of course... they can also become a corrupted alien god."

Trazin's finger traced the word Ego on the table.

"The only lucky thing you have in such misfortune is that the corrupted god is an incomplete, crippled, and even a failed child god. So he is not that powerful, so his corruption It won’t be so fatal.”

"His soul is incomplete, his concepts are confused, and his thinking is chaotic. Can you believe that he actually went to other planets to fall in love with women!"

Trazin tapped her fingers on the table and chuckled.

"His original destiny was to die at the hands of his more complete god son. But his destiny was greatly changed. He survived and became one with his son. He became It has something that no other group of gods in this universe has, and is closer to the group of gods with complete origins."

"But the price is that their souls and selves, bodies and everything are corrupted by an entity from outside the universe."

The pattern on the table slowly changed with Trazin's words, like a shadow puppet show, transforming into the shape of a dagger.

"Sataras, that's what she calls herself. That's a guy similar to the Old Ones, but far from strong enough. But it's enough to deal with that retarded god."

"She corrupted and took control of Ego, and then the man behind the scenes made his son become one with Ego. But he obviously couldn't bring the corrupted Ego back, and as a result, they got a different kind of completion , the fallen dark god came into contact with another force that he could not resist, and was on the road to transformation never to return."

"So, they turned into an artificial alien god, an alarm clock that screams madness forever in this ordered universe, but nothing can wake it up!"

He spread his hands and smiled happily

"But instead of bringing sanity and order, his inherently corrupt alarm clock will 'animate' anything caught in its celestial voice."

"He has indeed become a mobile carcinogen in this universe, so your situation can no longer be described as bad."

"What about the white blood cells you're talking about?" Cross asked

"Didn't you say there would be 'white blood cells' to clean up this kind of thing?"

"Maybe, but their perception of time is completely different from yours." Trazin shrugged.

"For them, a thought or a turning moment may last a hundred years. A consideration or an idea may last a nanosecond."

"And, can you find them? Can you gain their approval? And can you get their help before you are destroyed?"

"Even considering the best case scenario, innocent lady, do you think you care about the ants next to you when you are cleaning pests?"

Cross's face turned extremely pale. Regardless of whether what Trazin said was true or not, the situation might have been unimaginably bad.

"Tsk, tsk, it seems that the first wave of cultivating gu has produced results."

Just as Cross's thoughts were in confusion, Trazin made a sound of gloating.

He slightly outlined his fingers, and the projection floating in the air in front of him... turned out to be a huge 'creature'

There is no doubt that it is a planet, but the ground of no planet is scarlet flesh, the oceans of no planet are teeth forests of steel, and the mountains of no planet are scarlet greedy eyes.

Cross looked at this terrifying and indescribable thing in shock, watching him stretch out a terrifying giant tongue from the cracked 'mouth', roll up a planet and stuff it into his mouth like a jelly bean.

"The real hell star." Trazin praised

"Although it is a disgusting cosmic tumor, the existence of this kind of life still makes people marvel at the miracle of all things."

The huge Hell Star cast its gaze here, as if it sensed Cross's spying, with endless greed and desire in its huge eyes!

This living planet is thirsty for life, eager to devour everything in order to reach a higher level!

It is like a real tumor, a useless tumor that crazily takes over other body parts and crazily absorbs nutrients from other internal organs!

"Help us!" Cross fell to the ground, then grabbed Trazin's cloak like a madman and begged, praying in a hoarse voice.

"Ah, why should I help someone who just a few minutes ago was screaming at me to kill me?"

Trazin said in a pleasant tone, but what was revealed in those 'eyes' that glowed with light green was endless emptiness.

"...What do we need to pay?"

Cross lowered her proud head and made a request to Trazin

Since this metal skeleton is still willing to come over, it means that he must be asking for something...

"What do we want? Quite simply, what we want is...souls."

Trazin laughed with amusement and malice.

"This has nothing to do with my personal interests, it is just an order from our Majesty... I need half of your population, and I will use the Solemnity Agreement to convert them all into Necrons, and their souls belong to us."

"No! What's the difference between that and me giving up on them?"

"The difference is that even if you people get on the ship, you may not be able to escape the pursuit of that cancerous planet."

Trazin said leisurely

"Actually, I don't have to negotiate any conditions with you. If I want to initiate the Suzheng Agreement, can you and your cat fleet provide any effective resistance?"

"No, as long as I stretch out my hand, your civilization, which is like a pile of sand, will be easily destroyed."

He stood up from his seat, his tall figure casting a shadow that enveloped Cross.

"I am here just as an overlord to pay my last respects to a civilization that is about to disappear."

Trazin's bone hand pressed on the top of Cross's head and said softly

"What does your choice have to do with us? Just like if we destroy you, this actually has nothing to do with you, it's just our problem."

"It's not difficult for us to destroy that planet, even if it's the source of all these problems. I'm not afraid to tell you, that crazy 'carcinogen' will be a threat that we have to solve sooner or later, but when will we do it? , how hands-on you all depends on you.”

"...I have no right to decide the life or death of millions of people."

Looking at Trazin's stretched out hand, Cross gritted his teeth slightly and whispered as if to convince himself.

"No, you do, you always have!" Trazin laughed.

"Do you really agree with the so-called 'democracy' in your country from the bottom of your heart? Do you really care about everything they say? Do you really care about what those stupid people mean?"

Before Cross could retort, Trazin scoffed.

"No, you don't care, otherwise you wouldn't kill those who resist you out of anger. You are a born tyrant, a suitable dictator, and this country and this world also need people like you!"

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