Not to mention that outside this black battleship, which is blocked from the sun all day long, the owner here is still flying around causing carnage with his sword.

Strange is not only under great pressure, but now he feels that he might be able to see his bald head in a mirror.

He lurks within the bowels of this terrifying Dreadnought Worldship.

Thanks to the sacrifices and fights of Odin and the Asgardians, they successfully pulled Oryx out of the throne world and successfully diverted the attention of the Soul Reaver King there.

Otherwise, as long as Strange steps into the throne world of this material universe, he will be transformed into a mind flayer by Oryx.

But even if there is no master here, it does not mean that he is safe.

There are still dangers here.

Regardless of this huge and endless volume, the endless darkness, the black and white swamps that appear and disappear, countless soul flayers and wronged souls seem to be whispering and wailing in every corner.

Strange has reason to believe that as long as he goes the wrong way or touches something he shouldn't touch...

His little life can be 100% explained here.

This damn life-and-death pressure is even more stressful than when he was studying to graduate medicine.

Oh, that was a mistake.

Studying in medical school was not difficult or stressful at all. He only spent two hours a day and it was easy.

"Let me ask...what would happen if I were discovered here?"

"Die." Another Strange said without any restraint.

"Don't expect that your one or two buckets of water will keep you alive after being discovered by the monsters here."

"Then what's the point of letting me train for so long!" Strange collapsed.

"The only meaning is to ensure that you can activate the Eye of Agamotto instantly after getting it." Strange sighed in the main universe.

"As long as you can activate the Eye of Agamotto, you can say anything. You will be instantly bounced back to the river of time, and then you can escape."

If he follows destiny, then Strange will definitely be able to get the time stone.

Like the only victory Strange would have seen in those thirty-plus million endings, he shouldn't have been worried about it.

But in the face of this darkness that transcends time and cause and effect, perhaps the destined future is not a predetermined outcome.

Strange took a deep breath and began to devote all his attention and magic to maintaining the disguise spell on his body.

When everyone is fighting bloody battles for the universe, someone whose task is simply to steal things really has no right to complain.

Anyway, just follow your destiny.

What would happen if the environment was bigger than life and the harsh test killed everyone who participated in the test?

Oryx once asked this question to a consciousness there when he was exiled into the never-ending darkness.

In fact, he also felt that this might be the focus and result of the Evil Sword Law.

The insect swarms that continue to grow stronger and grow, transforming into the environment of the universe and harsh natural disasters, will sooner or later kill everyone who participates in the test.

If they are a harsh 'environment', then I am afraid that in the end only myself will be left in this environment.

If only the ‘environment’ is left in the universe, can it be considered a universe?

The boundless dark consciousness gave Oryx an answer.


In a huge garden, even if every flower is burned by fire, even if every flower is killed by ice and snow, the garden is still the same garden.

Gardeners and winnowers soon cultivate countless new flowers, and a new round of the game begins.

It's just spreading life. As for them, it's not even as good as creating the world. Making a new garden is slightly less difficult.

Oryx understood.

If their race vows to turn into natural disasters and the environment, then such issues should not be considered by them.

As they say, a garden is still a garden even without flowers. Life is nothing but meteors flashing across the universe. Even if they become extinct, new ones will soon be born among the corpses.

Oryx, who understood this, completely devoured his sisters after returning.

They no longer need body, no longer need strength, no longer need anything.

They are the environment, natural disasters, and examiners who bring tests to life. They shouldn't think about the future, they shouldn't look for answers, they should just complete their tasks.

After returning from the darkness, Oryx, who led the swarm, had only one unwavering idea left.

Destroy all life!

Killing and destruction are not the purpose. How to use such behavior to force life to move to the next stage and force life to find its own way out is the purpose.

That's why they have to turn into a ruthless storm.

The storm will not consider the wreckage left behind after their destruction. The storm is just a storm. The storm will only blow through everything crazily, leaving a mess behind.


Kull roared and waved his fear hammer. He released 100% of his divine power and displayed a strength that was no less than that of Odin's Heavenly Father.

There is no doubt that this is a power that can easily break stars with bare hands, but even so, he is no different from a baby in front of Oryx.

He was unable to stop the slashing of the terrifying black magic sword, and he had to work hard to distort every terrifying whisper of the terrifying monster.

Oryx's fighting method is very simple, just swing his sword and reveal his truth.

The insect god Akka he once killed was also part of his ability to make lies come true by denying the truth.

"Your kingdom will perish like dust, and your power will only be like a momentary candlelight."

"Your light will not shine, and your life will not last forever."

These voices, like the ravings of a madman, not only destroy their eardrums, but also tear apart their reality!

Kuhl had to dodge the magic sword that could seriously injure him with one blow, and at the same time, he was distracted from using his own divine power to resist this terrifying reality distortion.

And what makes the God of Fear the most desperate is——

He couldn't get even the slightest bit of fear power here.

The terrifying Soul Reaver King will not show any fear at all, and almost none of the warriors who set foot on the battlefield here can show the concept of fear.

The only source of fear here is actually Kuhl himself...

For Kull, fear is not everything, but it is the source of his strength. If he loses other people's fear, his strength, his ability, everything about him will be greatly reduced!

Just like now, it is extremely difficult for him to even maintain a draw...

"Aren't you Odin's brother? Why do you look so stretched?"

Hela, who recovered from the miserable state of minced meat, sneered. Of course, she actually had no excuse to ridicule others.

She has undoubtedly had the most deaths here.

Relying on the powerful power that filled Asgard after its demise, Hela was able to escape from the hands of death countless times and return to her body to continue her endless war.

But the validity of this power is too short!

Hela can almost feel that her power, which has reached its peak, is now inevitably weakening...

"Where is the backup plan Odin mentioned?!"

Kull managed to withstand Oryx's star-shattering blow and roared at Hela.

If they hold on any longer, let alone death, everything they do will be meaningless!

Kull is not afraid of death. He has long ago not cared about life and death after staying in the deep and terrifying seabed for ten thousand years.

Not to mention that his biggest enemy Odin had died in front of him. Kull, who had lost his goal in life, was suddenly confused.

He can accept death calmly, and can still smile up at the scene of his own death.

But what he couldn't tolerate was that after coming to this world, he could not leave any eternal deeds in the end!

But now they are doing such meaningless things. Their enemies are immortal and they have tried their best to sweep away the insect swarm, but now it is slowly filling up again.

"do not ask me!"

Hela responded with a cold face, her palms clenched tightly, and she couldn't be more relaxed than Kull at this moment!

Yes, she was ready to carry out Odin's plan for her.

Because she already knows that the sky is high and the sky is high, and after witnessing the miracles of the Soul Reaver King with her own eyes, she knows that this universe is probably inevitable.

In this case, why didn’t Hela jump out of the car?

As long as you can survive! Although Hela is the goddess of death, it does not mean that she really has such self-destructive tendencies.

Kull screamed and was half twisted by Oryx's lies in an instant. His Majesty Darkwill ordered to support him...

But the moment Kull was severely injured, he also threw the Dread Hammer in his hand at the only wound on Oryx's chest - the golden arrow!

The fear hammer containing powerful divine power was like a hammer hammering nails, hitting the terrifying golden arrow and driving the arrow into the body of this behemoth.

Did you make it? !

If we follow the movie, the protagonist's act of sacrificing themselves to attack the enemy's vital points is enough to become history and be passed down!

However... it makes no sense.

The terrifying and huge soul-stealing king didn't even look at the wound on his chest. At this moment, the terrifying injury healed itself.

There was no hope, they had completely lost hope.

When the Soul-stealing King raised his magic sword, when the God of Fear lost his ability to intimidate, when the messenger of death became a witness to death.

All hope was extinguished in the darkness.

Kull looked at the approaching palm and sighed quietly.

He gave up all resistance because it no longer meant anything.

Meet their end right here, right now.

The pitch-black magic sword, with its lock marks tearing apart time and space, struck towards them, and in that moment——

A red burning, as bright as a star, the red sword blade slashed across! ! !

This terrifying slash was like the glow of the Big Bang, dispelling the countless darkness in an instant. In this glow that took away all the color and brilliance, a huge, rising flame was like a demon. The giant god stands in the void!

"It's my turn!"

Sargeras aimed the terrifying Gribor at the equally majestic Soul Reaper King, roaring endlessly.

342.Dark Titan Rise

Sargeras is undoubtedly a Titan who is dedicated to his duty.

He once swore to protect the universe, swore to protect life, and he used countless years and countless fights on the battlefield to uphold the oath he swore.

Knowing that he had seen with his own eyes the void eroding his own kind, and the result of the irredeemable darkness eating his own kind.

Sargeras felt fear for the first time, but he did not shrink back. His fear made her think crazily about ways to solve the problem, and the inference of all the answers to the void ultimately pointed to one result.

Everything has regrets

Things born in the universe, even magnificent Titans like them, have natural flaws, and this flaw is the source of the terrifying nothingness that can corrode and rise.

They are unable to change all this, and cannot modify the changes that have already occurred, so that being the case...

Just destroy everything and start all over again!

Sargeras was said to be mad by many, even his own people. But only Sargeras knew that he was calm, as calm as ever.

His crazy decisions and the decision to drive the Burning Legion to destroy the universe were always made in a calm state.

It is precisely because of his extreme calmness that he can make the most correct decisions.

Correct does not mean good. Correct often means the lowest risk rate and solution to the problem.

Sargeras has always had only one enemy, and that is the void. He never considered those who resisted him as enemies, not even Azeroth.

Even though he was destined to be defeated and imprisoned by Azeroth in his original destiny, he still refused to let those people regard him as his enemy.

And Sargeras, who came to this universe, gained the power that allowed him to go further.

He evolved from a Titan transformed from the most elite world of stars to a cosmic god who is the incarnation of the rules of the universe!

He saw more magnificent concepts and more profound knowledge. At the moment when he witnessed the birth of the universe, he knew the rules of the operation of all things and understood the ultimate answer to the universe.

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