There are countless cities in the Izumo Domain, but the three largest cities are none other than the cities affiliated with the three holy lands.

Generally speaking, cities will be formed wherever powerful forces are located, such as some families, sects, etc.

Just like Tianyan Sect, there is a Tianyan City outside.

Of course, cities in some places were built for other reasons. For example, Hengduan City was built because of the Hengduan Mountains.

Leiyin City is an affiliated city outside Leiyin Holy Land. It is extremely huge, extremely luxurious, and prosperous, far beyond the comparison of the imperial cities of those dynasties.

Compared with such a city, the imperial city of the dynasty can only be regarded as a shabby thatched hut in a corner.

There are many families in Leiyin City, and many families can crush the so-called dynasties at will, but they just look down on the territory of the dynasty.

For those big families, many dynasty's territories are like backward and remote countryside, which is difficult for people to be interested in.

Many big families not only have true saints, but even great saints.

In Leiyin City, most families worship Leiyin Holy Land, and many are believers in Leiyin Holy Land.

Xianbao Pavilion naturally has a branch in Leiyin City. This branch is much larger than that of Yuhua Dynasty. The chief steward in charge of the branch obviously has the cultivation level of the Holy King.

At this time, in the main hall of the branch pavilion, the chief steward was leisurely leaning on a recliner. The high-quality maids around him were beating his legs and pinching his shoulders while feeding him various delicacies from the mountains and seas.

In the center of the hall, many women were playing music and dancing.

It is pleasing to the eye and extremely comfortable.

The big manager had an expression of enjoyment on his face. Suddenly, a subordinate came in to report:

"Report to the great steward, Purdue Saint King seeks an audience"

"Purdue? What is he here for? Could it be……"

"You guys step aside first."

The big steward told those singers and dancers to step aside.

"Let him in."

The chief steward said.

However, he was still doing what he was doing around here. He was hammering his legs, pinching his shoulders, and feeding things without stopping.

Soon a compassionate monk came in, clasped his hands and said in a loud voice,"Amitabha, Pudu. I've seen the big boss"

"Yeah, yeah, I have something to say."The chief steward was very casual and didn't even look at Holy King Pudu.

But Holy King Pudu didn't have any anger. Instead, he was used to it.

"I came here to kill someone in Xianbao Pavilion."Sage King Pudu said calmly

"You said you have such compassion on your face and you are a monk, why do you think about killing all day long? Every time Leiyin Holy Land wanted to kill people, it was you who did it, and you said it so calmly, which makes me sorry for the mercy on your face."The chief steward sneered.

"The big steward joked, it was the poor monk's duty."The face of Saint King Pudu is as compassionate and calm as ever.

"Okay, okay, let’s talk, who do you want Xianbao Pavilion to help assassinate this time?"The chief steward asked.

The Holy King Pu 420 raised his head slightly and uttered two words:"Chu Yuan"

"Sure enough, I got the news not long ago that the Thunder Sound Holy Land had damaged the peak of the nine great saints. This Chu Yuan is somewhat capable, but no matter how he is, he has just stepped into the true saint. Could it be that Pudu Holy King, you can't deal with him yourself?"The chief steward asked

"Of course it can be solved, but the poor monk didn't want to get blood on his hands, so he asked Xianbao Pavilion to take action."Sage King Pudu said in a deep voice. The chief steward shook his head and said,"I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint you this time. You can accept the order to kill others, but I, the Immortal Treasure Pavilion, will not accept the order to kill Chu Yuan.

Holy King Pudu narrowed his eyes slightly and asked,"Why is this, Chief Steward?""

"Our Xianbao Pavilion also conducted an investigation on Chu Yuan and classified him as a genius, a monster, or a person of great luck."

The chief steward paused and continued.:

"The rule of our Xianbao Pavilion is not to kill those with great luck. People with great luck have been difficult to kill since ancient times. Often, even if they cannot be killed, they will cause a lot of trouble."

"The only person who can deal with a person with great luck is another person with great luck."

"Therefore, please come back, Holy King Pudu. I cannot accept this order."

Although Saint King Pudu's expression did not change, the look in his eyes was uncertain. He asked in a deep voice,"Is it really impossible to accept it? That's twice the price!"

"It's not a matter of price."The chief steward waved his hand and said,"I really can't pick it up. If I pick it up, and the superiors find out, they will have to skin me. Please come back, King Pudu. Come and see the guests off."

"In this case, the poor monk took his leave."

Pudu Saint King saw that the matter was not going to work, and the chief steward even ordered the guests to be kicked out, and he turned around and left.

"Don't want to get blood on your hands? I think I'm not sure about killing him. After all, Chu Yuan could withstand the Holy King's blow with no problem. Although the Holy King's blow was only comparable to the Holy King's early blow, the Pudu Holy King was nothing more. Just the early stage of the Holy King"

"He should have been to the scene, but he just didn't dare to take action."

"No matter what, they can do whatever they want, and I, Xianbao Pavilion, can sit back and relax."

After Saint King Pudu left, the chief steward said to himself.

"Come on, let's play music and dance"


Outside the Xianbao Pavilion, Saint King Pudu came out, his compassionate face became a little more gloomy.

"Xianbao Pavilion didn't accept the order. That bullshit person with great luck, even if he is a arrogant monster, is still weak before he has grown up, he can still be killed. Xianbao Pavilion is just too timid and cautious."

Pudu Saint King couldn't help but feel a little more angry. As the chief steward said, he did rush to the Yuhua Dynasty after receiving the summons before.

But he only glanced at Chu Yuan from a distance of hundreds of millions of miles. He turned around. Because

Chu Yuan's energy and blood were as deep as a dragon's and he didn't appear to be injured at all

, so even if he took action, he might not be able to win.

, he came back directly and wanted Xianbao Pavilion to take action, but he didn't expect that Xianbao Pavilion was unwilling.

You know, as long as Xianbao Pavilion agreed, even the Holy Emperor could kill him.

Unfortunately, Xianbao Pavilion was unwilling to accept the order.

"That's all, wait until the senior brother comes out of seclusion in a while, and then we can go kill him together!"

The figure of Saint King Pudu finally disappeared into the sea of people.


More than ten days later, Huanglong flew to the territory of Maga Kingdom.

A few days ago, we had already reached the range of Liuyun Dynasty.

Huanglong was flying at a normal speed, not flying desperately. Chu Yuan said he could go slower.

Ten days ago, Chu Yuan also asked Yu Tianyi for a drop of blood essence, euphemistically saying that he had a special constitution that could warm and nourish the blood essence and promote the evolution of blood.

This is mainly to pave the way for the future. After all, it won't be long before he returns the essence and blood that have been enhanced ten thousand times to them.

Whether it is the essence and blood of the Jiutian Han body or the essence and blood of the Sword Spirit body, even after it is enhanced ten thousand times, it will not be of much help to Chu Yuan.

His eternal immortal body is so strong that there is no need to devour and refine other bodies to strengthen itself.

In the past few days, he has also experimented with Huanglong. Whether it is Huanglong's soul, bones, flesh, etc., even after it is separated from the body, it cannot be enhanced ten thousand times.

In other words, for a mount, it can only enhance its bloodline, demon elixir cultivation, and artistic conception rules ten thousand times.

After that, he also tried it on Gu Qingxue and the others. Essence and blood can be enhanced ten thousand times, and cultivation can also be enhanced ten thousand times.

As for other things, they cannot be enhanced ten thousand times.


He came to a conclusion.

Creatures other than him can only enhance their cultivation, bloodline and artistic conception rules. If they want to enhance other things, unless they are dead, it is completely impossible while they are alive.

But this also triggered his suspicion. What if after death, he was strengthened ten thousand times and then resurrected?

Is the thing that is ten thousand times stronger still effective?

Although it is doubtful, at present, it is impossible to experiment. Perhaps when the strength is stronger and the reincarnation of living beings can be controlled at will, then the experiment can be carried out.

He also has an idea, that is, many creatures are hatched from eggs.

So before they are hatched, if they are enhanced ten thousand times, what things can be enhanced?

After having this idea, Yuan took out some bird nests and animal eggs along the way to experiment.

It turned out that it could only enhance bloodline and cultivation ten thousand times.

However, this is pretty good.

For example, after a monster hatches, it is only a first-level monster.

Then after he is strengthened ten thousand times, he may hatch into a fourth-level monster.

Both the starting point and the potential are much greater.

He felt that if he encountered any real dragon eggs or divine phoenix eggs in the future, he could use them to enhance them ten thousand times before hatching them.

For Gu Qingxue and Yu Tianyi, although it could enhance their cultivation ten thousand times, Chu Yuan did not do that.

It's not that they are afraid that they will know the secret that they can enhance others' cultivation.

In fact, this is easy to explain, because in the fantasy world, there is a saying of passing on one's own hard work to others.

It's just that generally no one does that, because it involves sacrificing oneself for others, and may also result in loss of money. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because the transfer of skills will dissipate a lot of cultivation, the absorption rate is not high.

For example, if a person in the divine elixir realm teaches a skill to a person in the true element realm, the true element realm may break through one level, and the divine elixir realm will drop by one level.

Therefore, few people do this kind of thankless thing.

If Chu Yuan helps them enhance their cultivation ten thousand times, it can be said that he is passing on the Kung Fu, and it can also be said that the absorption rate of the Kung Fu he imparts is very high.

Just say this.

Presumably Gu Qingxue and the others would not doubt it, let alone understand that they have a system.

The main reason why Chu Yuan didn't do that was because the ten thousand times enhancement could be used later.

Unlike him, Gu Qingxue and the others had a system and an eternal body.

Their future achievements may be limited. When they reach that unbreakable state, it will not be too late to enhance them ten thousand times.

Regarding himself, Chu Yuan is now polishing himself and making perfect breakthroughs in every realm.

When he is about to break through to the peak of the True Saint, he can start looking for the Kunpeng Technique Part 2, or other techniques that are powerful enough to be comparable to the Kunpeng Technique.

There should be many that can rival Kunpeng's method, such as true dragon method, divine phoenix method, and unicorn method.

If it didn't work, he would go looking for the Imperial Law.

All in all, he didn't want anything that didn't fall under the imperial law.

He wants to collect many skills and then create his own invincible method.

The supreme law that belongs to the eternal and immortal body.

Moreover, if he creates a skill, then the skill he creates can be enhanced ten thousand times.

By then, there will be no need to mention various powers.



On Huanglong's head, Gu Qingxue breathed a long sigh of relief and stopped practicing.

"Is it finally here? I haven’t been back for eight years, and I don’t know how my adoptive father and stepmother are doing?"Gu Qingxue couldn't help but say.

The adoptive father and stepmother she mentioned were naturally the parents of the original owner.

"It didn't take long to find out."Chu Yuan said to her with a smile.

"I took you away back then and traveled by flying boat everywhere. It took more than half a year to return to Tianyan Sect."Yu Tianyi chuckled and said,"If every trip back and forth is as fast as now, I can let you come back once a year."

"It's okay, Master, just come back this time."Gu Qingxue said with a smile.

"Ahead is the Sunset Mountains. After passing the Sunset Mountains, and continuing on for another 20 to 30 million miles, we will arrive at Wuyun City."Chu Yuan said slowly, Wuyun City is the city where the original owner's family is located.

"The scenery of the Sunset Mountains is really good. Huanglong, please lower it a bit."Gu Qingxue ordered

"Okay, little master."After Huang Long responded, he fell from the sky and flew along the mountains.

"The view is nice."Yu Tianyi also nodded and said


"Kill kill kill! Kill me!"

"Come on, hurry up, it concerns each of us���Damn it, everyone should do their part!"

"Mud, what a bad luck. Isn’t the purple and gold four-winged lion deep in the mountains? Why did you come to the periphery?"

"It is said that a few days ago, a strong man kidnapped a large number of purple and gold four-winged lion cubs. It seems that these purple and gold four-winged lions were angered and went directly to the outside to attack the human race!"

"Damn it, there is such an unlucky thing. You must be so unlucky. You still encounter this kind of shit while riding a flying boat!"

"What are they looking for us for? Go find those strong men, it’s not us who kidnapped the purple and gold four-winged lion cubs!"

At this moment, hundreds of people on a huge flying boat were not calm. Some were cursing, and some were already ashen-faced. This flying boat is the flying boat of Feitian Pavilion. Feitian Pavilion is in There are branches in various places in the Izumo Domain.

But now, this huge flying boat is in danger. They are surrounded by purple-gold four-winged lions and fourth-level monsters. There are no less than two hundred of them here. They were all huge, like small hills, surrounding the flying boat and roaring.

Some purple and gold four-winged lions had already launched an attack, with two pairs of wings and claws desperately hitting the flying boat's protective shield. The people on top used various killing methods to attack these purple-gold four-winged lions. The flying boat's protective shield was one-way. Attacks from inside could fly out, but attacks from outside could not enter.

Various attacks were fired from the air.

Unfortunately, they didn't have much effect, because the most powerful ones on Feizhou were the five Feitian Pavilion's divine pill realms, and most of the others were from the Guihai realm and the True Yuan realm. It's okay to say that the attacks in the Divine

Pill Realm are somewhat effective.

But the attacks in the Guihai Realm and True Yuan Realm are like tickling the Purple Gold Four-Winged Lion.

Not only will they not cause any harm, they will only anger them more.

In single combat, they might be able to defeat a purple-gold four-winged lion. Unfortunately, there are too many purple-gold four-winged lions here.

The five divine elixir realms in Feitian Pavilion would not dare go out to fight. It couldn't be torn apart.

After all, the fourth-level monster was already comparable to the Divine Dan Realm! If it weren't for this flying boat , it would have been breached long ago!

The lion attacked.

More than two hundred purple-gold four-winged lions covered the sky!

After a while, the protective shield was already full of cracks.

"No, no, no, no, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die!"

At this time, some people have already started to panic. Even those in the Feitian Pavilion's divine elixir realm are not calm at all.


There was a crisp sound that hit everyone's hearts hard.

It’s over!

The protective shield won't hold up anymore.


This idea appears in the minds of countless people.

Some people are even so frightened that they become incontinent.

Among the many people, there was a woman with a slightly outstanding appearance who also showed a look of despair.

"I originally wanted to go back to help the family, but I didn't expect that I would die here halfway!"

The woman smiled miserably

"Senior Sister Chu Lin, what should I do, what should I do? You should think of a way quickly. You forced us to come here. We don’t want to die! Find a way to save us!"

Beside the woman, there were several men wearing the same clothes as her, all of them were in a panic.

"Damn it, I wouldn’t have come if I had known it earlier, but I didn’t expect that I would have lost my life!"

"Chu Lin, it’s all your fault. If it weren’t for you, how could we be here? How could we encounter such danger?!"

Several men glared at the woman named Chu Lin angrily, and they put all the faults on her.


(Thanks to the two big guys"An Zhi Tinglan." and"We Are Together" for their monthly votes. I am grateful ~).

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