The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

Lin Tian's Jincheng University is located in Jincheng City, Xishan Province.

Not far to the south of Jincheng City, there is a mountain called Jiuhuai Mountain.

Lin Tian had seen it in a short video before. Jiuhuai Mountain produces Huai Mushrooms, and it is said that it also produces wild medicinal herbs.

Without considering anything else,

The famous Huai Mushrooms alone are sold at a price of 500 yuan per catty in the market!

Lin Tian can completely use his "Bai De Map" to go up the mountain for efficient mushroom picking!

Do it when you think of it!

"I'm going out for a while. You don't need to leave the door open for me tonight!"

After saying hello to Zheng Chang,

Lin Tian immediately borrowed online loans, bought a ticket, put on his schoolbag, and headed straight for Jiuhuai Mountain!

After taking the train for about an hour, Lin Tian got off at the nearest station to Jiuhuai Mountain, and then took the bus and changed several buses in a row.

Finally, at 1:15 pm,

he arrived near Jiuhuai Mountain.

Jiuhuai Mountain is divided into two parts, one is the artificially developed Jiuhuai Mountain Scenic Area, and the other is an undeveloped wild mountain.

If you want to go up the mountain to pick mushrooms,

Lin Tian must go to the wild mountain to pick them. After all, there are surveillance cameras everywhere in the scenic area, and tourists are not allowed to pick them at all.

In the village not far from the mountain, he bought a basket, a small shovel, and a pair of gloves with the change he picked up yesterday.


Lin Tian came to the foot of the mountain with his schoolbag and basket on his shoulder, and officially transformed into Mario and started the mushroom picking plan!

Taking out his mobile phone,

Lin Tian opened the "Bai De Map" and tried to click the treasure hunting button.

[Ding! Found a green quality treasure, please dig it as soon as possible! ]

[Ding! Found a green quality treasure, please dig it as soon as possible! ]

[Ding! Found a white quality treasure, please dig it as soon as possible! ]

[Ding! Found a white quality treasure, please dig it as soon as possible! ]


Within only 500 meters from the foot of the mountain, two green quality treasures were found!

Following the guidance of the "Bai De Map",

Lin Tian immediately touched the closer green quality treasure point.

After stumbling for more than ten minutes on the steep mountain road that was difficult to walk on, Lin Tian finally came to a small hillside in the shade.

Under a tree on the hillside,

A cluster of black long-stemmed mushrooms came into view!

These black mushrooms are the expensive white mushrooms!

Lin Tian immediately stepped forward, took out a small shovel, carefully shoveled off the clusters of mushrooms, and put them into his basket.

The phone also popped up a prompt at this time.

[You found a green quality treasure! ]

[Obtained 220 grams of mushrooms (550 yuan/500 grams)! ]

"Very good, I made more than 200 yuan from the mushrooms here! It's a good start!"

Lin Tian wiped the sweat from his forehead and smiled with satisfaction.

He took a step and continued to walk to the next green quality treasure burial place.

On the way,

Seeing that there were white quality treasures that could be obtained along the way, Lin Tian also collected them casually.

Most of these treasures marked as white quality on the "Bai De Map" are also fungi.

They are just not very valuable fungi such as straw mushrooms and tea tree mushrooms, but fortunately there are enough and the clusters are large.

Lin Tian picked a lot, and he should be able to sell them for some money.


Lin Tian came to another green quality treasure.

Here grew a large cluster of white mushrooms, and next to the white mushrooms grew a whole large area of ​​red mushrooms!

Red mushrooms are not as good as white mushrooms and goat mushrooms.

But compared with ordinary straw mushrooms and tea tree mushrooms, they are still much more precious!

Lin Tian immediately began to collect the mushroom colonies here.

【You found a green quality treasure! 】

【Get 280 grams of white mushrooms (550 yuan/500 grams)! 】

【Get 650 grams of red mushrooms (180 yuan/500 grams)! 】

After collecting this colony,

Lin Tian earned more than 500 yuan again!

Seeing that the two green quality treasures marked on the map were all collected,

Lin Tian immediately pressed the treasure hunting button of the "Bai De Map" again.

【Ding! Found a green quality treasure, please dig it as soon as possible! 】

【Ding! Green quality treasures have been found, please dig as soon as possible! 】

[Ding! Green quality treasures have been found, please dig as soon as possible! 】

[Ding! Green quality treasures have been found, please dig as soon as possible! 】


After going a little deeper into Jiuhuai Mountain,

there are more green quality treasures around!

Lin Tianma ran around to collect them non-stop.

On the way

, suddenly felt abdominal discomfort.

Lin Tian hurriedly found a place to squat and made a generous donation to nature.

After the donation, he found that there were still some gifts left at the window of the donation box.

Lin Tian was a little troubled for a while.

"Damn, I forgot to bring toilet paper!"

He wanted to grab a handful of leaves to wipe, but there were pine trees around, and the leaves were hard and prickly, so they couldn't be used at all.

After thinking about it,

he unzipped his schoolbag to see if there were any props in the schoolbag that could be used.

After searching for a while,

his eyes lit up!

In the front pocket of the schoolbag, there was really a book!

This book was the freshman handbook issued by the school at the beginning of the school year. After putting it in the schoolbag, Lin Tian had forgotten to take it out!

Two years ago, the counselor who issued this handbook said: "This freshman handbook will help you when you don't expect it."

Unexpectedly, he was right!

He quickly tore off the pages of the book and cleaned up the mess.

The appearance of the freshman handbook saved him half his life.

The only drawback was that the book had too few pages, which was not enough.

In the end, Lin Tian had to use all the book covers to barely clean up the battlefield.

Standing up and pulling up his pants,

Lin Tian couldn't help but sigh: "This is really... I regret not having enough books when I need them!"

After finishing, he continued to pick mushrooms.


Half a day passed.

Seeing that the sun was about to set,

When Lin Tian returned to the bottom of the mountain, the big basket in his hand was already filled with mushrooms and various edible and valuable fungi!

According to the price given by the "Bai De Map" APP, this basket of mushrooms can be sold for at least more than 8,000!

"This is just half a day's harvest!"

"If we start working tomorrow morning, the profit should be even greater!"

Walking to the foot of the mountain, the sky gradually darkened.

Lin Tian, ​​exhausted and covered in mud, wanted to find a hotel, take a good shower, eat, and then lie on the bed and sleep.


He couldn't be so comfortable.

Lin Tian, ​​who had no money at all, had to sell this basket of mushrooms tonight to have money to eat and stay in a hotel.

Fortunately, in the villages and towns at the foot of the mountain today, Lin Tian had consulted several mushroom-purchasing shops in advance and left their mobile phone numbers.

After going down the mountain,

He panted and called one of them:

"Hello, sister, I'm the tall and strong handsome guy in the daytime. Do you want to study... my mushrooms?"

Halfway through, Lin Tian paused for a moment because he was out of breath.

This punctuation, coupled with the dirty talk that came out of his mouth, made the whole sentence seem a little weird.

As soon as the voice fell, a fierce quarrel came from the other side of the phone.

"Bitch! Which lover did you make this code with!?"

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"The tall and strong handsome guy wants you to study his mushrooms! What else do you have to say!"

"You bastard, I'm going to fight you today!"


It felt like there was a commotion on the other side, and it seemed that they had started to fight.

Lin Tian shuddered and quickly hung up the phone.

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