A whole 10,000!!

10,000 colorful true fire heights!

In the void, many Holy Land elders directly fell into a sluggish state, unable to react for a long time, their eyes stared at the multicolored true fire above Xu Mo’s head, their eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

Rao was in their hearts, they had already imagined Xu Mo’s talent as terrifying, but after seeing the multicolored true fire height above Xu Mo’s head, they realized that they were very wrong.

Xu Mo’s talent is much more terrifying than they imagined!

From beginning to end, they all underestimated Xu Mo!!

“Hey, this son has not only awakened the colorful true fire, but the amount of fire has reached ten thousand! It’s too demonic. ”

“No, I can’t describe this son as a demon anymore.”

“Colorful true fire, coupled with a mighty amount of fire, is simply terrifying, and it is rare to see in eternity.”

“It seems that in this life, my Dayan Holy Land has a great chance that I will walk out of a young supreme, and even attack the Emperor Road!”

“In this life, the Dayan Holy Land will be exclusive in the territory of Beixuan! You can remove the title of Holy Land and crown the immortal title of God-level forces. ”


Many Holy Land elders looked excited and excited, and even some elders were already excited with tears, and they looked at Xu Mo with satisfaction and relief in their eyes.

It was as if he had seen the future of the Dayan Holy Land.

You know,

The true transmission of ordinary holy places, when stepping into the Nirvana realm, the pillar of fire of true fire was only nearly a hundred zhang.

And the sequence disciples of the Holy Land are powerful and terrifying, and they are even more likely to have a certain powerful physique, and with the blessing of talent and physique, the pillar of true fire born can reach hundreds of zhang.

As for the descendants of the Holy Land, such Tianjiao is a real peerless demon, the future and hope of a holy land, walking in the outside world represents the face of a holy land, such peerless Tianjiao is none of the thousands, the talent is terrifyingly amazing, after stepping into the Nirvana realm, the pillar of true fire can reach a thousand zhang!


For the giant great sects and immortal emperor forces in the three thousand Dao realms, these Dao systems have been inherited for a long time, have a profound heritage, and have countless years of history, and demons that are rare to see in the Dao system will be born.

The younger generation of these immortal forces, under the indoctrination of Daoism and martial arts resources, has talent to crush their peers, almost all of them have peerless physiques that are extremely ranked in the world, and even young supreme figures will be born.

The young supremes in these Dao systems, even in the various avenue domains, can be regarded as absolute heavenly pride, with an invincible road, pushing invincible among their peers, and it is rare to meet an opponent.

Looking at the young supremes in the various avenue domains, after stepping into the Nirvana realm, the pillars of true fire that were born were only thousands of feet.

And now!

Xu Mo’s True Fire Pillar! Actually broke through the limit and reached an astonishing height!

In the Nirvana realm, Xu Mo gave birth to the legendary multicolored true fire, and with such a majestic sea, boundless fire, the talent he displayed could already crush the young supreme in the three thousand realms!

Dayan Holy Land, Void.

“This guy once again made Dayan Saint shake,” Qin Luoyin looked at the pillar of true fire light that was as high as ten thousand zhang above Xu Mo’s head, her delicate and white face was shocked and shocked, and her mouth opened slightly, “How high is this guy’s talent limit?” She was in a state of shock.

After the shock, her expression was a little happy, and her eyes looking at Xu Mo were mixed with a trace of inexplicable strange emotion, “The young man is invincible, I don’t know how many girls’ spring hearts will be attracted in the future.” “She has some resentment in her heart.

Thinking that there would be many girls around Xu Mo in the future, she felt uncomfortable for no reason in her heart, as if there was something extremely important that was about to be snatched away by others.


Dayan Holy Land was in charge, Meng Tian Saint was bathed in golden light, his eyes lowered, he moved his gaze downward, there was a golden light flowing in his eyes, like a galaxy hidden in it, deep and brilliant.

When he saw the multicolored true fire bursting out above Xu Mo’s head, Rao was already a saint, high above, overlooking the world, and his mentality was ancient and waveless, and he was also shocked at this moment.

There was surprise and surprise on his face.

“This son, it’s really good, he has the qualifications to become a holy son!” The Palm Sect Meng Tian Sage muttered in his heart, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a hint of satisfaction.

He has lived a long time, experienced extraordinary, and seen many peerless heavenly arrogances, all of which are dazzling existences in the younger generation.


Compared with Xu Mo, many peerless heavenly arrogances in his memory were somewhat eclipsed.

He saw unlimited potential in Xu Mo’s body, as long as he did not die young, he had the qualifications to truly become a great emperor!

He has witnessed Xu Mo’s growth all the way.

In all realms, Xu Mo has broken the limits of martial artists, especially in the Quenching Body Realm and the Cave Heaven Realm, and even broke through the shackles and shackles, attracting the Heavenly Dao Stele to come, such a talent, it is really terrifying, and there is no one in the ages!

Now in the Nirvana realm, Xu Mo has even given birth to the legendary five-color true fire, which is as majestic as the sea, endless, endless, and the amount of fire is amazing.

He once saw in an ancient textbook that in the ancient period, when a martial artist broke through to the Nirvana realm, the height of the pillar of true fire reached an astonishing eight thousand zhang!

It is a record for that era.

The latecomers were even more unbroken.

This warrior naturally also embarked on an invincible road, achieved extraordinary achievements, stepped on the peak of martial arts, overlooked the world, and looked at eternal life for a long time.

And now! Xu Mo’s True Fire Pillar has reached 10,000!!

And it’s also the legendary multicolored true fire!

In the future, as long as Xu Mo does not die, his achievements will be terrifyingly amazing.

“Huh?” At this time, the Palm Sect Meng Tian Sage chuckled, his figure was shocked, his eyes moved, and a trace of shock appeared on his face.

His cultivation is strong, he has reached the realm of a saint, a thought blossoms, a thought falls, all kinds of magical powers appear, and he is a truly invincible thing.

He peeked at a hint, and he sensed an unusual aura in the multicolored pillar of true fire above Xu Mo’s head.

“This breath…” Meng Tian Sage was a little suspicious, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and his figure shook again, “This breath is the breath of foreign fire!” He exclaimed.

Strange fire, that is an extremely domineering and terrifying flame born from heaven and earth, can burn mountains and boil the sea, the power is amazing, strong and invincible, can melt everything in the world, extremely difficult to tame.

If a warrior can get a different fire, his combat power will soar, not only invincible in the same realm, but also able to defeat strong enemies beyond the level!


Many warriors can not find a different fire in their lives, and even if they find a different fire, it is extremely difficult to tame, and they will be swallowed up by the foreign fire if they are careless, burned by the domineering foreign fire, and turned into a pool of blood.

He didn’t expect that there was a strange fire in Xu Mo’s colorful true fire!

And this mysterious power of foreign fire, even he felt a little frightened.

It’s obvious.

This mysterious alien fire ranks extremely high on the list of exotic fires!

“Could it be…. This little guy tamed an extremely top-ranked alien fire, and even integrated it into his own true fire? Meng Tian Sage’s eyes moved, and he became more and more satisfied in his gaze as he looked at Xu Mo.

“This son should be the holy son of my Dayan Holy Land!” In his mind, this idea suddenly popped up.

He really wanted to canonize Xu Mo as the Son!

Directly cross the ten sequences and let Xu Mo be the Holy Son!

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