
The Great Yan Holy Land shook again!

The outer gate, the inner gate, and the true disciples in the Holy Land all looked shocked and shocked, their mouths opened wide, enough to stuff an egg, even their eyes were about to pop out, their breathing was stagnant, and their hearts were shaken.

Their gazes were cast one after another on the True Transmission Mountain where Xu Mo was sitting, and their jaws in shock almost fell to the ground.


“This…. This is Xu Zhenchuan breaking through the realm, breaking through from the True Pill realm to the Nirvana realm! ”

“Xu Zhenchuan’s cultivation speed is too astonishing and terrifying, and it has only taken a long time to step into the Nirvana realm.”

“My God, have you seen it, five-colored flames burst out of Xu Zhenchuan’s cave mansion, can it be said that Xu Zhenchuan gave birth to five-colored true fire in the Nirvana realm?!”

“How is this possible? Colorful True Fire is a legendary level, the sequence or inheritance of the major holy places is only purple true fire, even if you look at the three thousand realms, those young supremes with terrifying talents and invincible backgrounds, the color of true fire is golden. ”

“Now Xu Zhenchuan has actually shown the talent of crushing those young supremes of the Three Thousand Dao Realm, and he has actually given birth to a colorful true fire! Xu Zhenchuan is even more terrifying than the Young Supreme. ”

“Too invincible.”

“Such a talent is simply terrifying, and it is rare to see in eternity.”

Many Holy Land disciples talked one after another, their eyes widened in disbelief.

It was really the realm of five-colored true fire, they had only seen sporadic records of five-colored true fire in ancient books, and they did not expect that one day they would be able to witness the birth of five-colored true fire.

Being able to give birth to golden true fire is already enough to be comparable to those young supremes and little monsters in the three thousand realms, and in the future, it will inevitably have an invincible road, suppressing many Tianjiao and lowering their eyebrows, pushing invincible, and becoming a young supreme, achieving infinitely, climbing to the peak of martial arts, overlooking all sentient beings.

And now!

Xu Mo gave birth to multicolored true fire, touching the legend, his achievements will be even more terrifying.


Many Holy Land disciples were shocked again, and they were directly stunned in place, their eyes widened, their heads were clouded, as if they had seen a great terror, and even their breathing missed half a beat.

Oh, my God.

What do they see?

The multicolored true fire in the sky above Xu Modong Mansion burst out, and in a short period of time, it actually reached a height of 1000 zhang, and finally there was 10,000 zhang!!

Looking at it, the multicolored true fire burst out, straight into the clouds, emitting multicolored light, dazzling, and exuding a domineering hot breath, as if to burn everything in the world into nothingness.

It’s too overbearing and amazing.

They felt a heavy sense of oppression, as heavy as a mountain, and in front of the colorful true fire, they felt that their breath was suppressed, and even had an urge to worship.

The multicolored true fire at a height of 10,000 feet shows that Xu Zhenchuan not only touched the legendary multicolored level of true fire, but also the amount of fire was amazing, endless, endless, and majestic like the sea.

“Xu Zhenchuan is too terrible, who can stop it in the Holy Land?”

“I’m afraid that only ten major sequences can steadily suppress Xu Mo.”

“I don’t think so, Xu Zhenchuan’s talent is invincible, and his combat power is estimated to be amazing, with Xu Zhenchuan’s strength, as long as he does not encounter the top few sequences, he should have an invincible posture in the Holy Land.”

“Xu Zhenchuan has stepped into the Nirvana realm and is qualified to attack the position of the top ten sequences, and it is estimated that soon, Xu Zhenchuan will challenge the sequence ranking.”

“It is possible that Xu Zhenchuan will push all the way and pick out the ten major sequences and become a holy son!”

“Although the talent of the ten major sequences is not as good as Xu Zhenchuan, they are all peerless demons with various mysterious battle bodies, steadily occupying the position of the ten major sequences, no one can be shaken, they have their own chance and luck, the hole card is amazing, the cultivation is unfathomable, they are veteran Nirvana realm martial artists, and even the top few sequences, the strength has stepped into the Dharma phase realm, Xu Zhenchuan wants to pick out the ten major sequences at once and become a holy son, it is still a little difficult.”

“Yes, with Xu Zhenchuan’s current strength, it is not enough to crush the ten major sequences, but it is still very possible to occupy the position of a sequence.”


Many disciples in the Holy Land talked one after another.

They did not expect that Xu Zhenchuan actually gave birth to the legendary colorful true fire.

Moreover, the multicolored true fire actually burst out to a height of ten thousand feet.

With such talent, even the giant Great Sect in the Three Thousand Dao Domain and the young supreme in the Immortal Ancient Emperor Clan should lower their eyebrows.

They all guessed in their hearts that soon Xu Zhenchuan would step into the position of the top ten sequences.

However, if it touches the position of the Holy Son, I am afraid that Xu Zhenchuan still has some distance to go.

After all

The ten sequences are not simple characters, but real peerless heavenly arrogance, terrifying and mysterious.


A sequence of digits was alarmed.

The ten major sequences rarely stay in the Holy Land, they have a mysterious battle body, their talent is invincible, they have their own invincible path, staying in the Holy Land, but will limit and imprison their vision and cultivation, so they will often walk in the outside world and step on some mysterious ancient ruins.

In these ruins, they either look for opportunities, or experience life and death tribulations, and hone their martial arts path and invincible heart.

Several sequences had not been dispatched in the past day, and they were also alarmed by the movement of Xu Mo’s cultivation, and they released powerful aura one after another.

They were secretly spying on Xu Mo.

On top of one of the mountains.

A young man with a cold face, a tall figure, and a strong breath, standing proudly with his hands behind his back.

His eyes opened slightly, bursting out a golden light, almost piercing the void, terrifying and amazing.

His every move inadvertently revealed a trace of arrogance such as a higher person, which is a manifestation of extreme confidence in his own strength, not conceit.

With his own battle body and strength, he was qualified to be proud of many Holy Land disciples.

Under his clothes, from time to time, a strong and terrifying aura seeps out, making people tremble and his scalp numb.

The young man’s eyes lowered slightly, and he moved his gaze to the mountain peak cave mansion where Xu Mo was, with scrutiny and scrutiny in his eyes.

“This… This is Senior Brother Tuoba Wu! ”

“Senior Brother Tuoba has already stepped into the Nirvana realm, with a certain mysterious and powerful physique, and is even ranked in the tenth sequence, and his combat power is very amazing, there have been many disciples who want to pick off Senior Brother Tuoba’s ranking, and they were all killed by Senior Brother Tuoba in a second.”

“I heard that Senior Brother Tuoba has been in the Nirvana realm for a long time, and he is qualified to step into the Dharma Realm, but in order to polish the flesh body with true fire, temper the physical body to a terrifying level, and forge the supreme Dao foundation, he forced himself to suppress the realm, I heard that Senior Brother Tuoba has used true fire to temper the physical body eighty times, and the strength of the flesh is invincible, which is really unimaginable.”

“Senior Brother Tuoba Wu is in battle body, obsessed with martial arts, and there has been no high-ranking sequence challenge for a long time, maybe in a single round of combat power, Senior Brother Tuoba Wu’s ranking will be higher.”

“Xu Zhenchuan broke through to the Nirvana realm, and actually alarmed the tenth sequence, Senior Brother Tuoba Wu.”


Many Holy Land disciples recognized the tenth sequence Tuoba Wu and exclaimed one after another.

The shadow of the tree of people’s names.

The Ten Sequences were the strongest ten among the disciples of the Holy Land.

They are dazzling, their aura is added, and they are destined to have an invincible road in the future, achieve extraordinary achievements, reach the peak of martial arts, and will grow into ten giants.

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