You must know that he has pit a lot of cultivators before, and sacrificed all their lives here.

Xia Jiuxuan understood that the evil qi in this place was very strong, and the reason why it could be dissolved was because a large number of cultivators had entered here, and then they were swallowed by this Eight Array Diagram.

Otherwise, after they come in, they may encounter even greater difficulties.

It's a pity that this guy miscalculated, that is, after coming in, he still has no way to resist.

Any monster here can make him fall into a bitter battle, and Xia Jiuxuan can give him another blow, which can make him lose his spirit.

For this kind of person who deserves it, Xia Jiuxuan doesn't have any idea.

At this time, Ning Shen also began to observe, the signs of various gossip beside him.

These signs of gossip allowed him to guess what kind of changes he, Xia Jiuxuan, and Luo Qingqing were in now.

I drew a pattern on the ground with one and did some calculations to come up with a slight answer.

"We should be on the outermost periphery now, this is a good position, follow the route I calculated, keep going inside, you should be able to see the core of this eight-array diagram, but there may be some associated monsters inside, their strength may be stronger than now, master, should we go in?"

"Of course, I'm sure of the strength of the monsters here."

Xia Jiuxuan's words were not groundless, he understood that the monsters in these places, although their strength was very strong, their intelligence level was not high.

So at this time, if he could have some battles with them, then Xia Jiuxuan was confident that he would have the advantage and easily defeat them.

After thinking of this, Xia Jiuxuan would directly prepare to enter inside.

At this time, Xia Jiuxuan began to follow the route planned by Ning Shen, and walked all the way inside, and they saw a lot of corpses.

These are all left over from the cultivators who came in before after fighting the monsters here.

There were a lot of people who died, but Xia Jiuxuan found some people, and they all seemed to have gone deeper.

If you can go deeper, you will definitely be hurt, after all, the monster power in this place is still relatively strong.

Following these blood stains, Xia Jiuxuan found that the path calculated by Ning Shen and the route they took really had some similarities.

It seems that there are also a few people with deep knowledge among the group of people who came in before.

After walking for nearly a stick of incense, this place was finally groped to the end by the three of them.

At this time, Xia Jiuxuan saw that there were already two Daoists standing in the center of this Eight Array Diagram.

These two Taoists, a man and a woman, looked like they should know each other, and after they entered here, they looked at the things in front of them blankly, as if they were thinking about something.

Feeling that Xia Jiuxuan appeared behind them, the two of them also turned their heads to stare at Xia Jiuxuan very vigilantly.

"I can't imagine that there are people other than the two of me who can be here, how did you deduce these places?"

A very handsome man turned his head to Xia Jiuxuan and the three of them at this time.

Ning Shen responded to them at this time: "It's very simple, the principle of gossip is followed here, so as long as you follow the signs on the doors in these secret rooms, you can deduce the way this labyrinth moves." "

"I can't imagine that there are still people who understand these things, I thought that we were the only ones who were still studying these things."

After hearing his words, I don't know why, this man's face actually softened, and then the woman next to him began to report to Xia Jiuxuan: "We are two cultivators of Taijimen, my name is Xuanyue and his name is Xuanyang." "

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