But in this secret realm, on the contrary, Zhao Fei showed extremely strong strength, which is actually very suspicious, and now this suspicion has finally been answered.

After unlocking the seal, the phoenix heavenly fire of colchicum directly enveloped the entire land.

And in the center of this land, Li Daoji is struggling to resist.

In fact, even he could not resist the attack of colchi.

And the most important point is that Colchicum doesn't give him any chance at all now, and just wants to suppress him here.

You must know that colchicum is not a cruel person by nature, if you really do it to others, then there is only one reason, that is, the other party really makes colchick angry.

And the other party's approach was very unacceptable to Colchicum, and it was precisely because of this that at this time, Li Daoji was hit by a heavenly fire meteor.

The body also swayed in the process of flying, constantly swaying left and right.

Li Daoji began to feel a little scared, it was the first time he felt so scared on the path of cultivation.

When Li Daoji was young, he was actually taken away by the people of Qingyunmen, and over the years, he has been cultivating under a very powerful elder in Qingyunmen, and it has been smooth sailing along the way.

With the strong strength of the couples, he lived very well, and no one dared to deal with him, but this time he realized that he was wrong, and he was very wrong.

Among the cultivators, there is really a saying that there are people outside this person, and there are heavens outside the sky!

Even if he has reached such a level and realm, but after encountering colchicum, he is like a weak chicken, being hung up and beaten.

On the other side, Zhuge Xuanji faced six or seven disciples of Qingyunmen alone, and the power in each of their hands was very strong.

At this time, Colchicum's head also began to run rapidly, and the power of various formations was constantly exerted through the Taiji diagram in his hand.

A lot of heavy power appeared in the heavens and the earth, and then all kinds of colorful lights appeared, and these things constantly helped Zhuge Xuanji resist the power of these people in Qingyunmen.

Because their strength is actually not very strong, and at this time, Zhuge Xuanji's combat power is not weak, so when facing them, Zhuge Xuanji is very relaxed.

But these people quickly adapted to the current battle situation, and after adapting, they were actually able to face the pressure brought by Zhuge Xuanji to themselves, so as to resist the power of Zhuge Xuanji.

After resisting Zhuge Xuanji's power, they were able to successfully carry out some attacks.

At this time, Zhuge Xuanji seemed to be under attack, because Zhuge Xuanji was actually not an existence that focused on combat, he preferred to explore some truths between heaven and earth, so as to make his understanding of this world more profound.

But if he forcibly fights now, it will actually be very bad for him, but at this time, the mysterious yin-yang fish he got from the exit place before has taken effect.

This yin and yang fish began to flicker with a burst of turquoise light, this light enveloped Zhuge Xuanji, and at this time, Zhuge Xuanji found that the power of the formation was still more relaxed.

And these formations are even more labor-saving when they are built.

Although this yin and yang fish is not a top-level magic weapon, it has a role, that is, it can help Zhuge Xuanji save nearly thirty percent of his strength when he is building a formation.

This thirty percent of the strength can not be underestimated, because when Zhuge Xuanji is building several formations, each formation can go up and down thirty percent of the strength, then this is a very good effect for Zhuge Xuanji.

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