Chapter 413 to Baocheng, the great thief has come.

When everyone saw the blurred figure sitting cross-legged at the end of the sky dome, their hearts were extremely jealous.

This is a celestial being, plus the Heavenly Treasure Purple Heavenly Mirror, which is enough to resist the powerhouse of the Cave Heaven Realm who does not have the supreme treasure.


The Tiangong Star Old Ancestor who was sitting at the end of heaven and earth made a move, his domain unfolded, various fire runes were intertwined, and mana surged towards the big bell.

At the same time, the altar shines, the talisman wanders, shining with various lusters, and one after another divine rays emerge and merge into the bell. The refining begins!

Everyone saw that the altar could actually condense the laws of heaven and earth and beat it into the big bell. The purple heavenly mirror above the heavenly dome was also glowing, and purple qi fell one after another, assisting in refining the supreme treasure.

The breath of the big bell became more and more intense, lofty and deep, and a vague breath emanated from it, making everyone shake.

“In this way, as long as there are no accidents, this big bell can be promoted to the supreme treasure.”

Some people saw that the runes inside the big bell were constantly born, the laws were born, and there was a secret path in their hearts.

“The supreme treasure that can control time, the value is comparable to the superb treasure!”

Everyone showed an envious look, as long as they mastered the 26 supreme treasure, they could be invincible in the same realm, and they could also defeat in the face of masters who were one realm higher than themselves.

“Heavenly Alchemy!”

The Tiangong Old Ancestor who was sitting at the end of heaven and earth waved his hand, and the ten rounds of the sun above the heavenly dome shot down one after another divine radiance, and the true fire of the sun continued to pour in, refining the supreme treasure.

This is the Tiangong Refining Treasure Array arranged by the Tiangong Saint back then, and it can refine magic weapons with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

Above the altar, the simple and natural bell exudes a strong breath of time, making everyone feel that time has flown by, and tens of millions of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Of course, this is just an illusion, but it can affect so many masters present, which is enough to show the extraordinary nature of this magic weapon. Time passed little by little, and half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

Since this time, all the Tiangong Star has controlled the magic array up and down, refining the supreme treasure, and even the ten rounds of the sun in the sky have dimmed a lot. And the big bell on the altar has reached the critical moment of promotion to the Supreme Treasure, and the worst last step can transform it into the Supreme Treasure.

“Only the last step, let it be born with the law of time.”

When Tiangong Laozu saw this scene, his heart became more and more nervous. His mana does not need money to pour into the bell, providing energy for the law of birth time.


In a trance, everyone saw a long river of time appear inside the bell, looming, and a law of time was slowly born.

“It’s really going to succeed, Tiangongxing actually refined a supreme treasure.”

“Time is the most precious thing, this is a rare magic weapon in the universe, almost no more than one hand.”


When everyone saw this scene, they all showed excited expressions, they were about to see the birth of a supreme treasure today.


In the next moment, the big bell on the altar vibrate, and a leisurely bell sounds, as if transmitted from ancient time and space, resounding through the clouds, distorting time and even static.

Everyone knows that this big bell has been promoted to a treasure.

“It’s done!”

At this moment, both the Tiangong Star Lord and the Tiangong Old Ancestor took a breath, and they had been preparing for thousands of years to finally refine this big bell into a supreme treasure.

With this supreme treasure, the status of Tiangongxing will rise to a higher level, even if it cannot be compared with forces such as Taishang Jiuqing Mountain, but it is not afraid of them.


The vision of the supreme treasure, the vision of the heavenly general, the heavenly flower, the golden lotus of the earth, the purple qi coming 30,000 li to the east, the stars shining for nine heavens, and other visions emerged one by one, congratulating the supreme treasure.

“This big bell is made of the Zeushu Divine Stone, so it’s called the Zeuguang Immortal Bell, I hope it can be promoted to a real immortal weapon in the future.”

Tiangong Laozu looked at this big bell and named it.

“Heavenly Light Immortal Bell, good name, thank you Tiangongxing for helping this seat refine this supreme treasure.”

At this moment, suddenly, a voice sounded in the sky above the Tiangong Star, causing countless mountains to shake and the void to crack.

“What people?”

The Tiangong Star Lord’s face was cold, and his thoughts moved, and the purple sky mirror suspended above his head shot out a beam of light, piercing through the void, trying to find out the person who transmitted the sound.

The mirror light flying out of the purple sky mirror reflects a piece of the void, with the Tiangong Star as the center, every inch of the void of the Tiangong Department is reflected and clearly visible.

“The Purple Heavenly Mirror, this supreme treasure is indeed good, but your Tiangong Star Lord’s mana is too weak to exert its power, it is better to let this seat teach you how to urge the supreme treasure.”

The voice sounded again, and everyone saw that at the end of the void, a cave appeared in the sky, and within the cave sky, the spirit mountain was in pieces, the waterfall flowed, the palace was heavy, and the scenery was beautiful.

A young man in a five-colored feather coat stood in the cave sky, his eyes looking through the layers of void and looking at the Tiangong Star.

“This is… Cave Heaven Realm cultivator?! ”

When everyone saw the cave sky at the end of the void, they were all shocked.

Only the cultivators of the Cave Heaven Realm, opening up the Cave Heaven and creating the world, can ignore the magic array of the Heavenly Engineering Department, transmit the voice, and be fearless of the power of the Purple Heavenly Mirror.

“This is… The Immortal Thief, the head of the Fifty Great Thieves, he actually peeked at the supreme treasure refined by the Tiangong Star and wanted to come and snatch it. ”

Someone recognized the identity of the person in the cave and was surprised.

“Sure enough, the Dragon and Tiger Thief, the Blood God Thief appeared in the Tiangong Star Domain is not a coincidence, they came for the supreme treasure refined by the Tiangong Star, and now the supreme treasure has just been refined, and it has not yet been engraved, which is the best time to accept it.”

Su Changjun looked into the distance and secretly said in his heart.

“Immortal thief, you think that if you are promoted to the Cave Heaven Realm, you will be able to come to Tiangongxing to spread wilderness, you underestimate Tiangongxing.”

The Tiangong Old Ancestor sat at the end of the heavenly dome, and as soon as his hand was raised, a brilliant divine light erupted from the Tiangong Star, and the nine planets outside the Tiangong 590 Gong Star also appeared dense runes, running a large array.

A huge divine light turned into a huge palm, probed into the layers of void, and fiercely grabbed the immortal thief.

This big hand was huge, bigger than a star, and it actually wanted to catch the cave sky of the immortal thief.

“Tiangongxing’s magic array is very powerful, and this hand is enough to resist the cultivators of the Cave Heaven Realm.”

When everyone saw this scene, they were amazed in their hearts.

“Tiangong Old Ancestor, you think that with the help of the large array of Tiangong Star, plus the power of the Purple Heavenly Mirror, you can compete with me, I will let you see the power of the Cave Heaven Realm, what is the power of the Cave Heaven!”

The immortal thief stood in the cave sky, his body did not move, and a cave heavenly divine light flew out, turned into a fairy knife, and cut off the big hand at once, and then this fairy knife broke through the void and slashed at once.


The fairy knife has not yet arrived, and the nine planets outside the Tiangong Star have a tendency to disintegrate.

“Immortal thief, you dare…”

The Lord of Tiangongxing’s face was cold, he raised his hand and waved, and the purple sky mirror shot out a stream of light, protecting the nine planets outside the sky.

“Heavenly creation!”

Tiangong Laozu swiped his hands, and saw Tiangong Star and the nine planets outside the sky, and one magic weapon after another flew out of the ten rounds of the sun, forming a huge formation, colliding with the immortal knife.

With a “boom”, the immortal knife shattered, and the large array composed of various magic weapons shattered.

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