Fantasy: The Start Was Chased By Princess Phoenix!

Chapter 20 The Nine-Headed Ghost Car Appears

The surrounding air is fresh and quiet at the same time. Take a closer look, in addition to this passage, there are five passages, each leading to this secret room.

When I took a closer look, I only felt that there seemed to be some seal marks on the bronze coffin. However, all of this is nothing but self-deception and can't make any difference at all.

Suddenly, the air became extremely dignified, and even a slight breeze could not be felt. Except for the sound of each other's heartbeats, it is almost hard to hear others. At the same time, a strong repression quickly sprang up in my heart. And showed a tendency to spread, attacking all over the body.

"It's coming out!"

Luyao stared at the copper coffin closely, and her heart was extremely nervous. Because instinct tells myself that the things inside are definitely not simple!


There was a loud noise, deafening. A good bronze coffin was blown apart and the floor was covered with pieces. A fire blasted straight into the sky, but in the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

Luyao and Jin Yu looked at each other, both seemed a little at a loss. At this moment, suddenly heard the sound of wheels driving. I jumped out of the crack and came to the ground, but I looked around for a while. Where can I see the shadow of a vehicle?

"On top!"

Jin Yu took the lead in reacting with his fingers in the air.

But I saw a giant bird with a big dustpan hovering from a distance, with wings about two meters in length and black-gray feathers. To their horror, the bird had a cluster of heads with a total of nine heads. The mouth is red, and the tail is also very peculiar, in the shape of a round fan. It looks a bit like a peacock on the screen, but also like a wheel.

"It's actually a nine-headed ghost car!"

After seeing it clearly, Lu Yao couldn't help but shout out the name of that strange bird.

Nine-headed ghost car is a kind of monster bird in the legend, also called Nine-headed Bird or ghost bird. Because it moves at night and makes the sound of vehicles, it is named Ghost Car. It is said that wherever it flies, there will be disasters there.

According to records, the nine-headed ghost car is often used to staying on the roof of human habitation. Like to suck the soul of the homeowner, make people Death. And the roofs on which they stood were stained with blood.

This is because the nine-headed ghost car once had ten heads, but one of the heads was bitten off by Heavenly Dog. There was blood dripping from the wound on the remaining neck, so no matter where the ghost went, there would be natural and man-made disasters.

And people think that if the nine-headed ghost car flies over, the lights must be blown out and the dogs must be driven away. Otherwise, the nine-headed ghost car will suck the child's spirit away. Until now, some areas still have folk customs to protect children.

"rely on you!"


Jin Yu only felt that Lu Yao had gotten him out of it, and he was a little untouchable. How would he deal with such a big monster?

"The only nemesis of the nine-headed ghost car is your three-legged Golden Crow. If you don't deal with it, will I still have to come?"

Say it early! Since I can restrain each other, I have to worry about wool. Jin Yu made a move of rolling up his sleeves, and flew into the air with ambition, and confronted the nine-headed ghost car.

"Where's the kid? I dare to block the way of the deity. It's just that it's just right! After being suppressed for thousands of years, my stomach has already panicked with hunger, so I will use you to fight the teeth first!"

Before the words fell, one of the heads suddenly stretched a few meters in the neck and bit towards Jin Yu.

"I go!"

After all, Jin Yu didn't react slowly, and after avoiding it, he shot a few fire spear charms.

Upon seeing this, the nine-headed ghost car made a weird laughter from its throat, and flicked its wings, unexpectedly fanning the fire spear far away. As far as strength is concerned, the Kunpeng clan is also slightly inferior.


Jin Yu was naturally surprised by this, but he didn't wait for him to react. The eight heads pecked at themselves again.

"What a fool!"

Luyao couldn't help but shook her head, thinking that it was the same sentence as expected. So it flew up in the air, and at the same time, the cloud sleeves rolled up and turned into a series of exercises, pulling Jin Yu away directly.

After being rescued, Jin Yu couldn't help feeling a little depressed. Unexpectedly, the Movement Technique and speed of the nine-headed ghost car seemed to be better than Jun Peng.

It just seemed that Lu Yao's speed seemed to be faster, and Movement Technique was also more flexible. Under the siege of the nine heads, he was still at ease.

"It is estimated that she alone cannot defeat that monster. Is there any way to increase the speed..."

While thinking, the voice of Yin & Yang Shengqi rang in his ears again.

[The host thinks how difficult is the speed of Ascension? Ding! The Golden Crow Protoss Peerless and Invincible Movement Technique, the light moving shadow movement is equipped and activated! 】

"Your uncle! If you have any good things, can't you give it all at once? It has to be squeezed out a little bit like a balm!"

After the curse, I suddenly felt the speed and got a leap-like Ascension. When I look at Luyao and the Jiu Head Ghost Car, they feel completely different. I only feel that their movements have slowed down several times.

Is it yourself? What they have now is the Golden Crow family, the original speed: the speed of light! Doesn't that mean that I can catch up with Suiyu? Thinking of this, there was a burst of ecstasy in my heart.

"What is this idiot doing? One will be angry, and then happy...............nothing, I don’t have the time to bother him now!"

After fighting with the nine-headed ghost car for thirty rounds, Luyao gradually understood the opponent's temperament and routine. At the moment, there is no direct contact, but the Phoenix clan's outstanding Movement Technique, to go around.

The nine-headed ghost car didn't know what it was at first, but it just tried to fight with a brute force, don't bite the target, and vowed not to stop! But I didn't want to get to the end, the nine heads were like twists, twisted into a ball, for a while, and it was more difficult to separate.

"Good opportunity! Look at the move!"

After accumulating energy, three Phoenix tail feathers appeared behind him, followed by a fierce rant. I saw countless Feng Ling, all igniting five-color divine flames, like darts, and shot at the nine-headed ghost car.

This is unique to the Phoenix family, a mass killing spell, called "Thousand Lie Phoenix Screen". Because the ghost car has a total of nine heads, one or two less, it is not fatal at all. Therefore, it must be destroyed at the same time to completely eliminate it.

However, Lu Yao still underestimated the strength of the nine-headed ghost car after all. Otherwise, why suppress him for thousands of years?

"Little girl, you too underestimate this deity, right? Although what you have displayed is absolutely extraordinary, but by this alone, how can it pose a threat to the deity!"

A dark smile passed, only one head was sucking fire while the other head was spraying. In less than a moment, Luyao's big move was completely cracked. It turns out that the ghost car has nine heads, and correspondingly, it has nine magical powers.


Seeing this, Lu Yao couldn't help looking a little at a loss, since her own stunt was useless. So what can be done to deal with this fellow?

Seeing Lu Yao lost her mind, the nine-headed ghost car thought that the opportunity was indispensable, so it quietly approached, intending to swallow Lu Yao into her abdomen. Unexpectedly, a half-moon-shaped golden sword light suddenly came across. Made myself, had to flash. At first glance, he couldn't help but feel angry.

"Smelly boy! It's you again!"

Leaving Lu Yao aside, he rushed towards Jin Yu, but soon he discovered that the situation was not right. Why did Jin Yu's speed seem to have increased more than ten times for a while! No matter how hard I tried my best, I didn't even want to touch the corner of Jin Yu's clothes.

And this scene also attracted Lu Yao's attention.

"This is the speed of light! Isn't his current speed no longer below Suiyu?"

Soon, dozens of rounds passed, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't catch up with Jin Yu, and he was panting from exhaustion.

"Smelly boy, don't run if there is a kind! Stay and fight the deity grandly!"

Thinking carefully, what the nine-headed ghost car said is not unreasonable. Only relying on dodge, there is no way to defeat him. What's more, Luyao has already performed fire-type stunts just now, presumably owning Jinyang True Fire, it may not be enough to make the other party afraid.

It's just that Magic Treasures, the cheating system, didn't teach me how many immortals in total. What can I do?

"System, I said, do you have a better fairy technique? Hurry up, use it in a hurry!"

[This..................return to the host, this has to be analyzed according to the specific situation. You must wait for the opponent to make a move before generating the corresponding countermeasures. In addition, it is not recommended that you carry too much magic and power at once. Otherwise, your body will fall apart because you can't eat it! 】

" it! If I don't accept it, I will obey you!"

Hearing this, Jin Yu was suddenly speechless.

This can be regarded as the hero and heroine, the first strong enemy encountered, how do they defeat each other? Or what humorous plots will there be? Please continue to pay attention to readers^_^

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