"What's the matter? How could he be able to reach Baichuanhuihai? Wrong.....................This is definitely not Baichuanhuihai!"

When Jun Peng was shocked, he quickly launched Baichuanhuihai again with the intention of fighting against Jin Yu. However, how can the mere Baichuanhuihai be on par with the absorption of the Universe black hole? Suddenly, the situation showed a one-sided trend, which was beyond control at all.

"Enough........................Enough! I give up!!!"

Feeling that if Jin Yu continued to absorb it, he would have to become a waste sooner or later, and Jun Peng was so panicked that he would stop begging for mercy. When Jin Yu saw this, he also stopped absorbing. Afterwards, untouched, he replied with a palm, and drove Jun Peng away.

"You are so despicable! You actually got me fooled, and then..."

"Shut up! I'm just acting on the other side, and I'm still doing the other side. I haven't sucked you up, it's polite enough!"

Before Jun Peng finished speaking, Jin Yu interrupted and retorted fiercely. Obviously, I was completely irritated by Jun Peng's actions! If it weren't for suppressing emotions, I'm afraid Junpeng's end would be even more miserable.

Hearing what Jin Yu said, Jun Peng was also unspeakable for a while. After all, it was oneself who made the fraud first, and how could he blame the other party, and he would do the same.

Seeing Jin Yu faintly, it already has the emperor's style. Luyao and Liliu are also from the bottom of their hearts and feel happy for him.

"What? My Kunpeng clan's technique of converging rivers and seas was actually countered by that kid?"

The Dapeng and Snow Sculpture father and son in the clouds were all incredible after seeing such a scene. And seeing Junpeng being humiliated, how can the Snow Sculpture calm down? He directly swooped down from the air and performed a deadly killer move towards Jin Yu.

Fortunately, Jin Yu's six senses at this time had already ascensioned to a relatively high level, and immediately opened up the power of the black hole, letting the opponent attack. Therefore, the snow sculpture handed it out, not only failed to cause the slightest harm, but felt that his own strength was being rapidly absorbed.

"This kid is really evil!"

Surprised is shocked, but Snow Sculpture is much better than Jun Peng after all. After taking a deep breath, he soon separated, and the black hole's force continued to attract.

However, just as the Snow Sculpture was about to attack again, a golden light suddenly fell from the sky, unceremoniously shaking him back several feet. A closer look revealed that the person who came was actually Prince Xuanyu.

"Old Miscellaneous, this prince has wanted to beat you for a long time! Now that you have already started, come on!"

Before the words fell, Suiyu had already turned into a golden light as thick as a finger. And it revolves around the snow sculpture faster than the speed of light. At the same time, it is unclear how fierce an offensive was launched against the snow sculptures.

To say that the monarch of the Kunpeng clan is unlucky. He couldn't even see how his opponent made a move, and he was fainted to the ground, foaming at his mouth.

"Laiyu is so handsome! I'm almost fascinated by you!"

Yuelin yelled in excitement, how could she not feel so happy to see how her husband-in-law was so good.

Seeing this, Jun Peng just closed his eyes in pain, and he didn't expect even Father to come. But even more unexpectedly, together with the snow sculpture, who was several times stronger than himself, could not handle Suiyu's move.

"Kill me too! Brat, don't be too arrogant!"

Dapeng can see clearly in the cloud that the successor of own has been turned into scum in seconds. If this is going to be passed on, where will the Kunpeng clan's face be placed? But something he never expected happened again!

I saw a flash of golden light in front of me, and a monarch in luxurious costumes descended on Qiwu Palace with incomparable majesty. Take a closer look, the appearance of the facial features is almost the same as Sui Yu! At this moment, he was looking badly, staring at the Dapeng.

"Big...big prince!"

When he saw the identity of the visitor clearly, Dapeng suddenly stammered, as if he couldn't speak. He naturally knows what kind of existence Haosuan is, and knows himself better, it is impossible for him to be Haosuan's opponent at all!

"Why? Losing means losing. Don't you want to bully the small because you can't afford to lose? You dumb rubbish!"

There was a disagreement, and the fight started immediately. As the top ten Golden Crow, Haosuan has also become accustomed to domineering since childhood. Seeing that Dapeng wanted to be unfavorable to Suiyu, he quickly appeared, lest his Aiko would suffer any damage.

"Liuyu, why is your father here?"

Seeing Hao Su suddenly approaching, Yue Lin couldn't help feeling a little nervous, but fortunately, the other party was definitely not directed at herself.

"It's far more than the father, you just wait for a good show!"

When speaking, the corners of Suiyu's mouth could not help but aroused triumphantly. It seemed that everything was in his grasp.

And the moment he saw Haosuan, Jin Yu's heart also experienced violent ups and downs. That's Uncle Own! Maybe later, from Haosuan's mouth, he could learn some news about his own life experience.

A few rounds passed quickly, but with the speed of the Dapeng, how can you catch up, the top ten Golden Crow? If you don't want to deliberately humiliate Dapeng, I'm afraid that Hao Xuan will directly release his stunts, making the opponent completely cool for the Three Lives III!

"If there is a kind, kill me! Walk your opponent like this, what kind of hero are you?"

Due to the disparity in strength, Dapeng's energy has been extremely corrupted, but even with all his strength, he still can only sigh.

Or if there is enough trouble, Hao Xuan stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers. In an instant, hundreds of millions of golden rays of thick fingers came from all angles with all their strength.

Dapeng suddenly uttered miserable noises, and both physically and mentally, they were severely hit. In the three-to-three duel, it was the Golden Crow clan that completely abused the Kunpeng clan. It's just that this kind of result is basically no suspense.

"Unexpectedly, my dignified Dapeng Dapeng will actually fall into this field........................God, how unfair you are!!"

Seeing the miserable end of the Kunpeng clan, Dapeng couldn't help crying, and he didn't realize his own fault at all.

"Idiot! What does this have to do with the heavens? It is a sin from heaven, especially forgivable. But you are self-inflicted, and you cannot live! The sins you have made yourself, can you still have to be borne by heaven for you?"

Haosuan's words were full of heart-stirring words, but Dapeng couldn't argue with him, so he closed his eyes in pain.

"Ignorant child! In Bi Ling's fantasy world, when will you run wild?"

A coercive scream came from the horizon, and after hearing this sound, each of them couldn't help but be shocked.

Immediately afterwards, a huge colorful Phoenix appeared on the top of the head in an instant. It is very similar to Luyao's body, but it is full of a kind of supreme prestige and honor!

"Meet the holy ancestor!"

Seeing the appearance of the Phoenix, the three Luyao sisters were so panicked that they bowed to the ground one after another, looking extremely sincere and frightened. However, they didn't know why they didn't know why the colorful Shenfeng, who no longer asked about the affairs of the clan, would show up in this situation.

"Boy, why can't you visit me after seeing me?"

Qi Cai Shenfeng didn't pay attention to the three sisters, but stared at Hao Ju, who had tortured Dapeng to the point of exhaustion. You know, Dapeng is the second son of own! Seeing that the second son was so insulted and as his mother, how could he just sit back and ignore it?

"Excuse me, except for my father and mother, no matter who I see, there is no such thing as a prayer."

Hao Su embraced her arms, as if she was not afraid of the other party's majesty at all. It stands to reason that his strength is not enough to fight against the colorful god phoenix. But why is there no fear at all when I see the colorful god phoenix?


Under the anger of Qi Cai Shenfeng, he wanted to teach the other party on the spot. But suddenly, feeling the cold hair on the back, it seemed to shudder! A kind of super coercion that has never been encountered before, almost suffocates himself.

"Such a powerful force and aura, looking at the six realms of The Three Realms, are also one of the few! It's hardly possible that..."

Without waiting for the reaction, a voice that was overbearing to the point that it could no longer be overbearing suddenly rang in their ears.

"That's a good point! Except for this palace and your father, how can you let your great prince lean over to worship with a mere master of the illusion of a green ling!"

Before the words finished, I saw the father and son Haosuan early, and bowed to the ground very respectfully. Accompanied by a while, the incomparably brilliant golden sun's holy light shined. Two extremely gorgeous and noble goddesses, dressed in costumes, stepped out of the void one after another. Almost in the blink of an eye, he arrived.

Looking at their outfits, they are both of the Queen's level, and their looks are even more incomparable! One of them looked calmer, but still dignified. The other one seemed to be domineering and domineering. If there is no wrong guess, she should be the speaker just now.

Pengjun Snow Sculptures, Dapeng Sculptures, Colorful Phoenix Sculptures, the ancestor of the Phoenix tribe, and even the head of the second-generation Golden Crow, Hao Ju, the first Tianhou Xihe, and Houtu ancestor witches gathered in Bi Ling! How will the story develop?

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