Great Xia Dynasty, Northern Land, Cangzhou, North Everest.

The mountain is tall, the peak is cloudy, surrounded by mountains, and white birds fly freely in the sky.

At the peak, a nine-story loft stands here, and three big characters are carved in the center of the attic - Tianji Building!

This is the Tianji Pavilion, one of the ten transcendent forces in the rivers and lakes.

The Tianji Pavilion is divided into two factions, one is called Tianyan, which calculates the Tianji and deduces everything in the world.

The other faction is a heavenly worker, proficient in the art of organs, and the two factions complement each other.

It is precisely because of the existence of Tiangong that Tianji Pavilion can be placed among the ten transcendent forces.

The entire North Everest looks like an ordinary mountain on the surface, but in fact, it is full of dissatisfaction with the organs.

If an outsider enters rashly, if he accidentally touches a tree, a grass, or even a stone, he will trigger the hidden mechanism and die on the spot.

This is the foundation of Tianji Pavilion.

At this time, on the ninth floor of the Tianji Building, three childlike and white-haired old men gathered here, the leader of which was standing in the center of the attic in a gray robe, and a three-foot-sized bronze compass was placed in front of him.

The compass is carved with large and small incomprehensible words, and there are many golden runes around it, and the overall look is very mysterious.

This bronze compass is called the Tianji Compass, which is a genuine heavenly weapon, and the Tianji Pavilion also exists because of it, which is the true heritage of the Tianji Pavilion.

And this old man is the owner of the Tianji Building, Tianjizi.

At this time, Tianjizi had a solemn face, put his hands in the Tianji compass, and then slowly closed his eyes.

"Click, click..." As the Tianjizi communicated the Tianji compass with spiritual sense, I saw that the Tianji compass was constantly rotating, and those characters were constantly arranged, and then reorganized.


A golden light erupted from the Heavenly Compass, and then mysterious ancient seals jumped out of it.

Soon, sixteen large golden characters were suspended in mid-air.

Tianjizi opened his eyes and looked up.

"The net is pervasive."

"The sea of stars, only I am the only one."

At this time, an old man beside Tianjizi frowned and asked, "Senior brother, what does this mean?" "

The person who spoke was the controller of the Tiangong faction, Dai Mo.

"Tianluo Earth Net, could this be the organization that destroyed the Divine Fire Gate last night? And what does this sea of stars mean? At this time, another old man opened his mouth to guess.

He is the junior disciple of Tianjizi, Xuanjizi, and the controller of the Tianyan faction.

Xuanjizi is also proficient in the art of deduction, but the Tianji compass can only be used by the master.

Tianjizi looked at the sixteen large golden characters of the void, frowned, stroked his beard and said.

"The net is pervasive. The previous criticism should be an extremely large organization. "

"It's just that the latter comment is a little elusive, the stars are the stars in the sky, and the sea is vast, but the stars and the sea are not connected, which makes people elusive!"

"The last four words are easy to understand, isn't it..."

Suddenly, Tianjizi thought of a possibility, the stars represent the sky, and the sea represents the underground.

"Senior Brother, what did you think of?" Dai Mo and Xuanjizi looked at Tianjizi together and asked.

"I am afraid that this era will give birth to a hero who has never been seen since ancient times, and in the future, he is likely to rule the entire continent."

As soon as these words came out, Xuanjizi and Dai Mo were shocked in their hearts, and their faces showed incomparable horror.

"How is this possible!"

"The Tianxuan Continent is so vast, even the huge intelligence network of our Tianji Pavilion for decades is not completely spread across the Eastern Region now."

"You said that this person can dominate the entire Tianxuan Continent, this is simply a fantasy! If he can control the Eastern Region, there is still some credibility in this. "

"Second Senior Brother has a point, Senior Brother, did you misunderstand?"

Listening to the voices of Xuanjizi and Daimo, Tianjizi was also a little shaken by his speculation.

This does sound a bit bizarre.

"Let's not care if he can dominate the entire continent in the future, but this person definitely has a lot to do with this Tianluo Net."

"As long as this force is found, he will naturally surface."

"Makes sense!" Xuanjizi and Dai Mo looked at each other and nodded one after another.

"With our Tianji Pavilion's intelligence network, it shouldn't be difficult to find out the details of this force!" Xuanjizi said extremely confidently.

"There is no absolute, we must not take it lightly, since they can destroy the Divine Fire Gate where the strong people of the late stage of Heaven and Man sit overnight, this is enough to see the depth of their heritage, or be careful, do not rush in case of trouble, and save your life in everything." Tianjizi reminded.

"What Senior Brother said is he, I will personally remind them of this."


With the extinction of the Divine Fire Gate overnight, a whole 1,800 people up and down the sect were all killed, and the entire sect was like purgatory, and crimson blood mixed with rain flowed everywhere, dyeing red.

The strong smell of blood attracted countless flies, and some crows were also attracted by the breath of death, calling constantly on the branches.

Countless people in the rivers and lakes were all shocked when they heard this, in an unnamed inn.

"Gee, it's so miserable, the entire sect has more than 1,800 people, and there is not a single living mouth!"

"Well, who says it isn't! That scene was simply purgatory on earth. "

"These people are like the devil, even three-year-old children!"

"Shh! You don't want to die, is this force something we can mess with? At this time, a friend next to him quickly stopped him.

"Now, no one knows which forces are responsible, maybe they are hiding near us."

When some people in the surrounding rivers and lakes heard this, they quickly stopped this topic.

However, there is always no shortage of so-called righteous people in the rivers and lakes, and their newborn calves are not afraid of tigers, and they talk about not being afraid of death all day long.

"Hmph, what's wrong with that? Since they dare to do it, then why don't we dare to say? If they do so, they will be punished by heaven in the future. "

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the eyes of the surrounding rivers and lakes.

"Dare to ask Brother Tai, from which force is the young handsome from which force?" At this time, someone asked aloud.

Seeing someone asking about his origin, the folding fan in the young man's hand opened with a "bang", and then shook it a few times, and a wisp of hair blew up by a fresh breeze.

"Under Yongzhou, Tianyang City, Ji family." The young man held his head high.

"Tianyang City Ji family!"

"God, I didn't expect this person to actually come from this family!"

"It is rumored that the head of the Ji family, Ji Chengyun, has already entered the transcendent realm with one foot, as long as he steps into this realm, he can rank among the peerless powerhouses of the rivers and lakes and suppress the side!"

Listening to the praise of all the people in the rivers and lakes, the young man looked even more proud, and quickly said with a smile.

"The person you are talking about is my grandfather, and I am Ji Yibo."

"You are the fairy of the Ji family Mengyao, Ji Mengyao's younger brother Ji Yibo?"

"It is rumored that Ji Yibo began to contact martial arts at the age of seven, cultivating the family transmission of the martial arts method Kun Divine Technique, and he has reached the innate realm in only two and a half years of cultivation, and he has not tasted a defeat since his debut, which is really terrifying!"

When Ji Yibo heard this, he brushed his sideburns hair: "Haha, it's all due to the attention of Jianghu Haojie, it's all a false name, it's not worth mentioning!" "

"You're welcome, guys, let's stay away from this guy, so as not to set ourselves on fire!" After that, the people present quickly settled the account, and then ran away in a hurry as if hiding from the gods.


"What are you doing..."

Ji Yibo was a little confused at this time, how could the hall that was still noisy just now be so quiet in a blink of an eye.


At this time, he felt a crow flying overhead, and it was still calling.

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