Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1002 Experimental Noble Phantasm

Chapter 1002 Experimental Noble Phantasm

Qiao Ye came back to her senses after being incited by this slap, looked at Master Li pitifully and said, "What are you doing all the time?"

Master Li said: "Zhi is stupid, just slap on the back of the head and you'll be fine. Look, you're going to be fine."

Qiao Ye said speechlessly, "How stupid am I?"

Master Li said: "Get the things and still not get out, and stand stupidly at my door, aren't you stupid? Hurry up and get out!"


Qiao Ye nodded honestly. This old man was older than Lin Jiexu, so he couldn't afford to offend him, so he ran away quickly.

But Qiao Ye's footsteps were frivolous, flattering, and unbelievable...

Qiao Ye didn't care what the other side flower was.

Qiao Ye didn't care what effect the other shore flower had.

Qiao Ye stared at the two words...


According to the will of the Martial God, above the first grade is the super grade, namely Tianxia, ​​Wushuang, and...


Suddenly, a god-level treasure appeared...

Qiao Ye's heart was turbulent, not to mention turbulent. If Master Li knew, he would not have given this thing to Qiao Ye if he was killed.

Of course, it is also reflected from the side, why the defenders have been unable to study the effect of the other side flower, and even the grade is difficult to determine. They can only infer that it must be above the third grade, and there is a high probability that it is the first grade.


This thing is god-level!

This is the god level!

Qiao Ye really wants to shout now, where is the supreme being in the world? I still do it!

This level of Noble Phantasm has such a terrifying effect!

However, Qiao Ye quickly realized a problem, he might not be able to use it?

Noble Phantasms are not the same as Kung Fu and Martial Skills. Kung Fu and Martial Skills come from within oneself, just like the Nine-turn Golden Body, which is also a super-grade Martial Skill. Qiao Ye can perform it. What is great is that it may not be able to display all of it based on cultivation. It's just power.

But the treasure is different. If the cultivation level is not enough to support it, it will not be used, and the possibility may even be life-threatening.

This reminded Qiao Ye of the Duankong pestle back then.

Nowadays, there is no pressure for Qiao Ye to use the second- and third-rank treasures, and the first-rank treasures can also be used, except for the special treasures of the Time Flow Mystery Box, which consume more at most. As for top-notch treasures, Qiao Ye may have to pay a small price to use them, so basically it's not a big problem.

Moreover, Qiao Ye has already reached the peak of the ninth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, so as long as he breaks through to the first-grade Noble Phantasm of the Emperor Realm, it will be no problem.

But this also reflects a problem from the side, the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm is just enough to be qualified to use a first-grade treasure!


It's not a first-grade one, but a super-grade one, and even, it's not a world-class one that just surpassed a first-grade one, but a divinely-affiliated treasure that surpasses a third-grade one!

It is almost certain that the cultivation base of the Emperor Realm should not be enough to use it. If it is used forcibly, it is likely to have the same fate as when using the Duankong Pestle. Qiao Ye will pay a terrible price, even...

May die!

Qiao Ye felt that this was pain and happiness, but no matter what, as long as the cultivation level improved, it could still be used, and whether it could be used or not, one had to try it.

Qiao Ye also did what she said, left Linglong Tower, found a place and started to try.

What surprised Qiao Ye was...

Qiao Ye discovered that Bi Anhua's first Noble Phantasm ability, Army of the Underworld, could be used by herself!

The Army of Huangquan, as the name suggests, can open the gate of Huangquan, and then summon the bones, floating corpses, and ghost soldiers in the Huangquan River to fight.

Frankly speaking, it's not a rare ability, many summoning spirits can do similar things.

The key lies in quantity and intensity!

Qiao Ye could only barely open the gate of the underworld. This move required both mental strength and a lot of physical consumption. Just opening the gate of the underworld consumed nearly half of Qiao Ye's mental strength, and his body was extremely exhausted.

However, as long as Qiao Ye can hold on, the gate of the underworld can last forever, and the army of underworld will continue to appear.

Simply put, the upper limit of this trick is infinitely high!

Qiao Ye couldn't help but think of four words: One person makes an army!

As long as Qiao Ye can continue to open the gate of the underworld, Qiao Ye alone is really an army.

After resting for a day and recovering, Qiao Ye began to try Bi'anhua's second ability - Life and Death Luofu.


This time it's broken!

Just as Qiao Ye guessed, super-grade treasures, especially god-level treasures, can’t be used as soon as they want to. The price Qiao Ye paid was vomiting blood and lying on the bed for three days. The Life and Death Formation of Luofu of Life and Death has not yet been activated, and Qiao Ye's cultivation level is not enough to use the second ability of Bianhua, so he can barely use the Army of the Underworld.

Three days later, Qiao Ye unbelievingly planned to try the third ability, Yin Yang Realm, what if not every ability was so expensive.

Unfortunately, Qiao Ye was taken away by Lin Jiexu.

"The wings are hard, and my words are ignored?" Lin Jiexu looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Why don't you go if you are punished? Why don't you go to Hanlin Mountain instead of Linglong Tower?"

"Ugh!" Qiao Ye said embarrassedly, "I forgot!"

Lin Jiexu said earnestly: "Qiao Ye, I know that you can't blame you for what happened this time, you also want to get back the lost things, but if something is wrong, it is wrong, even if I keep you, I will keep you. After the matter is over, how will you convince the public when you become a world defender in the future? This is a stain! So, I am doing it for your own good!"

"I really forgot." Qiao Ye explained: "I took a treasure from Master Li, and I've been researching it for the past few days, so I forgot about it, and I'm leaving now."

Lin Jiexu glanced at Qiao Ye. This "confession" attitude is not bad, so Lin Jiexu didn't care about it, and waved his hand and said, "Isn't it only ten days, go!"

Qiao Ye nodded, and said goodbye to Lin Jiexu.

Qiao Ye really forgot about this matter. Regarding Huang Chengguang's matter, Qiao Ye's punishment was fact, it can't be considered offset, but a deduction of 50 points of merit.

This punishment is not light, 50 points of merit points, usually need to perform two or three missions to earn back, because the general mission is only 20 or 30 points of merit points, if there is a team, they have to share equally, but this level is obviously It can't be regarded as an explanation to Huang Chengguang. After all, Qiao Ye really recovered the things and just earned 100 merit points. Although the two things are not directly related, it will make people feel that this punishment is better than nothing.

Therefore, the second punishment that Lin Jie had to give was to let Qiao Ye go to Hanlin Mountain to guard for a ten-year period.

When Huang Chengguang heard the punishment, he had no objection. He looked at Qiao Ye at that time, and he was quite gloating.

Because, Hanlin Mountain is really not a good place!


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