Chapter 1010

Amidst the sharp whistling sound, at a distance of about ten meters in front of the ice demon, extremely beautiful ice flowers bloomed continuously.

An extremely terrifying blizzard appeared all around, and countless frosts were like a huge silver-white curtain, completely covering the front of the ice demon.

That storm will slow down the arrow speed, which is a way to resist the attack.

Of course, if it was another possibility, Qiao Ye would think that the ice demon was very scary.

That is……

The ice demon knew that he couldn't stop Nie Feibai's arrow!

The method of defense is just a method. If the ice demon knows that it cannot stop it, and selectively uses this defense method, it means that the ice demon has a very perfect human thinking, which is definitely not comparable to ordinary evil beasts.

Qiao Ye couldn't give an answer to this question, because only the Ice Demon knew about this kind of thing.


Nie Feibai's arrow is stronger than the previous three arrows!

The blizzard did slow down the speed of the arrow more or less, but it was only to such an extent.

The arrow that branched into a rainbow was not blocked by the blizzard, but passed through, hitting the ice flower that bloomed in front of the ice demon.

Boom, boom, boom!

The long rainbow continuously pierced the ice flowers, and the crackling sound continued, and the ice flowers burst into pieces one by one.



The Changhong hit the Ice Demon's shoulder, and the Ice Demon's entire arm exploded directly, and the arm made of condensed frost turned into a large pile of ice slag in an instant.

"Tch!" Nie Feibai was not very satisfied with his arrow, curled his lips and said, "It's a little bit off, otherwise it might kill this guy."

Just at this very moment...

Nie Feibai suddenly saw a figure running up the city wall!

Qiao Ye made a move!

The black euphorbia was condensed by Qiao Ye, and then a large cloud of black smoke enveloped Qiao Ye's body, and a black armor quickly wrapped Qiao Ye's whole body.

Heavenly Demon Overlord Blood!

Entering the state of the demon's domineering blood, Qiao Ye waved his hand without hesitation, and threw the black halberd in his hand.

The black halberd turned into a black streamer, which was even faster than Nie Feibai's previous arrow.

Of course, because Nie Feibai's arrow was blocked, but Qiao Ye's halberd was not!

The black streamer quickly came to the ice demon, and then directly pierced into the ice demon's lower abdomen, piercing the ice demon's body at once.

Everyone on the tower looked at Qiao Ye in astonishment.

Qiao Ye wondered, "Why are you looking at me? Didn't you mean to kill that guy?"

Nie Feibai and Liu Mang looked at each other, then laughed.

Liu Mang said: "Among the four general-level monsters, the Ice Demon is indeed the weakest to lead the team, but this guy is very troublesome and can hardly be killed. The guy next to me is just bragging, but he can't even shoot. Kill the ice demon."

Nie Feibai dissatisfied: "I never brag, because I am not interested in cows, I am only interested in women."

Liu Mang ignored Nie Feibai, and said to Qiao Ye, "You can see for yourself."

Qiao Ye looked at the ice demon, the arm that was shot off by Nie Feibai actually condensed again, and then grabbed Qiao Ye's black halberd and pulled it out forcefully, throwing it aside, the wound on the lower abdomen was almost visible to the naked eye The speed, the rapid healing.

Liu Mang said: "As long as there is frost, no matter what kind of wound, the ice demon can heal!"

Nie Feibai said: "However, it is also a good thing. This guy was hit hard twice, so he should retreat."

Sure enough, Liu Mang and Nie Feibai were still very clear about the characteristics of the ice demon. After pulling out the black halberd, the ice demon did not give the order to continue attacking. After raising its head again and letting out a scream...

The tide of the Na'e beasts began to recede, coming in like a tide, and receding like a tide.

Qiao Ye wondered: "Since it is almost impossible to kill, why did you withdraw? He should not be afraid of this kind of trauma."

"Who knows." Liu Mang spread his hands and said, "You can't use human thinking to measure monsters. Anyway, ice monsters are quite afraid of death. As long as they can't attack for a long time and suffer heavy injuries, they will retreat."

"Okay, okay, why bother so much." Nie Feibai yawned and said, "It's over when it's over, I'm so sleepy, I'm going to go back to sleep, I'll leave it to you to deal with the aftermath here, elementary school brother, I'm going to sleep at night." Go find you for a drink."

Although the herd of evil beasts has receded, there is still a lot of work to do in the aftermath.

Those piled up beast corpses naturally need to be disposed of. Although there were not many casualties on the guardian side, how could there be no casualties in this kind of war?

The dead need to be buried properly, and those who are injured also need to be healed. At the same time, the patterns on the city wall are the top priority and need to be repaired.

However, these tasks have little to do with Qiao Ye.

Liu Mang waved at Qiao Ye and said, "Let's go, I'll take you to report to the boundary guards."

Liu Mang took Qiao Ye down the tower and walked towards the inside of the fortress.

The area of ​​the Ice Fortress is very large, which can be seen from the number of people in the fortress. There are 3,000 guards in the Lingyu and Wuyu combined.

But this is definitely not all. To maintain a normal operation of a fortress, it must need a lot of people. Not to mention other things, how many cooks do you need to feed 3,000 people every day? How many helpers?

Secondly, the Guardians of the World and the Mystics of the World also sent people to the Ice Fortress. Of course, there were not many of them.

The defender's station was not far from the city wall. After Liu Mang took Qiao Ye out of the urn, the northwest corner was where the defender was stationed in the fortress.

Then, as soon as Liu Mang and Qiao Ye came to the gate of the yard, they heard someone singing in the yard.

"Tears can't stop flowing, can't stop flowing down, the two-foot-eight sign hangs around my neck, I swim in the streets and alleys, I hold the buns in my hands, there is not a drop of oil in the dishes..."

When Qiao Ye and Liu Mang walked to the door, they were all in a daze. Isn't this the yard of the defenders? What is this singing about?

the most important is……

Qiao Ye felt that the voice was a bit familiar.

Qiao Ye and Liu Mang looked at each other, and then entered the door, Qiao Ye saw Lin Jiao in the yard, holding a broom in his hand, and a sign hanging on his neck, which read "I will never run again". A big character, and then sang there with a broken gong voice.

The next moment, Qiao Ye met Lin Jiao face to face, and Lin Jiao started to run away with a shiver.

Qiao Ye said, "Believe it or not, I'll break your leg?"

Lin Jiao froze immediately, and leaned close to Qiao Ye and said, "Isn't this Master Qiao? My little one is sending you my greetings."

"Don't give me such a trick." Qiao Ye tapped on the sign in front of Lin Jiao and said, "I was still doing well in Jilin Town a while ago, why did you come to Hanlin Mountain?"

Lin Jiao said dejectedly: "Don't mention it, what reason can you come to this ghostly place? Isn't it all people who are sent here!"


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