Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1054 A Place of Corpses

Chapter 1054

"You killed an evil beast (ice liger), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 31,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (Cold Mountain Python), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 51,000 points."

"You killed an evil beast (ice crystal stalker), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 41,000 points."


The outermost circle of evil beasts fell, and Qiao Ye finally broke out of the tide of evil beasts.

There are still many evil beasts behind, but those evil beasts do not chase after them.

Firstly, because of the loss of the ice demon's command, the reappearance of those evil beasts became chaotic and disorderly.

Secondly, the poisonous mist of the Gorefiend made those evil beasts become irritable again and go on a rampage.

Of course, there were still some evil beasts on the edge of the outer circle trying to attack Qiao Ye. After they were dealt with by Qiao Ye, they opened a certain distance, and those evil beasts stopped chasing them.

Entering the safe area, Qiao Ye waved his hand casually, removed the ghost form of the demon, and fell back to the ground together with Polaris.

Glancing at Ye Qingqing who was panting behind her, Qiao Ye said: "Remember what you said, don't bother me again within three months."

"Hmph!" Ye Qingqing snorted coldly and said, "Miss Ben keeps her word."

"And now that you are out of trouble, don't follow me anymore." Qiao Ye said with a sassy smile: "Finally, I wish you can leave this place!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she turned around and left with Polaris.

Ye Qingqing stomped her feet angrily, gritted her teeth and said, "Qiao Ye, wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qingqing did not continue to follow Qiao Ye, she really couldn't believe it, she really wouldn't be able to get out of this hell without Qiao Ye.

Leaving the glacier is only the first step, returning to the fortress is the key, and returning to the fortress is indeed not an easy task.

Where the hell is this place is not marked on the map at all, and the map is mostly used to judge in which direction the fortress is located.

Therefore, Qiao Ye used the most stupid method, which was...

Go back the same way!

If you are going back the same way, you just need to find the glacier according to the direction you came from, then go back upstream along the glacier, climb over the ice wall and you will be able to return to Station 23.

This method must be more time-consuming. The advantage is that as long as you don't get lost in the snowy field, you will definitely not go wrong on the subsequent journey. As long as you return to Station No. 23 and Qiao Ye has a map in hand, you will naturally not get lost again.

Compared to getting lost in the snowfield, Qiao Ye chose this safe method.


Cold Mountain, Ice Fortress.

Lin Jiao sang, and then...

Still sweeping the yard!

For Lin Jiao, Xuan Fang is also a headache. This guy is really difficult to arrange. Xuan Fang doesn't want Lin Jiao to be idle in the fortress, but this guy really can't be sent out, as far as Lin Jiao is concerned. Strength, after being sent out, nine out of ten will be smashed into meat by evil beasts on the road.

Is it necessary to give Lin Jiao two bodyguards as a co-author?

Besides, he really escorted Lin Jiao to the station, what can he do with such strength.

Moreover, to take a step back, Lin Jiao is a member of Demon Realm after all, and it is hard to explain if he is so dead. It will affect the friendship between the two parties, so Xuan Fang can only raise Lin Jiao and let him do some chores casually.

However, even if it was groceries, Lin Jiao didn't want to do it. After sweeping the floor for a while, he just threw the broom away, and then slacked off.

Anyway, Xuan Fang left the fortress with his people. Among the defenders of the entire Ice Fortress, Xuan Fang only left two teams of people, and all the others were dispatched. Over there, 300 town guards were also sent to escort them.

Jiang Liuxue's matter was a semi-open secret among the boundary guards. People who knew about it included people like Qiao Ye who had directly participated in matters related to Jiang Liuxue, and others were at the level of the boundary guards.

Xuan Fang happened to be the latter, and as a world-defender, he naturally knew what happened to Jiang Liuxue and the seriousness of the matter, so he made such a big fight.

This is cheaper for Lin Jiao, and he can be lazy in an open and aboveboard manner.

But at this moment...

"What's that sound?"

Lin Jiao was lazy for a while, when he suddenly heard a voice from outside.

The courtyard of the boundary guard is divided into inner and outer courtyards, and there is another courtyard outside the inner courtyard where Xuanfang works. At this moment, there seems to be faint sounds of fighting.

Lin Jiao came to the door, carefully opened the door, and then turned pale with shock.

The people from the outer courtyard were fighting together, and the defenders who stayed in the fortress were fighting, but they were obviously not opponents.


The one who rushed in was Jiang Liuxue!

Lin Jiao turned around and wanted to run away, but at this moment...


The two defenders were blasted out and smashed hard on the door panel. When the door panel collapsed, Lin Jiao was also knocked into the air.

Lin Jiao wailed under the pressure, pushed hard, pushed the door open, and a corpse rolled to Lin Jiao's side.

Lin Jiao was frightened half to death, then thought of something, quickly smeared two handfuls of blood on the corpse, and then smeared it on his own face, tilted his head, and began to pretend to be dead there.

After a while, the guards from the outer court retreated into the inner court, resisting and summoning the guards at the same time!

They couldn't figure out how the other party entered the fortress, and what made them even more desperate was that the spiritual paper in their hands had failed.

Jiang Liuxue stepped into the inner courtyard and said with a sneer, "Hurry up, kill them all!"

The people behind Jiang Liuxue rushed forward, and the last few defenders quickly fell into a pool of blood, which dyed the white snow on the ground into blood red.

A man walked forward and stepped on the back of Lin Jiao's hand. Lin Jiao's eyes widened immediately, but fortunately he didn't cry out. After the man passed by, he scolded his mother in his heart and quickly closed his eyes superior.

After a while, a man entered Xuan Fang's room, found a brocade box, returned to the outer courtyard, and handed it to Jiang Liuxue.

Jiang Liuxue opened the brocade box and saw that there was a piece of stone in it, about the size of a palm, with neither engraved words nor symbols on it, it looked like an ordinary stone, except, Although the color of the stone is a very common stone, it is very smooth, like jade, and a layer of shimmer can be seen faintly on the surface, quite restrained, flowing on the surface like water.

"Sure enough, it's the Stone of Heaven!" Jiang Liuxue took out the piece of stone to have a look, put it back into the brocade box with a smile, and put it in the space treasure and said: "In this way, there are only three pieces missing."

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, she waved her hand directly.

"Let's go, get out of here!" Jiang Liuxue said, "If it's too late, the guards may find out the clues and rush over!"

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, she took the lead and left quickly towards the outside of the courtyard. Others followed Jiang Liuxue and filed out, leaving only corpses all over the ground, and...

Lin Kok!


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