Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1134 help me take care of her

Chapter 1134 Help me take care of her

The stalemate is absolutely beneficial to Qin Jianchuan.

Qin Jianchuan only needs to drag Qiao Ye to death. How many defenders are there in Linglong Pagoda? Among them are many boundary defenders at the emperor level. As long as Qiao Ye can be dragged to death, more and more boundary defenders will rush over. At that time, even if Qiao Ye has the ability to reach the sky, it will be difficult to fly.

But Qin Jianchuan knew this, so wouldn't Qiao Ye know it?

Of course Qiao Ye knew!

Therefore, Qin Jianchuan knew that Qiao Ye would never allow this stalemate to continue.

To hold Qiao Ye back, Qin Jianchuan had to show more skills.


Thinking of this, Qin Jianchuan let out a roar, and the aura on his body suddenly rose.

Qiao Ye could feel a coercion coming towards him.

That coercion made Qiao Ye's heart tremble, and he raised his eyebrows.

Violent, wild and vicious!

When Qiao Ye felt the coercion, he couldn't help but think of the battlefield. There seemed to be a picture in front of him. An isolated general was holding a sword, surrounded by mountains of corpses and seas of blood. He was the only one left. Come, general, swing the sword.

This terrifying coercion and aura comes from...

Qin Jianchuan's sword intent!

"Sure enough!" Qiao Ye murmured, "You have also become stronger, very strong!"

Qiao Ye suddenly remembered the battle in the land of Jianmen. At that time, Qin Jianchuan had already cultivated the sword intent, but it was not so powerful, but it was already very impressive. He was able to use his own sword intent to move the sword The supreme sword intent in the country's land and city walls.

Several years later, Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan never really fought each other again.

Therefore, it was the first time that Qiao Ye knew that Qin Jianchuan's sword was already so terrifying.

Qin Jianchuan's sword intent is already so profound.

It is not without reason that Qin Jianchuan was hailed as the most outstanding swordsman genius in the past ten years.

Perhaps, Qin Jianchuan is not strong enough now.

However, his sword has great potential!

In the next moment, the sound of the sword blared in all directions.

"I will cut through the wind and rain with my sword!" Qin Jianchuan shouted in a low voice: "Topple mountains and seas, swords chant everywhere!"

Qin Jianchuan drew out his sword suddenly, and a sword cry resounded from all directions.

Qiao Ye frowned involuntarily, but felt that the sound of the sword was extremely ear-piercing, and couldn't help but continuously backed away.

Countless sword lights suddenly appeared, moving forward, densely packed, rushing forward.

The sword light came out, and the wind and snow filled the air!

That sword light is snow, flying snow!

A sword light went up against the sky, surrounded by wind and snow, and kept spinning rapidly, forming a snow tornado, which quickly rolled in the direction of Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye's eyes were slightly cold, and he took a step forward, and then his whole body was shining with golden light!

Nine-turn golden body!

Bang lang, ding lang, ding lang!

Accompanied by the attack of the sword light, Qiao Ye's body, the sound of sword cutting symphony resounded continuously, and immediately after, sparks burst out of Qiao Ye's body.


One step, two steps, three steps...

Qiao Ye kept walking forward, and directly used the nine-turn golden body to hold back the sword light that kept flying towards him.

Qin Jianchuan also clenched his teeth, not enough, not enough!

My own sword is not strong enough, I need...


"The sword comes out of Qingming!" Qin Jianchuan roared again, with a horizontal sword in his hand, he slashed forward and said, "Six Demon Slaying Styles!"


The sword moved forward, making a crisp sound.

Silver light filled the sky around the sword body, surging sword intent came from the sword, from Qin Jianchuan's body, it was so fierce that it made people breathless.

The next moment, as Qin Jianchuan moved forward with a sword, six sword lights burst out at the same time, charging towards Qiao Ye with fierce sword intent and indomitable momentum.


The first sword light hit Qiao Ye's shoulder, but was directly bounced off by the Nine Turns Golden Body.


The second sword light passed by, hit Qiao Ye's lower abdomen, and was then shattered by the shock.


The third sword light passed by and hit Qiao Ye's knee, causing Qiao Ye's body to shake slightly.


The fourth sword light struck, and Qiao Ye finally had to block it, because the sword pierced Qiao Ye's right eye, but at the last moment, it was blocked by Qiao Ye's raised palm.


The fifth sword light came to Qiao Ye at this moment, and a sword hit Qiao Ye's chest, piercing into the golden light of the nine-turn golden body, but only half an inch, unable to move forward.


The sixth sword light was the most powerful. A sword directly slashed at Qiao Ye's head and neck. Qiao Ye also made a sudden move, holding the sword light in his hand, crushing the sword light.

Qin Jianchuan kept panting, his chest heaved, and all six swords were blocked. How could he stop Qiao Ye?

Qin Jianchuan gritted his teeth, roared again, and jumped up.

"Wash the rain and brush the wind, and cut the setting sun with the sword!"

Sword out, sword light up!

This time, Qin Jianchuan only slashed with a sword.

However, that sword light was incomparably huge, as if it could cut open the sky and the earth, a slanting silver line appeared in front of Qin Jianchuan.


Qiao Ye took a sharp step forward, clenched his fists, and blasted forward.

Countless black smoke billowed out from Qiao Ye's back, rushed towards the crazy tide ahead, collided with the silver-like sword light, and then shattered those sword lights continuously.


Qin Jianchuan only felt a tightness in his chest, opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, and then staggered back and forth.

at the same time……

Among the black smoke lingering ahead, Qiao Ye slowly paced out.

Qiao Ye came to Qin Jianchuan, and then passed Qin Jianchuan.

"Help me take good care of Xiao Ji..."

The moment they passed by, Qiao Ye whispered softly.

Qin Jianchuan said angrily: "You are so worried about her, don't do such a thing, what are you talking about now..."


Before Qin Jianchuan could finish his sentence, Qiao Ye kicked Qin Jianchuan's lower abdomen fiercely, Qin Jianchuan's body curled up, and then Qiao Ye cut Qin Jianchuan's back neck with a hand knife, knocking Qin Jianchuan unconscious.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fifth level of the Martial Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 210,000 points."

Qiao Ye supported Qin Jianchuan, put Qin Jianchuan on the ground, and walked forward.

But he didn't go far, and the voice came from the front again.

Qiao Ye frowned and stopped.

This is the bedroom area. The terrain is very simple. There is only a corridor running through it. If the opponent comes from the front, then Qiao Ye has nowhere to hide and can only continue to fight.


Qiao Ye looked around, the walls, the ceiling, and most importantly the floor, because of the battle between him and Qin Jianchuan, they were completely damaged.


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