Chapter 1142 Surrounded


The moment Fu Junxian finished speaking, the wall on the other side of the room was suddenly smashed into pieces.

A muscular man with a double ax in hand smashed the wall and rushed in!

"Qiao Ye!" the strong man roared, "Where is Qiao Ye?"

Fu Junxian quickly reached out to Qiao Ye and said, "He is Qiao Ye."

The strong man was very irritable, and he immediately looked in Qiao Ye's direction, raised the ax in his hand, and slashed towards Qiao Ye with an axe.

Qiao Ye's figure flashed, and he moved back to avoid the opponent's axe.

Fu Junxian immediately took the opportunity to help Luo Jin up, and escaped from the house without looking back.

"Boy!" The strong man with the ax said fiercely, "Hand over what's on you!"

As the other party spoke, he slashed down with an ax again.

Qiao Ye's eyes were gloomy, as he watched the ax come chopping, a golden radiance bloomed from his body.

Nine-turn golden body!


The ax hit Qiao Ye's head, and a hole was directly split open. The strong man holding the ax couldn't help but take a few steps back.



The strong man with the axe suddenly stared. Before he could understand what was going on, there was a bloody hole in his throat, and in Qiao Ye's hand, there was an extra halberd, a black halberd.

"You defeated a martial artist of the ninth level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 95,000 points."

Qiao Ye killed the strong man with the ax in one blow, then stepped over the other's body and walked towards the door.

But just as Qiao Ye walked to the door, suddenly, a silver light flashed across, and a narrow knife slashed towards Qiao Ye's head.

Qiao Ye shrank back, and after avoiding the blade, the opponent slashed at the door frame.

Qiao Ye looked to the side, but it was a man in black with a hideous face.

But before Qiao Ye could make a move, the man was dragged away.

On the stairs on the other side, many people were rushing up, even pushing and shoving each other, and conflicts occurred. Some people slipped on the soles of their feet and fell directly from the side of the corridor.

Fu Junxian's voice turned the inn into a mess.

Qiao Ye raised her leg, stepped on the railing of the corridor, and jumped straight into the courtyard of the inn.

Almost as soon as Qiao Ye fell to the ground, many people also came one after another, and quickly came to all parts of the yard, surrounding Qiao Ye.

A gloomy man stepped forward, looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Are you Qiao Ye?"

"I am!" Qiao Ye looked around and said, "It seems that they are all coming for me?"

The people around were silent, but Qiao Ye saw that many people had smirks or malicious expressions on their faces.

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and suddenly understood something.

When the seventy-two evil spirits appeared before, Qiao Ye felt that something was wrong, but she still didn't understand what was going on, but now Qiao Ye almost understood it.

First, someone spread the wrong news, saying that Qiao Ye ransacked the warehouse of Linglong Tower and took away the treasures inside.

Second, this news is not gossip. On the contrary, this news has spread widely, and quite a few people already know about it.

Qiao Ye didn't know how this kind of news came out, but, obviously, the appearance of such news caused a huge response, and it even made many people crazy!

Linglong Pagoda is one of the major gathering points for the defenders, and the wealth in the treasury is unimaginable, which is an incomparably huge temptation.

Originally, when Luo Jin and Fu Junxian, a pair of mandarin duck thieves, appeared in the seventy-two evil spirits, Qiao Ye thought it was some gossip they got from nowhere.

Gossip is unreliable, and it is normal to have such deviations. The so-called gossip is true or false most of the time, and everyone needs to judge for themselves.

But now it seems that this is not the case at all. The news is obviously spread on a large scale.

So what are the consequences?

Qiao Ye can guess what's going on even if she thinks with her butt.

The people who got the news were almost crazy. They wanted to find Qiao Ye, kill Qiao Ye, and snatch the things from Qiao Ye.

As for the authenticity of this news, there will definitely be some doubts, but the news has already spread, and there is no harm in trying it. Even if you only get one or two things in this competition, it is a huge sum of money windfall.

You know, the things in the Linglong Tower are not only in quantity, but also in quality, among which there are countless treasures.

Qiao Ye is completely delicious now, and everyone wants to take a bite!

Thinking of this, Qiao Ye couldn't help frowning. This was completely different from what he thought. What Qiao Ye was worried about was how to deal with the defenders, but now it seems...

I seem to be...

Enemy all over the world?

At the same time, when Qiao Ye was thinking, the surrounding crowd had gradually gathered, but no one took the lead.

Everyone likes to be the first to eat something, but everyone hates being the cannon fodder.

"Then..." Qiao Ye looked around and said, "Why don't I do it?"

Qiao Ye chuckled, and when Qiao Ye's words fell, a circle of brilliant aurora suddenly appeared around Qiao Ye.

The beast cage hanging on Qiao Ye's waist suddenly burst into intense brilliance, and immediately after, Qiao Ye released Polaris from the cage.

Almost at the moment when Polaris appeared, two bright aurora balls rose into the sky!

Beast-monitoring skill, flurry!

Boom, boom!

Two explosions sounded, and in the next moment, the two aurora spheres that rose into the sky exploded suddenly, turning into twelve beams of aurora, which fell suddenly from the sky.

Polaris's choice of attack is very clever. The courtyard of the inn is not very big, and the speed of the falling aurora beam is faster. One up and one down, the entire area is directly blocked, and it seems that every location will be covered.

Boom, boom, boom!

In the next moment, one after another of the aurora beams hit the ground continuously, blasting the ground into deep pits one after another. In an instant, sand and rocks were flying, and mud debris was flying across.

"You defeated a martial artist of the fourth level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 49,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist at the fifth level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 53,000 points."

"You defeated a martial artist of the fifth level of the Martial King Realm, absorbed the power of the Martial Soul, and obtained the value of the Martial Soul: 59,000 points."


It has to be said that Qiao Ye asked Polaris to attack, and the blow came very suddenly. Under the heavy siege, no one thought that Qiao Ye did not try to escape, but counterattacked immediately.


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