Chapter 1160

Shi Yanyu was in front of Qiao Ye in an instant, and with a wave of the narrow knife in his hand, he slashed in Qiao Ye's direction.

Black smoke drifted away from Qiao Ye's body, and with the help of the smoke, Qiao Ye's figure moved and stretched five meters away.

With a bang, Shi Yanyu slashed through with the knife, and the big tree was cut off directly and collapsed towards the bottom.

Qiao Ye felt a cold sweat on the back of her neck, and Shi Yanyu's saber technique was really weird.

On the surface, it seems that Shi Yanyu uses a narrow knife, but because it is too long, it is used as a saber-cutting knife. The number of ways to open and close can also be understood as the number of power-shaped ways.

But in fact, Shi Yanyu's speed is very fast, and his sword is also very fast, and it can be regarded as a dexterous way.

However, there is also good news.

At the same time, it has both strength and speed, and the narrow knife is very long. Qiao Ye also saw some clues.

Shi Yanyu's sword technique is one strike at a time!

Whether it's a knife, a sword, or a halberd, in hand-to-hand combat, the attacks must be continuous, but Shi Yanyu's sword technique only has one knife at a time!

Because of the length of the knife, she couldn't make any coherent movements, either chopping or chopping, how could it be coherent?

Therefore, Shi Yanyu also gave up the continuous attack, only one knife at a time, in exchange for each attack is very terrifying.

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes, watching Shi Yanyu turn around, Qiao Ye also slowly bent her body down.

There is only one way to deal with Shi Yanyu, that is to dodge Shi Yanyu's attack, but it can't be a large dodge, because after a large dodge, Shi Yanyu has a chance to strike the next knife!

Therefore, as long as he dodges slightly and does not distance himself from Shi Yanyu, he will have a chance to fight back.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye suddenly rushed forward when Shi Yanyu was posing for dragging the knife.

Don't retreat but advance!

Running is also Shi Yanyu's method to strengthen the power of the saber slash, so Qiao Ye chooses to move forward, shortening the distance Shi Yanyu runs can also weaken the power of the opponent's saber slash.

As they ran, the dirt under their feet flew up.

In an instant, Qiao Ye and Shi Yanyu met in the center.

Shi Yanyu's speed of drawing the saber was still so fast that Qiao Ye couldn't see the blade at all, but could only see the silver light of the saber flashing, and the saber came to him.

However, Qiao Ye was clearly prepared this time, and immediately swung the black halberd forward.


The crisp chirping sound reappeared, and the black halberd collided fiercely with Shi Yanyu's narrow knife.

Good weight!

Qiao Ye bared her teeth and cracked her mouth. Long weapons obviously had the advantage in this head-to-head attack. However, Qiao Ye was suppressed now. Shi Yanyu's power was really terrifying, and the power of that knife was also terrifying.


Qiao Ye held on this time!

Qiao Ye's body slid half a meter backwards, dragging two mud marks on the ground. Although the strength was still a bit weaker, this level was enough.

At a distance of half a meter, it was still within Qiao Ye's attack range, and Shi Yanyu could no longer make a second strike.

Qiao Ye immediately let out a low growl, jumped up and came over Shi Yanyu's head to attack.

This is to prevent Shi Yanyu from rotating his body again for a second attack, and going up, Shi Yanyu can only attack by raising the knife, and rotation is useless.

But at this moment...

Shi Yanyu suddenly laughed!

"Tianluo Yidao!" Shi Yanyu murmured: "Break the dream!"

Suddenly, a saber light suddenly rose from bottom to top, the speed was equally terrifying, and it came to Qiao Ye almost instantly.

Qiao Ye had clearly raised the black halberd first, but he didn't have time to cut it out.

The only thing Qiao Ye can do is to enter the state of Nine Turns Golden Body immediately.


In the next moment, the blade glow hit Qiao Ye's body, and Qiao Ye was sent flying.

bang, bang, bang...

Qiao Ye didn't know how long he had been flying. That knife was a little scary. Qiao Ye hit the big tree, the tree broke, hit the rock, and the rock shattered.

Qiao Ye's body passed by, it was a complete mess, breaking everything into pieces.

Finally, Qiao Ye fell to the ground. After a loud noise, Qiao Ye smashed a deep hole in the ground, and his whole body was embedded in it!

Shi Yanyu paced forward, came to the front of the deep pit, looked at Qiao Ye and smiled, "You think I can only strike once? Who told you?"

Qiao Ye grinned, and slowly stood up from the pit.

Shi Yanyu's sword is really fierce, but fortunately, his nine-turn golden body is a super-grade defensive technique, and Shi Yanyu's pure sword slash is a pure physical attack, so he completely blocked it.

But this kind of attack can be blocked three or five times, but it can't be blocked more than a dozen times. The nine-turn golden body also has a limit!

The twenty-eight stars of the guardians of the boundary, as expected, none of them deserve their reputations in vain!

Nie Liangqiu, although there are rumors that Lingyu intends to let him be the sixteen generals who guard the world, but it is only a rumor after all, and Nie Liangqiu is not really the sixteen generals who guard the world.

Compared with Shi Yanyu, Qiao Ye instantly felt that Nie Liangqiu had dropped a notch, while Shi Yanyu was obviously much better.

"It seems..." Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth and said, "You have to get serious!"


The black smoke on Qiao Ye's body suddenly rose sharply and kept rising, and the aura on Qiao Ye's body became more and more intense.

Shi Yanyu narrowed his eyes, those eyes were as long and narrow as the moon, silently dragging the knife.

Suddenly, Shi Yanyu's body also erupted with a strong saber intent. The ground under Shi Yanyu's feet, the moment the saber intent passed by, continuously shattered and large cracks appeared.

The two slowly bent over and put on a posture at the same time.

But also at this time...

In the woods, a few bamboo tubes suddenly appeared, were thrown out, and landed between Qiao Ye and Shi Yanyu. Immediately afterwards, blue smoke quickly spewed out from both ends of the bamboo tubes, and in the blink of an eye, it enveloped a large area.

Qiao Ye and Shi Yanyu were taken aback, what's going on?

The blue smoke quickly spread into the pothole, covering Qiao Ye's figure. At this moment, Qiao Ye suddenly felt that his arm was being grabbed.

"Come on, come with me!"

Qiao Ye vaguely heard the voice, and was dragged away.

The blue smoke seemed to be able to cover a large area, which made Qiao Ye feel a little weird. Judging from the area where the blue smoke drifted, the radius was at most ten meters.

However, Qiao Ye spent a whole cup of tea in the blue mist before there was light in front of her, and she gradually walked out of the mist.

And outside the mist, it seemed as if they had passed through space. Although it was still in the mountains and forests, it could be seen at a glance that the area where he and Shi Yanyu were fighting was not an area at all.

At the same time, Qiao Ye also saw clearly the man who was pulling her.


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