Chapter 1171

Although Helian Feimo still kept a smile on his gentlemanly face, it could be said that his anger was burning in his heart.

Helian Feimo was already angry enough that Qiao Ye, a junior, didn't take himself seriously. However, Helian Feimo could understand Qiao Ye's disrespect a little bit, because he belonged to King Ruyang's faction. During the battle of the imperial capital, Helian Feimo also saw Qiao Ye make a move.

Ge Laozi, this little bastard is just as tough as Zhen Guojian!

In fact, Helian Feimo was somewhat afraid of Qiao Ye. After all, Qiao Ye's Cosmos and Vientiane ability had already been studied thoroughly by the Lingyu side, and the Universe and Vientiane were stronger, but to be honest, if you knew the shortcomings , it is indeed not difficult to target.

But, Helian Feimo didn't know!

Helian Feimo only knew that Qiao Ye could step into the threshold of the Supreme Being in the world for a short time!

If not, Helian Feimo wouldn't have talked to Qiao Ye in a friendly manner, saying that as long as he let himself get a piece of the pie, he wouldn't make a move.

As for Xuan Zhenqing, Helian Feimo has nothing to fear.

Helian Feimo left the magic hall, and has been in the Nine Realms battlefield for a long time. He has heard of many masters in the Lingwu and Wu realms. I know a little bit, after all, after living a long time, Helian Feimo has not only strength, but also experience in the world. Now that he has come to the battlefield of Nine Realms, the first thing Helian Feimo does is to find out what other regions can do. A person who poses a threat to himself.

It is indeed not a very difficult thing to inquire about these, after all, there are indeed not many people who can pose a threat to Helian Feimo.

Among these people, Helian Feimo had never heard of Xuan Zhenqing's name.

Qiao Ye is a junior, so Helian Feimo will treat it as if he doesn't care about the junior, so bear with it!

Now I don't know where an unknown person came out, and he didn't even take himself seriously, I can't bear it!

Ye Qingqing backed away obediently, but Helian Feimo shot again.

Helian Feimo's cuffs swept towards the air, but this time, a large piece of black light flew out towards Xuan Zhenqing's direction.

The flying nail's treasure is not one piece, but a whole set!

A dense black light struck, making it look like a dense mass of darkness.

Xuan Zhenqing was expressionless, she stretched out her finger and drew a circle in front of her.

The circle is very weird and magical.

When those flying nails entered the range of the circle, they all hovered, as if they were being held by something.

The next moment, Xuan Zhenqing waved his hand, but those flying nails turned around and shot down in the direction of Helian Feimo.

Bang, bang, bang!

Helian Feimo's reaction was also extremely fast, his figure moved across a distance of five or six meters in a flash, and all those flying nails fell on the ground, forming a row.

Xuan Zhenqing looked down, chuckled and said, "You think that only your Demon Realm has treasures, don't you?"

As Xuan Zhenqing spoke, he shook his sleeves.

The next moment, a round silver mirror appeared in Xuan Zhenqing's hand!

Xuan Zhenqing reached out and grabbed the silver mirror in his hand, then lifted it high, and then, a silver light appeared in the mirror, falling downward.

Helian Feimo raised his eyebrows, and with a movement of his figure, he opened the distance to the rear again.

Just at this very moment...

The silver light fell and hit the ground.

Almost instantly, the ground seemed to have melted, turning into a piece of crimson magma.

Helian Feimo's eyes widened, and he roared angrily, "Look at my Black Light Lotus!"

Helian Feimo also sacrificed a treasure again, but it was a lotus flower made of black jade. The moment it flew into the air, a black wind blew up around it and headed towards Xuanzhenqing. Not to be outdone, Qing raised the silver mirror and shone it.

This battle was quite unexpected.

Of course, treasures can be regarded as a part of strength, but generally speaking, masters seldom use treasures directly in their moves.

This thing, the treasure, often plays a role of surprise, or defeating the enemy, or even the last straw that crushes the opponent.

Secondly, the more expert you are, the better the treasure in your hand, but the less frequently you use it, because the use of treasure is wear and tear, so the treasure that is more precious is usually used sparingly, and there is nothing wrong with it .

And Helian Feimo and Xuan Zhenqing can be regarded as top masters. Although Helian Feimo used the treasure when they met, it was just a test. Unexpectedly, because of Xuan Zhenqing's words, the two masters seemed to be fighting against each other. Generally speaking, he directly fought the treasure in his hand.

However, Shi Yanyu was relieved, no matter what the reason was, at least Xuan Zhenqing wanted to protect Qiao Ye.

At least Helian Feimo blocked it.

Then it depends on how long Qiao Ye can last under Ding Li's hands.

While Shi Yanyu was thinking, he felt the strong wind howling around him, but it was General Zi Ling who came to kill again, the huge ax swept across, and in an instant, Zi Lei flowed like mercury pouring down the ground.

"Tianluo Yidao!" Shi Yanyu's pupils shrank, and he shouted: "Break the flow!"

Shi Yanyu slashed out, the silver brilliance flickered, and collided with the giant ax in General Zi Ling's hand again.

On the other side, Ding Li slowly approached Qiao Ye!

Ding Li has always been expressionless, showing indifference to everything that happened, Helian Feimo wants to intervene, he doesn't care, Helian Feimo is entangled by Xuan Zhenqing, he doesn't care either.

All Ding Li did was walk towards Qiao Ye silently, and then...

Hands up!

The invisible saber energy reappeared the moment Ding Li raised his hand, slashing towards Qiao Ye.



Qiao Ye didn't choose to dodge this time, but met Ding Li's saber light head-on, and immediately after, golden light bloomed all over her body!

Nine-turn golden body!

The sword qi slashed at Qiao Ye's body, making a clear and loud noise, and was blocked by Qiao Ye immediately.

Ding Li raised his eyebrows, and swiped the saber forward, and then, another saber qi slashed forward.

Bang lang, ding lang, ding lang!

Accompanied by Ding Li's continuous shots, the flying knife energy continued to move forward, and Qiao Ye also stood still and walked directly forward.

Ding Li raised his eyebrows involuntarily, he didn't expect Qiao Ye to be so stubborn, and the movements of his hands suddenly moved a little faster.

The saber energy that flew out continuously, like a storm, slashed in the direction of Qiao Ye.

As for Qiao Ye, at this moment, while resisting Ding Li's saber energy, she kept counting silently in her heart.


Qiao Ye suddenly looked up at Ding Li, it's time!


Qiao Ye kicked her legs hard, crushing a piece of the ground, and then flew forward, approaching Ding Li!


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