Chapter 1184 Birdman

"Die to the young master!"

Qiao Ye let out a low cry, the muscles in his arms swelled, and he threw the halberd directly into the air.

The black halberd soared into the air, turned into a black light, and hit the bottom of the oval flying boat.


After a loud noise, Qiao Ye's black halberd directly blasted a big hole, but it was not over yet, the second roar followed, and then a big hole was punched out above the oval flying boat, black The black light formed by the euphorbia soared into the sky.

Qiao Ye pierced the oval flying boat with one blow.

The next moment, the flying boat fell from the sky and smashed into the forest directly. The hull began to smoke continuously and ignited a raging flame.

Qiao Ye approached the oval flying boat, and at this moment...

bang, bang, bang...

There was a sound of smashing on the side of the flying boat, and then, a piece of wood was smashed towards the outside. Looking carefully, the oval flying boat was not perfectly fitted, it turned out to be a door.

Immediately after...

The two men got out in embarrassment. Because of the burning, the interior of the flying boat was filled with black smoke, which smoked them enough.

Qiao Ye sized up the two people who had rushed out, stunned for a moment and said, "Birdman?"

The two men who rushed out, although their faces were covered in black and gray, could still vaguely see their faces. They were both about twenty-six or seven years old, with average looks and average height, and they looked nothing like ordinary humans. the difference!

However, behind the two of them, each has a pair of wings with feathers, which are almost exactly the same as the wings of ordinary birds, but they are bigger. One of the man's wings is pure white, and the other's is white. It is brown and gray feathers.

Is this human?

Except for the wings, it looks like a person!

But how can any decent person grow wings?

Before Qiao Ye could react, the two birdmen got out, and when they saw Qiao Ye, they immediately showed an angry expression, and quickly drew out their weapons, one with a knife and the other with a gun.

"Take him down!"

The two birdmen jumped up at the same time, but there was no tendency to fall, and they spread their wings and soared in the air.

Qiao Ye looked up at the sky, can she really fly?

The two birdmen came to Qiao Ye almost at the same time. However, the birdman holding a long gun was obviously more advantageous as a weapon. With a longer gun, he stabbed down in the direction of Qiao Ye.

This shot...

Qiao Ye didn't know how to describe it, so...

It sucks!

I didn't see any marksmanship. After all, it was only the first shot. It would be strange to see the marksmanship with a random stab, but the speed and strength of the shot were average in Qiao Ye's eyes, and there was no strong one on his body. The breath and blood energy are not too strong, it is almost calculated according to the cultivation base of Wuyu, at most it is the realm of a master.

As Qiao Ye was thinking, at the moment when the tip of the gun was about to stab herself...

Qiao Ye suddenly reached out, grasped the barrel of the gun, and slammed it sideways before the opponent could react.


The bird man was directly dragged down from the air by Qiao Ye, and then flew out, hitting a big tree on the side heavily, and spit out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth!

After one blow, Qiao Ye didn't stop, but jumped up and jumped towards the second birdman.

The birdman didn't even have a chance to react, he just felt the figure flashing in front of him, and before he had time to make a knife, Qiao Ye had already come to him, and then kicked the opponent's chest!


The second birdman instantly followed in the footsteps of his companion, and was kicked off by Qiao Ye, hitting the ground directly, causing a crack in the ground.

"You defeated a Skywalker at the sixth level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 17,000 points."

"You defeated a skywalker of the third level of the Tianzong Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 15,000 points."


In Qiao Ye's view, those two birdmen were really vulnerable, but after defeating the two birdmen, Qiao Ye couldn't help being taken aback.

"Tianzong Realm? Skywalker?" Qiao Ye's expression was obviously stunned, and then he widened his eyes and said, "Is this the airspace?"

Airspace, one of the nine domains in the Three Realms and Nine Domains.

Qiao Ye knew very little about the airspace, not only because the three realms and nine realms were broken, but even before the three realms and nine realms were broken, people in the other eight realms knew little about the airspace.

Because the airspace is a relatively remote and isolated domain. To put it more directly, the airspace is a bit of a closed country. Even before the three realms and nine domains were broken, the airspace did not have much contact with people from the other eight domains.

Moreover, not much contact means that there is still contact, but the reason for still contact is not that people in the airspace will go to other eight domains, but people from other eight domains will go to the airspace, so that there is contact. Most people in the airspace, even before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, almost never left the airspace in their entire lives.

Therefore, regarding the matter of the airspace, there are very few records in the historical documents left over today. After all, there is no contact, so of course there will be no document records.

The only thing Qiao Ye knows is that the airspace is located at the border of the nine domains of the Three Realms. Thirty-three days, hidden among the clouds and mist, never landed.

In addition, people in Kongyu are different from people in other Eight Realms. They have wings on their backs since they were born, and they can soar in the sky and among the clouds. Their practitioners are called Skywalkers!

And the oval flying boat, because of the airspace, Qiao Ye remembered it.

This thing is an airship, right?

Because the airspace is suspended in the air, the weapon of Yukong is very important, and because of this, before the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken, the flying boats in the airspace were very famous. Even, their flying boats were not called flying boats, but called Airships, all aspects of production technology, including the level of engraving patterns, are far superior to those of the other eight domains, and even people in the three realms want an airspace airship very much.

Of course, it's definitely not the kind that was smashed by Qiao Ye, but a good, high-quality one.

Qiao Ye is not very clear about other things. After all, the airspace is very closed, and the Three Realms and Nine Realms have been broken for a long time. The historical documents are seriously lost, let alone want to know about the airspace.

However, after knowing that this place might be the airspace, Qiao Ye felt a sudden realization.

As we all know, the continents in the airspace are different from the other eight domains. If you don't think about it, you can know how the continents that can float in the air are the same as ordinary continents.

Then, the reason for those stones that Jiang Liuxue was looking for must be that those stones are related to the airspace!


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