Chapter 1195

While the two were talking, Rep's huge slap had already reached Qiao Ye.


Qiao Ye suddenly raised her hand and put her arms on her sides!

Bang, bang!

Rep's hands hit Qiao Ye's arm, making a dull sound, and then...

There is no more!

As if Qiao Ye didn't feel anything, she just blocked the big slap of the cattail fan so easily, without any wavering at all, and she didn't even move her feet.

Wang Zuo smiled, this Lei Pu has fought against his own people several times, Wang Zuo is very clear about how strong he is, although he is indeed strong, but he will not be stronger than Xie Donglai, since Qiao Ye can handle even Xie Dong, Lei Pu Naturally.

At the same time, Leipu didn't respond to this, obviously completely numb to this kind of battle, if one blow didn't work, then another blow!

The huge palm was raised, and it was slapped down again in the direction of Qiao Ye.

But when that palm fell...

Qiao Ye is gone!


Lei Pu slapped the ground with his palm, and the ground was instantly torn apart, but there was no sign of Qiao Ye at that position.

Repp straightened his body again and looked around in confusion, but at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly appeared behind Lei Pu, swept out with a fierce kick, and kicked Lei Pu's body.

The huge body seemed vulnerable in front of Qiao Ye, and was immediately swept away by Qiao Ye's kick.

Bang, bang, bang!

Lei Pu's body kept hitting the ground of the ring, smashing the ground continuously, and it took more than ten meters to stabilize his body!

The young man beside Wang Zuo stood up abruptly, and said with an incredulous expression, "Impossible, how could Lei Pu be easily defeated!"

Wang Zuo laughed loudly and said, "Jiao Lu, I would like to accept the bet!"

"Hmph, do you think I'll play tricks?" The young man named Jiao Lu snorted coldly and said, "The problem is that my men haven't lost yet, and Lei Pu still has a killer move!"


At this moment...

The ear-piercing electric sound suddenly sounded, wrapping around Leipu's body. Slowly, Leipu got up from the ground again.

Repp's whole body was covered with electricity, horns grew on his forehead, scales like dragon scales began to appear on the surface of his skin, and the nails of his hands gradually changed into the shape of claws.

Demonization, Thunder Tyrannosaurus!

Qiao Ye narrowed her eyes, a remnant of the Demon Realm?

The next moment, after Lei Pu entered the demonized state, he beat his chest directly, raised his head and roared, and then flew towards Qiao Ye again.

Bang, bang, bang!

Every step that Lei Pu stepped down, became heavier, and the electric current in his body was constantly surging, making the sound of "Zi la, zi la".

In the empty boat watching the battle, Jiao Lu shouted excitedly: "That's it, Lei Pu, kill him for me!"

next moment...

Repp came to Qiao Ye, raised his huge fist again, and slammed it down on Qiao Ye's head.

Seeing the electric current rushing ahead, Qiao Ye still didn't show any expression, just stretched out his hand to hold it in the void, and then, black smoke continuously gushed out from Qiao Ye's hand, lingering around Qiao Ye's arm continuously, Finally turned into a black halberd!

The halberd was completed, and Qiao Ye slashed forward with a halberd!

The soaring smoke quickly condensed and turned into a huge smoke halberd, which was as large as ten meters, and fell towards Lei Pu's direction.


In the next moment, there was a huge collision sound, and a piece of the ring exploded directly, and the surrounding area was shrouded in black smoke.

Qiao Ye flicked her hand silently, and the black halberd in her hand disappeared.

it's over!

"You defeated a warrior of the third level of the Demon Emperor Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 135,000 points."

When the smoke dissipated, Rep's body reappeared, already dripping with blood, his chest heaved and heaved, and he coughed up blood.

With one blow, Rep was even on the verge of death.

However, in Rep's numb eyes, there was a gleam of light, emotion, and relief.

Lei Pu looked at Qiao Ye without any resentment. On the contrary, Qiao Ye even saw a trace of gratitude in Lei Pu's eyes.

Thank you Qiao Ye for killing yourself!

Sometimes, living may not be a kind of happiness, but death is!


At the same time, in the airship watching the battle, Jiao Lu slammed into the wall angrily, obviously unwilling to accept Lei Pu's defeat.

"Wang Zuo, I want to bet!" Jiao Lu looked at Wang Zuo and said, "Do you dare to let him fight my guard?"

Wang Zuo glanced at Jiao Lu and said, "Yes, yes, but what about this lottery?"

Jiao Lu said, "It's the same as the current scene!"

Wang Zuo nodded and said, "Yes, let's arrange another one!"

at the same time……

Repp had already been carried down, and Qiao Ye turned around to leave, but was stopped by the Skywalker in the air.

"Next is the second match, and it will still be played by our vicious murderer. Everyone should have seen his ferocity. Madman Rep is completely vulnerable in front of him. Only blood and death can excite him. .”

"On the other side, there are also heavyweights. He is Mr. Jiao Lu's guard, he is a noble Skywalker, his power is terrifying, his silver spear can pierce the sky, he is— —Fermont!"

A Skywalker suddenly jumped down from the airship above, with a pair of pale silver wings spread out behind him, and slowly landed on the ring.

Skywalker, who was in charge of the referee, turned to Qiao Ye, drew a stroke on his neck, and said in a low voice, "Remember, you can't lose, or you will die!"

After the Skywalker finished speaking, he flew into the air, announcing the start of the gladiatorial fight again.

On the other side, the Skywalker named Fermont stepped forward, holding a pair of silver short guns in his hands, raised one of them and pointed in the direction of Qiao Ye: "Untouchable, it is you who can stand here and compete with me!" Shouldn't you kneel down and thank me for giving you such an opportunity for the blessings of cultivation in your previous life?"

Qiao Ye hooked the corner of her mouth contemptuously, stretched out her index finger and shook it towards the other party.

"I don't know how to flatter you!" Femeng shouted in a low voice, "At first I wanted to be gentler and play with you, since you are so ignorant..."

All of a sudden, Fei Meng raised his hand towards the front, and a silver light shot out from the silver short spear suddenly, towards Qiao Ye's direction.

Fermont sneered and said, "Then go to hell with me!"

Qiao Ye looked at the flying silver gun light and suddenly laughed.

"If people can die easily at this level..." Qiao Ye waved his hand forward casually, "Death is too cheap!"


The moment Qiao Ye swung his arm forward, the silver gun light that came to Qiao Ye exploded in an instant.


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