Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1200 I have been here, I have conquered

Chapter 1200 I have been here, I have conquered

Qiao Ye suddenly laughed.

Whether Xin Long can still stand up, Qiao Ye knows best.

Only when you can no longer fight and completely lose your combat power will you defeat the opponent and absorb the martial soul value. Of course, if it is an evil beast, you can only kill it. The evil beast cannot absorb the martial soul value if it is not dead.

Therefore, in Xin Long's current state, it is impossible to continue fighting.

However, for Wang Zuo, if he is not dead, he can still stand up, and if he can stand up, he can win, as long as Qiao Ye is willing to lose!

Unfortunately, Qiao Ye didn't want to lose.

Stepping into the arena by myself is not for losing, not for any circumstances.


A few crooked melons also want to control Xiaoji and Polaris?

How naive!

Qiao Ye stood in the center of the arena, with a smile on her face, she suddenly stretched out her hand in the direction of Xiao Ji and Polaris, and wiped it on her throat!

There were no words, but Polaris already understood what Qiao Ye meant.

Almost instantly, Polaris spread his hands, and immediately after that, two crystalline twin swords appeared out of thin air in his hands, and then Polaris turned around sharply, raised his hand and swept the sword backward.

After a sword strike, blood spattered!

Three heads flew into the air at the same time, and the three heads fell backwards at the same time!

"You defeated a Skywalker at the second level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 55,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the seventh level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 75,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the sixth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 70,000 points."


The three Skywalkers were instantly decapitated by Polaris, and their bodies fell directly to the bottom of the airship, just landing on the edge of the gladiatorial arena. Three bang bang bangs immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The area around the originally noisy arena suddenly became silent, and everyone was startled by this sudden change, unable to understand what was going on.

Sitting in the empty boat watching the battle, Wang Zuo's eyes widened instantly. A mere slave dared to kill his own people?

Secondly, Wang Zuo was also a little surprised. Polaris and Xiaoji, a woman and a girl, didn't look very strong. Wang Zuo really didn't expect that Polaris could have such a good skill, and he could kill three of himself in one blow. men.

And what Wang Zuo didn't think of was obviously more than this one!

The moment Polaris shot, Qiao Ye also jumped up suddenly.

In the sky, before the flying referee could react, Qiao Ye had already come in front of him.

The next moment, Qiao Ye stretched out his hand abruptly, pinched the referee's throat, and then fell down.


Qiao Ye stretched out his hand and pressed down. The referee was directly smashed into the arena by Qiao Ye. His neck was completely twisted, but his throat was broken by Qiao Ye's blow, and he died on the spot.

"You defeated a Skywalker at the fifth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 62,000 points."

Qiao Ye killed the referee in the arena with one blow, and Skywalker, who was in charge of maintaining order, finally reacted!

The people in the air space treat the remnants as slaves, but such things as slaves are never voluntary by the remnants, so it is not uncommon for the remnants to fight back, but I have never seen a slave backlash in this case!

"Get him for me!"

Among the Skywalkers around who were responsible for maintaining order, someone immediately let out a low growl, and immediately after that, those Skywalkers were about to charge into the arena!

But at this moment...


Suddenly, a violent roar sounded!

In the sky, a white light beam descended from the sky, hit it directly, landed on the edge of the gladiator ring, and immediately made a loud noise, blasting a large area to pieces.

The group of skywalkers who wanted to rush to the gladiatorial ring were blown away several times, and the others were also stunned on the spot.

In fact, not to mention those Skywalkers, Qiao Ye was also stunned at this moment.

This sudden attack...

It really has nothing to do with Qiao Ye, so Qiao Ye is also a little confused!

"Enemy attack, there is enemy attack!"

"Look at the sky, it's an enemy attack!"

At this time, someone shouted loudly.

Everyone looked towards the sky, and there were a large number of empty boats in the sky above, at least dozens of them.

Such a number of empty boats should not appear suddenly, because they will definitely be discovered.

But if you look closely, you will find that there are patterns flashing on those airships, and those patterns have covered the surface of the airships with something like painting.

The color of the painting is exactly the same as that of the surrounding clouds, and even with the movement of the airship, the painting will change accordingly, always keeping in sync with the surrounding clouds, just like a chameleon, exactly the same as the background of the sky .

"Sea of ​​clouds painting, this is Ye Yousi's fleet!"

"Impossible, hasn't Ye Yousi been active in the south? Why did he appear here!"

"Run, run, Ye Yousi is calling!"


The surroundings instantly became a mess, and no one even cared about Qiao Ye.

Some people who came here to watch the gladiator fight did not hesitate to drive the airship to escape at this moment.

Qiao Ye was still in a daze.

Ye Yousi?

Qiao Ye had the impression that this name came from Li Xing.

Among the survivors are the so-called Three Kings. These three are very powerful. They plundered airships from the airspace people and formed their own fleet. Unlike most survivors, they can only linger on the dilapidated airspace continent. Instead of living in an airship, they can fight against the people in the airspace, and even plunder the living resources of the people in the airspace.

Among them, Ye Yousi, known as the Southern Heavenly King, is one of the three kings of the survivors.

However, Ye Yousi is called the Southern Heavenly King because Ye Yousi only acts in the center of the airspace, on the other side of the Sky Throne.

The south is Ye Yousi's base camp, and Ye Yousi hardly leaves that area.

To say that the MSI State is not too far from the south, if the Sky Throne is the center, the MSI State should belong to the southwest direction.

However, although the direction is not much different, with Ye Yousi's strength, he already has his own fleet, and must be operating near the Throne of the Sky, and MSI State can be said to be a remote backcountry, located southwest of the Throne of the Sky closest to the border.

Therefore, everyone couldn't understand why Ye Yousi's fleet appeared here!

And Ye Yousi obviously didn't need to explain why to anyone.

He just needs to attack directly!

I have been here, I have conquered!

It's that simple!


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