Chapter 1214 Crisis

At this time, Ye Yousi suddenly said: "Switch the screen of the water curtain, the position directly above!"

Qiao Ye froze for a moment, then looked at the dense pattern in front of her eyes.

Now Qiao Ye felt that there was something wrong with his plan to snatch the empty boat and escape. Of course, it wasn't the plan that was wrong, but the empty boat.

Qiao Ye didn't feel how difficult this thing was when watching Skywalker manipulate it, but it was only after he actually manipulated it that he realized that it was really not easy.

Ye Yousi said: "The second pattern in the third row on the left, hold it down and push it up!"

Qiao Ye nodded and followed suit.

As expected, the picture in the water curtain has changed, and it can be seen that it is slowly rising.

The picture of the water curtain is actually a sphere, which can be changed by sliding the pattern, and can be seen in any direction with the airship as the center.

And when the picture of the water curtain rose, it was naturally aimed at the sky, and Qiao Ye felt a little dazzling immediately after.

In that sky, there was a large area of ​​incandescent light, very dazzling, like looking up at the sun on a sunny day.

Qiao Ye half-closed her eyes, and after getting used to it for a while, she slowly opened them.

The sky has been completely covered by the brilliance, and the surrounding clouds are dimmed.

Ye Yousi said: "The Tianshu Monument is coming!"

Qiao Ye nodded, actually a little confused.

The Tianshu Tablet in Qiao Ye's impression is of course a stone tablet. If I have to say it more specifically, it is a stone tablet with strange characters like the Heavenly Book engraved on it.

But according to Ye Yousi's description, Qiao Ye always felt that Ye Yousi was describing a certain place, not a thing.

For example, Ye Yousi used words such as "world", "death" and "leave alive", these words obviously cannot be linked to a stone tablet.

It's just that Qiao Ye didn't take it seriously.

Because Qiao Ye is not interested in the Tianshu Monument, what Qiao Ye is more interested in is the secret behind the Tianshu Monument, the airspace, the throne of the sky, the situation after the appearance of the airspace, and...

Jiang Liuxue!

Is it the stele of the heavenly book...

Even though Ye Yousi said that he became a Daoist because of the stele of the book of heaven, this is really a very tempting thing, but isn't it just because of his cultivation? Qiao Ye believes that there is a jade card to absorb the value of the martial soul. Sooner or later, Qiao Ye cared more about other things than the Tianshu Monument.

Ye Yousi looked at Qiao Ye, and invited, "It's finally here, do you want to take a look at the Tianshu Monument together?"

Qiao Ye thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "No, I want to go back to the Nine Domains Battlefield more. I need to report the matter of the airspace to the defenders. If you can't go with me to the Nine Domains Battlefield because of the Tianshu Monument, I hope You can leave a contact method, I will definitely come back, and I hope to find you by then."

Qiao Ye couldn't tell what would happen after the appearance of the airspace.

After all, Qiao Ye is not a boundary-defender at the moment, let alone a 28-star boundary-defender. There are some things that Qiao Ye can't make a decision on, so he can't talk to Ye Yousi. The twenty-eight stars of the defenders have come, and it is impossible to make a decision on the spot. It is necessary to start the meeting of the twenty-eight stars of the defenders.

However, if there is someone who can form an alliance in the airspace, among the survivors and Skywalker, Qiao Ye will definitely prefer the survivors, and Ye Yousi, as one of the three strongest powerhouses of the survivors, the King of the South, is definitely a good negotiating partner , even, with the help of Ye Yousi's influence, this alliance can be radiated to all survivors.

Therefore, Qiao Ye hoped to have a relationship with Ye Yousi, just like Tian Ce Longzun in Shuyu and the original Princess Yongle.

Qiao Ye felt that he was already an excellent tool person when it came to making bridges.

Ye Yousi smiled and said: "Then, I wish you success in finding the entrance and exit, and look forward to your return!"

After Ye Yousi finished speaking, she took out a conch-like object and handed it to Qiao Ye.

"This is a moire snail." Ye Yousi said: "The unique communication treasure in the airspace, when you need to find me, shake it three times in a row, and after blowing it, you can transmit the sound to me!"

Qiao Ye nodded, took the things and said, "Okay!"

"Then..." Ye Yousi said, "Farewell!"

After Ye Yousi finished speaking, she was about to leave. At this moment, Xiao Ji who had been sitting quietly on the side suddenly pulled her sleeves.

Qiao Ye looked at Xiao Ji and said, "What's wrong?"

Xiaoji stretched out her hand and pointed to the water curtain in front of her.

Qiao Ye turned his head to look at the water curtain, and then froze for a moment. The direction of the water curtain hadn't turned back yet, and was still pointing at the sky.

But at this moment, the incandescent light in the sky was obviously suppressed a lot, becoming more dazzling, a vast expanse of whiteness, and the brightness is still increasing, there is a kind of...

"The light seems to be suppressed?" Qiao Ye looked at Ye Yousi and said, "Is there any problem?"

As soon as Ye Yousi finished asking, she knew there was a problem, because Ye Yousi also noticed the water curtain, and she had a dumbfounded expression on her face.

"Run, run!" Ye Yousi suddenly came back to his senses, and shouted at Qiao Ye: "The Tianshu tablet has fallen, and it's coming towards us!"

The Tianshu Monument is in that large ray of light. Ye Yousi has experienced the Tianshu Monument once, so knowing that the time is up, the Tianshu Monument will fall from the sky, and then just look for it, but...

Looking at the way the light fell, the book tablet was thrown towards Qiao Ye's empty boat that day.

Qiao Ye also couldn't help being taken aback, and couldn't help saying: "What will happen if you get hit?"

Ye Yousi said: "How do I know? I haven't been smashed before, but I believe you won't want to be smashed and give it a try!"

Qiao Ye grinned, as if there was such a reason, and hurriedly manipulated the formation pattern, urging the airship, trying to leave the area covered by the light.

The next moment, the picture on the water curtain began to shake wildly. Sitting in the airship, one could clearly feel that the airship was flying irregularly. It was definitely not going in a straight line. Moreover, the speed of the airship had not increased obviously.

Qiao Ye felt cold sweat pouring out of his forehead, and gritted his teeth, "How to speed up?"

Ye You thoughtfully pushed Qiao Ye away and said, "I'll do it!"

Ye Yousi quickly pressed her palm on the pattern, but at this moment...

On the light curtain, the incandescent light seemed to burst out, completely covering the light curtain, stinging people's eyes, and then...


Something hit the airship. Immediately afterwards, the entire airship began to spin in the air. Qiao Ye was thrown out and hit the ceiling of the airship hard.

Qiao Ye was thrown in a mess, she shook her head, looked around, and was thrown flying even when she saw Xiao Ji.

"Little Ji!"

Qiao Ye gave a low drink, and quickly reached out to hug Xiao Ji.


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