Chapter 1300 begins

Timing is indeed of the essence.

In fact, no one is worried about the entrance and exit of the Nine Realms Battlefield, even if it is temporarily occupied by Skywalker, so what?

As long as all domains join forces, they can take it back at any time.

But the entrance and exit are two-way, which is the most troublesome place. That is to say, even if the entrance and exit of the Nine Realms Battlefield are regained, the entrance and exit of the airspace will definitely be controlled by Skywalker.

At present, it seems that only the Red Dragon Group and the Thousand Strike Fleet of the Sixth Skywalker Fleet are involved, but as time goes by, will the other Sixth Skywalker Fleet be involved?

Therefore, the longer the time dragged on, the more Skywalker stationed troops at the entrance and exit of the airspace, and the harder it was to send Ye Yousi back.

Fortunately, the defenders really began to mobilize with all their strength, and the efficiency was still very high.

The town guards have been assembled. Wu Yu has dispatched 6,000 town guards and Ling Yu has 5,000 guards. In addition, King Ruyang of Mo Yu has sent 3,000 border troops. There are far fewer people in Beast Domain. The domain is the most peace-loving, it may really be the beast domain.

The Beast Realm has lived in peace for too long, and their attitude has always been that if there is no war, they will not go to war. This time, it is purely the airspace that has also violated the interests of the Beast Realm. Now the Beast Realm is developing well in the Nine Realms Battlefield. If you mess around, Beast Realm doesn't agree. Take Thief Horse Town as an example, a market in Beast Realm was destroyed there, but Beast Realm sent the least number of people.

Liang Zhicheng is very busy, because he has to dispatch and command. To a certain extent, this actual battle is also very important, because it is the first time that all domains unite to fight, and the airspace is a good touchstone for how much combat power can be exerted. .

However, all of this has nothing to do with Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye will participate in the battle, but not to charge the battle. Qiao Ye's task is very simple, that is, to escort Ye Yousi back to the airspace. Therefore, it's not that Qiao Ye doesn't need to participate in the battle, he only needs to make a move at the right time.

Walking into the courtyard, Ye Yousi was sitting in the courtyard drinking alone, Qiao Ye said: "Don't get drunk, I don't want to turn around and rush into battle with a drunk on my back!"

Ye Yousi chuckled, then put down her glass and said, "I'm just a little worried!"

Ye Yousi was naturally worried about his own fleet.

Ye Yousi wants to go back more than anyone else, because her responsibilities and pressure are greater, and her fleet is still hovering near the entrance and exit. Now that the Red Dragon Group and the Thousand Strike Fleet appear, it means that the entrance and exit of the airspace have been occupied.

So, did they attack Ye Yousi's fleet?

Ye Yousi's fleet has no leader at the moment, can it withstand the impact of the six Skywalker ships?

Therefore, compared to Qiao Ye, Liang Zhicheng and others, Ye Yousi herself was the one under the most pressure.

Qiao Ye said: "Don't worry, no matter what, we will do our best."

Ye Yousi said with a slight sarcasm: "Of course you have to do your best. If you don't do your best, how can I help you contact the forces of the survivors from all sides to fight against Skywalker?"

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "You're drunk."

Ye Yousi also realized that she had made a slip of the tongue, rubbed the bridge of her nose and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean anything."

"It doesn't matter, what you said is the truth." Qiao Ye said: "We will definitely help you and help the survivors, but the prosperity of the world comes for profit, and the world is full of hustle and bustle, all go for profit. Are we wrong? Because There is a need, so we help, there is no reason for nothing in this world, and, no matter what the reason is, it seems that Skywalker is our common enemy at present, that alone is enough, isn't it?"

Ye Yousi nodded and said, "You are right!"

at the same time……


The sound of cracking suddenly sounded.

Qiao Ye looked in the distance, and there was a huge roaring sound in the direction of Qingmu Town. Immediately afterwards, Qiao Ye saw thick black smoke and a huge pillar of fire rising suddenly, illuminating the entire night sky.

One after another, the airships continued to rise into the sky, like beasts one after another, hovering in the air, and then bared their fangs.

"It's started!" Qiao Ye looked at Ye Yousi and said, "According to the plan, we will go to investigate the situation first, and you will show up when you find an opportunity!"

Ye Yousi nodded and said, "Thank you."

Qiao Ye didn't say much, black smoke suddenly rose from under her feet, and then disappeared on the spot.

Liang Zhicheng's strategy is actually very simple, the first is to launch an attack, beat Skywalker back, and snatch Qingmu Town again.

Escorting Ye Yousi back to the airspace is indeed a priority task, but it does not mean that Liang Zhicheng will not do other things. Those Skywalkers will make trouble after they appear. It is impossible to give the entrance and exit of the Nine Realms Battlefield to Skywalker. The town will be taken back, and Ye Yousi will also be sent back to the airspace.

Taking a step back, if the battle goes well, the next strategy can be cancelled, and they can directly take back Qingmu Town, and the entrances and exits are naturally under control, so they can send Ye Yousi back to the airspace.

Even, the guards can directly enter the airspace through the entrance and exit, and fight against the skywalkers in the airspace, which is more able to protect Ye Yousi comprehensively.

But if it is difficult to tell the winner for a while, then you need to adopt the second set of strategies, that is, to dispatch the masters. You don't need to defeat Skywalker, but directly kill Qingmu Town and send Ye Yousi back to the airspace.

The downside of this strategy is that if the guards can't take advantage of the situation, they will have to face the Skywalker stationed in the airspace after entering the airspace. Even if they go to the airspace, they will not be safe.

Simply put, the latter completely depends on the ability of the master!

When Qiao Ye arrived at the outskirts of Qingmu Town, there was already a complete massacre.

There were shouts of killing everywhere, as well as the roar of explosions, the flames rising into the sky, and the thick black smoke that swept across.

A large number of empty boats are suspended in the air, and countless formations wrap the hull of the empty boats, shining with lights of various colors. From a distance, it seems that the pitch-black night sky is completely covered by lights of various colors, and it is also like the lights of various colors. The fireworks bloomed in an instant, which was extremely gorgeous.

But, in the next moment...

Boom, boom, boom!

Beams of beams bombarded downwards one after another, and then the sound of explosions continued, and the towering giant trees covered in Qingmu Town were smashed to pieces in an instant.

The light beam shot into the crowd, and with the roaring sound, the ground was instantly exploded, and the sand was rolled up, and the people around were also blown out in an instant.

Even so, more guards swarmed up, quickly entered Qingmu Town, climbed up those giant trees, and then rushed towards the surrounding airships, trying to directly enter the interior of the airships, or directly destroy those airships.

The war has begun!


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