Chapter 1315 General Attack

Accompanied by the reappearance of the beam of divine power, there was a loud noise around again.

The surrounding space seemed to tremble, and everything in the world felt like it was completely torn apart.

next moment...


The beam of divine power collided with the soaring light beam, and then a huge roar appeared, and layers of ripple-like air waves crazily swayed in all directions.

Those towering giant trees were blown apart under the impact of the air waves, and then fell towards the rear continuously, hitting the ground, and dust was flying up!

The soaring light beam was only able to block the divine power beam for a while, and then quickly evaporated in the divine power beam, and was completely annihilated.

And after the light beams were completely annihilated, the beam of divine power falling from the sky still did not disappear!


The divine light beam followed the trend and directly hit the deck of the Cang Strike.

After a loud noise, the deck of the Cang Strike was blasted open a huge gap, and even, the beam of divine power directly entered the interior of the Cang Strike, piercing the Cang Strike with a single blow.


As the Cang Strike was pierced directly, a second loud noise suddenly appeared, and the bow of the Cang Strike was raised directly upwards, sending all the Skywalkers on the deck flying.

Immediately, the huge bow rolled and fell downwards, scaring the people below to flee in all directions.


In a moment, the broken prow hit the ground and fell to pieces in an instant.

This time, not only those Skywalkers were dumbfounded, but everyone in all domains were also dumbfounded.

Directly suppressed two Tianzun, and destroyed the opponent's airship with one blow?

Liang Zhicheng was also wiping off his cold sweat, looking at Qiao Ye who was still hanging in the sky, he didn't know what to say.

Although I did ask Qiao Ye to perform well, so as to consolidate her status as a world-defender, so as not to fall into the shoes of others.

However, I didn't call Qiao Ye directly invincible!

Liang Zhicheng now even feels that it seems that this is no longer a question of whether Qiao Ye can secure the position of the boundary guard, but...

Are you going to lose your 28-star position as a defender?

After all, Liang Zhicheng, as the young guard of the twenty-eight stars of the boundary guard, also represents Liang Zhicheng's strength. Among the twenty-eight stars of the boundary guard, he is relatively the bottom of the existence. If he wants to replace him, of course he will start from the weak.

Fortunately, Liang Zhicheng's thoughts were only scattered by Qiao Ye's performance, and he soon came back to his senses, throwing those wild thoughts to the back of his mind.


Right now is an absolute opportunity!

Although such a scene was completely different from what Liang Zhicheng had planned, the possible scene would appear.

However, the opponent's two Tianzun were seriously injured by Qiao Ye, and one of the two airships was destroyed by Qiao Ye. In addition to the damage in strength, the more important thing is that Qiao Ye's performance really scared those days. Walker.

This also means that the fighting will of those Skywalkers is constantly weakening at this moment, and they have lost the courage to continue fighting.

That being the case, what are you waiting for?

"Pass my order!" Liang Zhicheng roared loudly: "The whole army is attacking, kill me, kill these guys directly, and kill them into the airspace!"

After Liang Zhicheng finished yelling, there were immediately corresponding voices around, and with the sound of yelling to kill, everyone's morale surged, and they rushed forward frantically.

At the same time, Liang Zhicheng also quickly sent a message to Qiao Ye: "Can you kill those two Heavenly Venerates?"

Qiao Ye glanced at the spiritual paper, and also wiped off the cold sweat, as if he was a little confused about this.

In terms of strength, Qiao Ye is now capable of killing two people. After all, Qiao Ye can now use the power of the gods, which is not enough for ordinary human beings.

Provided that……

Xia Dinglou and Chen Sikong entered the range of the divine force field.

To put it bluntly, although the divine power is mighty, it is not Qiao Ye's own ability, but the effect of the treasure from the seven brilliant colored glaze beads.

As for the effects of the treasures of the Seven Brilliant Glazed Bead String, the first is the domain ability of the divine force field, and the second is to use the divine force field to resonate and obtain divine power.

Therefore, within the scope of the divine force field, Qiao Ye is a god...

Out of the range of the divine force field, Qiao Ye turned back into a human!

Naturally, Xia Dinglou didn't need to say much, if Chen Sikong didn't want to save Xia Dinglou and entered the range covered by the god's position, Qiao Ye might not be able to do anything about him.

As for the Cang Strike that was destroyed, it was also because the Cang Strike happened to be located below the range of the divine force field.

The domain of the divine force field is a space with a radius of fifteen meters, but there is no limit to the height. In other words, no matter whether it is in the sky or underground, as long as it is within a radius of fifteen meters, it belongs to the space of the divine force field.

Right now, both Xia Dinglou and Chen Sisiou are out of the range covered by the divine force field. Qiao Ye can continue to chase them, but the divine power cannot be used. Therefore, it is still a bit difficult to kill these two if they can fight back. difficult.

Qiao Ye could only reply honestly.

Liang Zhicheng was not disappointed either. Qiao Ye was able to destroy the two Celestials, which was beyond Liang Zhicheng's expectations.

Moreover, since Qiao Ye can't kill him, then he can!

Liang Zhicheng still held two cards in his hands, and they were trump cards!

One of the twenty-eight stars of the defender, the Western Golden Dog, Wang Yueyang!

One of the sixteen generals who guard the realm of the spiritual realm, General Guiya, Wu Ye!

These two are old-fashioned supreme beings in the world, and this opportunity is rare, Liang Zhicheng naturally no longer hides it, and directly lets the two take action.

As soon as Wang Yueyang made a move, it was a wordless book. After unfolding it, he directly wrote four big characters on the wordless book: Stars fall!

Almost instantly, the silver light bloomed in the sky, and then the silver light scattered little by little, shining like stars, and then accompanied by Wang Yueyang's low shout, the stars smashed down crazily.

Boom, boom, boom!

The stars fell to the ground, and the huge roaring sound continued, and the falling stars smashed everything below.

On the other side, General Ghost Tooth paced over, wearing rusty and mottled armor, with a grimacing copper mask with green fangs on his face, and a three-pointed double-edged gun in his hand, he came to the dilapidated Cang Strike, hiding The eyes under the grimace mask suddenly burst into light, and then he raised his gun and slashed forward.

An extremely terrifying power swayed from the body of General Ghost Ya in an instant.


The three-pointed, two-edged gun fell forward, and an extremely sinister black light appeared, cutting towards the front, and then there was a loud noise, and the hull of the side of the Cang Strike was directly split by one blow, a huge crack From bottom to top, the Cang Strike was broken in half!


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