Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1338 The Arrival of Jiang Liuxue

With Shama in place, Qiao Ye walked a bit more easily after confirming his location, and kept using Night Crow to explore the way, so as to ensure that he would not continue to lose his way.

In the evening of the second day, Qiao Ye finally arrived at the Red River Valley.

The Red River Valley is not a valley, but a commercial road.

Although the Dulong Pass is remote and desolate, it used to mainly exist as a military fortress for the Lingwu confrontation, but the endless confrontation between the Lingwu and the Lingwu domains itself was largely due to the resource competition in the Nine Domains Battlefield.

Therefore, the Dulong Pass is desolate and desolate, and there are still some unique resources in the desert, but they are not so precious. As a result, there are not many people doing business here, but there are still some, and the Red River Valley is the only way to transport things.

At the same time, the Red River Valley is also the boundary between the deep part of the desert and the outer part. The side of the Red River Valley near the Dulong Pass belongs to the outer part and is called the White Desert. After the Red River Valley, it is called the Black Desert. Deep down.

After Qiao Ye arrived around the Red River Valley, he climbed up a towering sand dune and looked into the distance. At the same time, he sent Night Crow to explore, but found nothing.

"Those guys are really shaking me a bit?"

Qiao Ye didn't see any signs of sandstorms, even though he used Night Crow to explore farther away, it was still the case. All Qiao Ye could think of was that Yu Tong was lying.

However, the direction You Tong said was not wrong, he had already found the Red River Valley, so as long as the direction was correct, it shouldn't be a big problem to find the Hunyue Sand Cave.

"Just rest tonight!"

Qiao Ye slid down from the sand dune, and then let the sand horses kneel down, and formed a circle with their backs against the sand dune to block the wind and sand, and then sat down on the sand dune.

"Xiaoji, come!"

Qiao Ye beckoned to Xiao Ji, then took out food from her backpack and gave it to Xiao Ji.

Night fell quickly, and the climate became a little low.

After Qiao Ye made Si Bu Xiang huge, he hugged Xiaoji and leaned against Si Bu Xiang's arms to keep warm. Looking up, he could see stars under the dark night sky.

Qiao Ye suddenly said, "Xiao Ji, will you miss Beast Realm?"

Xiao Ji raised her head and looked at Qiao Ye, who blinked her eyes.

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Isn't that your hometown? Maybe, is there anything else you miss?"

Xiao Ji shook her head. For her, the Beast Realm really couldn't find anything worth remembering.

Qiao Ye said, "Will you miss your parents then?"

Xiao Ji shook her head again, then grabbed Qiao Ye's collar tightly and said, "Father!"

Qiao Ye reached out and touched Xiao Ji's head, then sighed: "I still miss them sometimes, but it's good to have you by my side, at least two people!"

Qiao Ye took a coat, covered Xiao Ji's body and said, "Sleep, we have to continue our journey tomorrow."

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, she closed her eyes and fell into a state of meditation.

The night in the desert is very cold, but as long as there are two people, it will always be warmer than one.

In the quiet night, there was a warm feeling somewhat because of the two of them.


After an unknown amount of time, Xiao Ji suddenly opened her eyes.

Qiao Ye was still in the state of meditation and cultivation, and Xiao Ji sat up slowly. In order not to wake Qiao Ye up, Xiao Ji's figure was very light, and then she put the coat covering her body on Qiao Ye's. body.

After doing all this, Xiao Ji suddenly looked up into the distance, and then took a step forward.

When that step fell, Sha Shuo under Xiao Ji's feet trembled slightly, and the space around her seemed to be dislocated, appearing extremely unstable. Immediately afterwards, Xiao Ji's figure suddenly disappeared.

Si Buxiang opened his eyes, then clicked his tongue, rolled his tail towards Qiao Ye, and continued to fall into a deep sleep.

And after such a mere little time, Xiao Ji reappeared, already a hundred miles away.

shrink into an inch!

Xiao Ji stepped on a sand dune, looked down and said, "Get lost!"

Xiaoji's voice was so childish that it didn't seem to have any deterrent effect, but if anyone took it as a joke, they would have to pay a terrible price.

"Daughter of the sky!" At the same time, a figure appeared under the dune, and Jiang Liuxue slowly stepped out from the shadow of the dune: "I have no intention of being your enemy, at least for the time being. So, don't force me to do it."

With a blank expression on her face, Xiao Ji said again: "Get lost!"

Jiang Liuxue said: "I don't need to touch his, it's just that I plan to get back my own things!"

Xiao Ji didn't speak this time, but at Xiao Ji's feet, Sha Shuo suddenly raised a bulge, and supported Xiao Ji to slowly descend from the sand dune.

At the same time, Xiaoji's figure was gradually lengthening.

The sandbag slowly descended, and a radiance appeared on Xiaoji's body. At the same time, every time the radiance became stronger, Xiaoji slowly grew taller, her long hair like a waterfall dragged all the way to the ground, and the clothes on her upper body could hardly wrap her body. , revealing a slender waist, the skirt was also shortened, and two long legs were quickly exposed, as white as jade.

This is what fighting means!

Jiang Liuxue said: "I don't understand, you should be one of the biggest enemies in this world. You once crossed mountains and rivers and turned large areas of mountains, rivers and rivers into deserts. With just one look, you swallowed countless human lives. In the end, you were sealed by human beings for countless years. You also tried to tolerate, forgive, and love, but in the end you encountered betrayal. Therefore, you should hate them, kill them, and destroy everything. Why? Now you choose to follow a human?"

Xiao Ji still didn't respond, she just spread out her hands, and two streams of fine sand slowly surged up around Xiao Ji's side.

"It doesn't seem to make sense." Jiang Liuxue sighed, and then said: "Daughter of the sky, I admit that I can't beat you right now, but do you dare to use all your strength? You probably don't want that little guy to see Now that you look like you, you don't want him to know that you are actually a monster, right?"

As Jiang Liuxue spoke, she stretched out her hand and waved around.

There was a sudden flash of light in the sand, and the light quickly formed lines, frantically moving towards different positions, and soon formed a huge pattern.

But looking at the dense, uncountable lines, one can know that this is definitely a large formation, and there are very complicated techniques mixed in it.

Boom, boom, boom!

After the big formation took shape, the sand suddenly trembled, and coffins one after another broke through the sand continuously, rising up like that, spreading all over Jiang Liuxue's surroundings.

"Since you can't do your best..." Jiang Liuxue laughed and said, "I think you can try a fight!"


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