"Xiao Ji, Xiao Ji!"

Qiao Ye ran forward quickly, shouting loudly.

Without any hesitation, Qiao Ye rushed directly into the black sandstorm, and the further he walked in, the more difficult Qiao Ye's every step became.

Walking against the wind, Qiao Ye felt like he was carrying a heavy load with every step. The strong wind in front of him made Qiao Ye's body shake constantly, as if he would be blown out at any time.

And the closer it was to the center of the black sandstorm, the more obvious the power of the gust of wind would be.

Even if Qiao Ye opened his mouth to shout, it would be extremely difficult, because as long as he opened his mouth, Qiao Ye would be filled with mouthfuls of sand.

It feels like the end is coming, the feeling of death of all things.

Suddenly, Qiao Ye felt a flash of darkness in front of her eyes, but a boulder was drawn from nowhere and hit Qiao Ye's chest fiercely.

The huge force made Qiao Ye spit out a mouthful of blood on the spot. After staggering, Qiao Ye was directly swept into the air, and then kept churning in the air. After an unknown period of time, he fell down hard again. It hit the ground hard, shaking away a piece of sand.

"Little Ji..."

Qiao Ye murmured, feeling the blood in her mouth, and her internal organs trembling violently.

Even so, Qiao Ye got up from the ground and walked forward.

Because of the black sandstorm, you can't see your fingers in front of you, and you can't see anything at all.

But right now, besides continuing to move forward, what else can Qiao Ye do?

Only keep moving forward!

With every step forward, Qiao Ye's feet would sink into the sand.

One step, two steps, the wind blowing around was like a sharp knife, and it hurt Qiao Ye's face.

Suddenly, the wind seemed to be a little more violent, Qiao Ye only felt as if his body had been hit hard, and his whole body flew up again, rolled in the air, and fell down hard.

Lying on the ground, Qiao Ye felt that she could no longer hear any sound in her ears, only the whistling wind.

Qiao Ye squirmed, trying to stand up, but quickly fell back to the ground.

Looking forward, it was pitch black, as if he couldn't see.

Even, just for a short while, the surrounding wind and sand continued to cover Qiao Ye's body, gradually burying Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye felt that his consciousness had gradually disappeared.

The battle with Jiang Liuxue exhausted Qiao Ye a lot. Coupled with the ferocity of the black sandstorm, Qiao Ye felt like he was at the end of his strength.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly felt that the wind around him became smaller, as if something helped him to cover up the wind.

In a daze, Qiao Ye opened his eyes, and then Qiao Ye realized that he saw a woman.


The woman was very tall, but Qiao Ye couldn't help murmuring, because Xiao Ji's shadow could be vaguely seen between her brows.

Has Xiaoji grown up?

Qiao Ye laughed. Is he really going to die?

This is all an illusion!

What I want to see the most is that Xiao Ji grows up healthy and healthy?

Well, it would be nice if you could see it.

Qiao Ye thought so, and then a large piece of sand was blown by the wind, and it just covered Qiao Ye's face, completely covering Qiao Ye's world, and it was pitch black.


Qiao Ye opened his eyes faintly, feeling that it was pitch black, and opened his mouth, Qiao Ye immediately found that he had been poured a mouthful of sand.

In addition, Qiao Ye felt that his chest was a little heavy, as if he was half pressed by something, and he was a little stuffy!

The next moment, an arm suddenly stretched out from the sandy ground, and then forcefully pushed the sandy ground away.

Under the pile of sand, Qiao Ye slowly sat up.

"I'm still alive?"

Qiao Ye murmured, then looked down, and then showed surprise.

The one pressing on her chest turned out to be Xiao Ji!

"Xiao Ji, Xiao Ji!" Qiao Ye stretched out his hand to wipe off the roughness on Xiao Ji's face, and shouted, "Are you okay? Open your eyes when you hear that."

While Qiao Ye yelled, she reached out and patted Xiao Ji's cheek. After a while, Xiao Ji quietly opened her eyes and rubbed her eyes, as if she had just woken up.

Qiao Ye was concerned: "Xiao Ji, are you okay?"

Xiao Ji shook her head.

"Not good?" Qiao Ye quickly looked at Xiao Ji's body and said, "Is there any injury? Is there any discomfort?"

Xiao Ji shook her head again and said, "Not at all."

Qiao Ye let out a sigh of relief, shaking his head to mean that it was all right.

Qiao Ye said uneasy: "Stand up and take a look."

Xiao Ji got off Qiao Ye and took a few steps. She looked quite normal, and she didn't see any blood or wounds on her body. It seemed that nothing happened.

Only then did Qiao Ye feel completely relieved.

Since Xiaoji is fine...

Qiao Ye looked at himself, as if there was nothing wrong with him, but his body was a little weak, and he felt hollowed out, which is not surprising. First, he fought Jiang Liuxue, and then walked for a long time in the black sandstorm. will be very large.

Qiao Ye took out a porcelain bottle from her bosom, took out a elixir and threw it into her mouth, then suddenly froze...

Looking up at the sky, the sun is scorching, and the weather is sunny again, with a feeling of heat and stuffiness all around.

The black sandstorm just passed away?

Qiao Ye showed doubts. Didn't he say that once the black sandstorm appeared, it would last at least a month?

I was buried for more than a month? This is even more impossible. I was buried without eating or drinking for a month, but it didn't just feel like my body was hollowed out. I might have turned into a mummy.

Qiao Ye stood up while thinking, and then looked around.


Qiao Ye looked around, with a puzzled expression on his face again.

The surrounding area is no longer surrounded by continuous sand dunes. Rather than saying it is a desert, this place is closer to a desert.

The yellow sand on the ground is still very thick, but compared with the depths of the desert, it is much more submerged, and it is no longer the level of one foot deep and one foot shallow.

The undulating sand dunes also disappeared without a trace. At the same time, some vegetation appeared more or less around, some withered shrubs, and some human or beast bones could be seen.

Then, Qiao Ye looked forward.

"This is..." Qiao Ye widened his eyes and said, "Are you in the Hunyue Sand Cave?"

Right in front of it, about two or three kilometers away, Qiao Ye saw a huge mountain wall with many holes, and behind that mountain wall, Qiao Ye could faintly see some ruins .

At the same time, if the mountain wall is viewed from the sky, it will show a crescent shape like a crescent moon.


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