Qiao Ye paced slowly, and then his eyes suddenly lit up!

In the direction of the ancient city, Qiao Ye saw a glimmer of light appearing!

Qiao Ye looked at the moon and the spell again, and soon discovered that the spell, the moon, and the reflective area turned out to be a straight line of three points and one line.

"It looks like I should have found it!" Qiao Ye waved his hand and said, "Let's go!"

Qiao Ye hung on the edge of the mountain wall with the dragon's claws, quickly descended, and then kept moving forward after finding the right direction.

The reflective place was inside the ruins of the ancient city, Qiao Ye recalled, it seemed to be located in the middle of the ruins of the ancient city.

Qiao Ye is more concerned about this area, because it happens to be located in the center of the ancient city ruins, and an area similar to the center must be the key area to explore when exploring.

And that area is located behind the Defender's camp. When Qiao Ye explored the camp, he released Night Crow to inspect the area. There seemed to be nothing strange, just ordinary mountain walls, caves, and a few stone houses.

Even some things that seem to be worth exploring, such as statues and relics with words, are all gone.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye galloped on Sibuxiang, quickly arrived at the place, and then couldn't help but be taken aback.


When Qiao Ye came to the reflective place, he was also shocked by the sight in front of him.

this place...

There was a lake!

Qiao Ye remembered very clearly that when he was investigating, there was absolutely nothing here, but at this moment, a lake appeared in front of Qiao Ye's eyes.

The lake is not big, and the lake water is very strange. The lake water is actually silver, it looks a bit sticky, but it also has a feeling of rippling blue waves.

When Qiao Ye came to the lake, the silver surface of the lake was very shiny, like a mirror. Qiao Ye stood by the side and could clearly imprint Qiao Ye's appearance.

"This thing looks weird..." Qiao Ye murmured and stretched out his hand towards the lake, "Besides, why is there an extra lake out of thin air?"

When Qiao Ye's palm was stretched towards the lake, it meant that Qiao Ye, who was reflected in the lake, was also reaching out.


The moment Qiao Ye's fingertips touched the surface of the lake...

Qiao Ye's expression changed drastically in an instant. At that moment, Qiao Ye felt as if he was being grabbed by something, and he crazily dragged his body towards the lake.

Si Buxiang hurriedly opened his mouth to grab Qiao Ye's clothes, but it was useless. In just a moment, Qiao Ye and Si Buxiang were pulled closer to the silver lake.

Xiaoji looked at the Yinhu Lake with a dazed look, and after thinking for a while, she raised her legs and jumped into it.

On the other side, Qiao Ye fell into the Silver Lake and immediately felt the surrounding lake water rushing towards him. He instinctively held his breath and wanted to swim towards the surface of the lake.

However, the lake was like a swamp, completely sticking to Qiao Ye's body, making Qiao Ye feel like he was carrying a heavy load. No matter how hard Qiao Ye tried, his body would not go up, but kept sinking downward. , the same is true of the four different phases, although they are constantly paddling, their bodies are constantly sinking.

After a long time, Qiao Ye couldn't hold his breath anymore, so he opened his mouth. It was strange that the surrounding lake water would not pour into his mouth.

Qiao Ye was surprised to find that she could breathe freely in this lake.

However, even if he didn't suffocate in the water, Qiao Ye still couldn't swim towards the lake, and in the end he could only continue to sink downward.


When it sank to the bottom of the lake, Qiao Ye discovered that the bottom of the lake was not sand, but a lake.

Qiao Ye simply didn't try to swim upwards anymore, but plunged down to the bottom, and got into the lake below.


The next moment, a splash of water splashed, and Qiao Ye came out of a piece of lake water.

Qiao Ye gasped, then looked around, with a look of confusion on his face, came back by himself?

When Qiao Ye got out of the lake, he found that he got out of the Silver Lake, surrounded by the ruins of the ancient city, and one side of the mountain wall.

"What are you doing?" Qiao Ye walked towards the shore, and after climbing ashore, he murmured, "What's going on with this lake?"

Qiao Ye looked at her body and found that she was not wet, as if she had never been in water.

While Qiao Ye was thinking about it, Si Buxiang got out of the lake right after him, with Xiao Ji still hanging on his back, and swayed his body and climbed ashore.

Si Buxiang shook his body instinctively, trying to shake off the water on his hair, but there was no drop of water.

Qiao Ye squatted down to look at the silver river water.

The disappearance of the World Guardian and the Mystic of the World should be related to this silver lake. After all, the spells and the new moon all matched.

But what happened to this silver lake?

I went in for a swim, and came back after sinking to the bottom, and I didn't disappear. Could it be that there was something wrong in the lake that I didn't notice?

Qiao Ye pondered for a while, and decided to give up for now.

It's already dark now, even if there are any weird things, it's hard to find. Anyway, the spell has been restored, and I can come over to check it at any time. In this case, it's better to wait until the daytime to come back, so that I can see the silver lake more clearly. The whole picture, maybe there will be some new gains.

After Qiao Ye made a decision, he waved his hands at Sibuxiang and said, "Let's go, let's go back to the camp and come back tomorrow morning."

Qiao Ye patted Si Buxiang's head and asked Si Buxiang to carry Xiaoji on his back and leave in the direction of the camp.


After a while, Qiao Ye's pupils suddenly shrank.



Qiao Ye remembered that the place where the silver lake appeared was just behind the camp of the boundary guards, about a kilometer in front and back. However, walking back at this moment, Qiao Ye did not see the camp.

"I remember that the stone wall in the southeast is in the shape of an inverted triangle, with a cave on each side..."

Qiao Ye recalled it for a while, and Qiao Ye was quite impressed by that mountain wall, because there happened to be two diagonal caves at the top, which were very eye-catching.

Qiao Ye looked sideways while thinking.

Sure enough, Qiao Ye quickly saw the inverted triangle mountain wall, and at the top, he saw the cave at the opposite corner.

This means that the place is correct, but the camp of the defenders is gone.

Qiao Ye scratched her head involuntarily. Is this the hell?

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye trembled, not far in front of her eyes, there was a hazy figure walking by.

"Is there someone?" Qiao Ye was taken aback, then immediately called out, "Hey, wait a minute!"

Qiao Ye walked forward quickly, and when he got close, he found that there was really a person standing in front of him, with his back to him, and his figure was a little stooped.


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