At this moment, Qiao Ye felt that the Yaozu in the Yaoyu might not have a good head.

If we go back to the time, back to the time when the Three Realms and Nine Domains were just born, the cultivation methods of the Yaozu are indeed unacceptable.

After all, there are so many cultivation methods to choose from, and it turns out that no one is willing to choose the one with the slowest cultivation speed and make wedding dresses for others.

For the sake of cultivation, the monster race pretends to be a god, and instills demon power in people in the form of belief to assist their own cultivation.

However, it is different now!

"People without cultivation are of course not willing to accept demon power." Qiao Ye looked at Shan Haijun and said, "But why do people with cultivation reject it? Especially those who are not low in cultivation, they practice in the original way. It’s ok, but it’s just a container for demonic power, and there’s no harm in it. Even if it’s not wrong for the demon clan to benefit more in the end, they can still get demonic power, even if they get less , and there is nothing to complain about, after all, more or less is for nothing, and, if you don’t have Yaozu, you can’t get it.”

Shan Haijun scratched his head and said, "Is that so?"

Qiao Ye said: "It's really like this."

Qiao Ye somewhat understood Shan Haijun's mentality, or in other words, the Yaozu's mentality.

In the earliest days, if the Yaozu wanted to cultivate, they must use the means of "deception". Over time, the Yaozu instinctively believed that they were playing the role of the villain. Less contact, instilling demon power in the name of God, naturally less contact with people from outside the domain, so this inherent concept has been circulated in the hearts of the demon clan, they have never thought about it, from another angle, the demon power may be It is the dream of all cultivators.

"No matter how much I say, it doesn't make sense, why don't you try it?" Qiao Ye looked at Shan Haijun and said, "This matter is beneficial and harmless, take a step back, no matter what I said is true or not, get out of here , you will meet more people, naturally you will have more opportunities to cultivate monsters, no matter what, you will be better than now, right?"

"What you said makes sense." Shan Haijun thought for a while and said, "I can help you find someone first. Do you have any clues about this?"

Qiao Ye shook his head and said, "I'm just guessing that they are in the Demon Realm, but this possibility is very high. If you have to give clues..."

Qiao Ye gestured to wait a moment, then took out the spiritual paper and tried to contact Lin Jiexu, but unfortunately there was still no response.

Although Lin Jie must be in the demon domain, it is not considered a cross-domain communication. However, each domain has its own communication method. Qiao Ye encountered a similar situation.

After a while, Qiao Ye shook his head at Shan Haijun.

Shan Haijun said: "There are lairs of evil beasts everywhere, if they enter by mistake, it may be very dangerous."

Qiao Ye said: "I still have confidence in this. They are all very strong. Under normal circumstances, even the tide of evil beasts can be dealt with."

Shan Haijun nodded, and then said: "I am a traveler, I will travel everywhere, so there is no good way to help you find people, but I can take you to some places, where there are settled people Monster clan and demon people, they may have seen the person you are looking for."

Qiao Ye said: "This is also a way!"

Qiao Ye and Shan Haijun reached an agreement temporarily, and Shan Haijun also told Qiao Ye about his vision.

"Thirty miles away from here, there is a gathering place of monsters." Shan Haijun said: "The number of people is only about one or two hundred people. At the same time, there is also a demon emperor of the Yuyi clan living there, named Qin Zixian. They are far away from each other. The Moon Sand Cave is very close, maybe it can give us some news."

"Then go there!" Qiao Ye immediately asked curiously, "Do all the demon clan live with the demon people now?"

Shan Haijun nodded and said: "Although the monster clan has always hidden their lives, when the three realms and nine realms were broken, the monster clan had to show up for the sake of the entire monster realm. Moreover, with the destruction of the demon domain, the original method of cultivating monsters is indeed not feasible, so now most of the monsters will show up and live with the monsters. Practice with each other."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Why do you travel?"

"Because the Shanhai Clan is more scary." Shan Haijun said helplessly: "The Yuyi Clan looks similar to humans and is easier to be accepted. The Shanhai Clan is not so good. Therefore, most of us rely on travel to find our own monsters in various places, but Do not live with them, fearing that they will be afraid."

Qiao Ye talked to Shan Haijun, and then headed south.

According to Shan Haijun, there are evil beasts everywhere in the entire demon realm right now. However, following Shan Haijun along the way, Qiao Ye didn't see too many evil beasts. At most, he saw some sporadic evil beasts in the desert. You Ge.

This is due to the fact that Shan Haijun is very familiar with this area, traveling around all the year round, so that Shan Haijun is very clear about the places where the evil beasts appear and the lairs where the evil beasts are distributed.

Going all the way, after turning over a sandy slope, Qiao Ye finally saw the gathering place of demons that Shan Haijun mentioned.

It was a simple desert village, and a few wisps of black smoke could be faintly seen rising.

Qiao Ye looked over and said, "Is this cooking?"

Shan Haijun said solemnly: "No, something happened!"

After Shan Haijun finished speaking, he suddenly started to run wildly, rushed down the sandy slope quickly, and ran towards the village.

Qiao Ye quickly stepped onto Sibuxiang and followed Shan Haijun.

After a while, he came to the front of the village.

The smoke was not cooking, but some houses in the village were burning, and the village was in a mess, with corpses everywhere and some broken weapons.

Shan Haijun came to the side of the low wall, quickly crossed the low wall with his hands, and then stretched out his hand to sniff some people. Unfortunately, the people here seemed to have already turned into corpses.

Qiao Ye followed into the village and said, "Did the Evil Beast do it?"

"It was done by the evil beast, but not entirely." Shan Haijun gritted his teeth and said, "It's a man with nine lives!"

Qiao Ye said, "Nine Lives Monster Clan?"

Shan Haijun nodded and said: "The members of the Nine Lives Monster Clan can be said to be the biggest robbers and bandits in the Monster Realm. They have gone crazy for the monster power."

Qiao Ye said: "Shouldn't they kill people for the sake of demon power? If they kill people, how should they get demon power?"


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