Phantom of the Heavenly Demon: Attract the power of the Heavenly Demon from the void, and form the Phantom of the Heavenly Demon to appear in front of people and fight.

From the black smoke gate, the phantom of the demon also stepped out.

That day's demon phantom was able to maintain the outline of a human figure, with a body similar to that of a human being, but its feet were sharp claws like crocodiles, and its palms were in the shape of human palms, but starting from the wrists, it was covered with thorns facing toward each other. With the barb erected above, it spread to the shoulder.

Similarly, behind the virtual form of the demon, there is a row of barbs running down the spine, showing the shape of a crescent moon, and that head is not a human head, but a beast head, like a dragon, without horns, There is no hair on the head, replaced by long and narrow barbs, hanging from the head.

At the back of the waist, the Demon Void also had a long and thin tail, off-white, a bit like an ox's tail, but with a sharp spike at the end.

Qiao Ye raised his arm and waved forward, and the ghostly demon clenched his fist, and punched it forward.

After the mutation, the thousand-legged bones were extremely ferocious, and they directly raised their heads to meet them.


The two behemoths collided together.

Qianzugu's head hit the chest of Heavenly Demon Xuxiang, and Heavenly Demon Xuxiang's fist also ruthlessly hit Qianzugu's back.

This seems to be a close collision, but the next moment!


The sound of flesh and blood tearing suddenly sounded, and the sharp claws of the demon phantom directly pierced into the newly grown flesh membrane of the thousand-legged bone.

Qiao Ye's eyes suddenly lit up. Shan Haijun's attack had severely injured the Thousand Pedal Bone, and under the severe injury, the Thousand Pedal Bone had mutated.

However, the mutation of the millipede seems to come from the desire to survive.

The meat membrane prevents the body of the thousand-legged bone from being completely shattered, thus ignoring Shan Haijun's knife wound, but the defense of the meat membrane itself is not as strong as the bone, and can be easily pierced.

In other words, the millipede has mutated, but the mutation has not been completed yet.

Although the newly grown flesh can heal the injury of the thousand foot bone, it is also the weakness of the thousand foot bone, because the meat membrane is not strong enough.

The demon's phantom seemed to be able to feel Qiao Ye's will. After a blow, he directly grabbed the body of the thousand-legged bone, and threw the thousand-legged bone into the air with all his strength.


The huge body turned and smashed to the ground, sending out a large cloud of smoke and dust, crushing all the houses in the village into ruins.

In the next moment, Tianmo Xuxiang raised his fist and smashed it down forcefully, the barbs on his wrists were straight, cutting the flesh and blood from Thousand Foot Bone's body.


A large amount of blood was splashed out and fell all over the ground.

Thousand Foot Bone twisted its body continuously, as if struggling, and then the whole body bumped into the phantom of the demon.


The huge sound reappeared, and the power of the thousand-legged bone was indeed quite terrifying, not much inferior to Qiao Ye's demon phantom.

In the next moment, at the moment when the phantom of the demon was thrown away, the thousand-legged bone quickly got up from the ground, trying to wrap itself around the phantom of the demon, but at this moment...

Behind the phantom of the demon, the slender tail suddenly came out, and the spikes on the tail pierced forcefully from a place where the meat membrane was, directly piercing the body of the millipede.

The thousand-legged bone immediately struggled again, and the ghost of the demon climbed up from the ground, and suddenly grabbed the thousand-footed bone's body.

The Heavenly Demon raised its head in phantom, as if roaring silently, the next moment...


The Heavenly Demon Xuxiang violently tore the body of Thousand-footed Bone, and the place pierced by the spikes split open immediately, and then under the continuous force of the Heavenly Demon Xuxiang, Thousand-footed Bone's body was suddenly torn into two pieces.

The broken millipede of the body is still struggling on the ground, but the frequency of the struggle is getting smaller and smaller, and finally completely lost its sound.

"You killed an evil beast (thousand-legged bone), absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 165,000 points."

Thousand-legged bones died, and a total of 160,000 martial soul values. As an evil beast, it was absolutely terrifying for Qiao Ye to absorb so many martial soul values. No wonder it is so difficult to deal with the cultivation base of the environment.

However, fortunately, it was killed!

Qiao Ye casually snapped his fingers, and the body of the demon phantom continued to fade away, and finally completely disappeared without a trace.

Qiao Ye walked back and came to Shan Haijun's side and said, "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

Shan Haijun was a little dazed at the moment, and he shook his head after a while and said: "I'm fine, it seems that I was careless in the Moon Moon Sand Grotto before, you probably don't need my help, I didn't expect you to be so strong."

Qiao Ye smiled and said: "Although I was indeed able to escape from the group of night ghosts, your help saved me a lot of trouble. I am still very grateful to you, and, as an opportunity, we exchanged Knowing, isn't it a good thing?"

Shan Haijun nodded, and then said: "The thousand-legged bone is a kind of evil beast that walks alone, and it is actually rare. It can only be seen in places where corpses are piled up. Generally, there is only one at a time. Secondly, the thousand-footed bone is A strong evil beast will deter other evil beasts, so there should be no more evil beasts."

"Hmm!" Qiao Ye said, "Let's see if there are any survivors?"

After the two finished talking, they wanted to continue searching the village.

However, it seemed that God wanted to tell the two that there were no living people in this village, so they should stop wasting their efforts in vain. When the two were about to act, they were interrupted again.

"Isn't this from Shanhai?" Suddenly, a voice rang out, "Is this your village? I thought it was from Yuyi!"

Qiao Ye and Shan Haijun looked towards the entrance of the village, and there were five or six more men at the entrance of the village.

Those men don't look any different from humans, but there are two places on their bodies that look extremely weird.

The first strange thing is the pupils. The pupils of those men are different from human beings. They are all colored pupils, some are golden, some are yellow, some are red, and some are green.

Qiao Ye even saw different-colored pupils, and some people's eyes were not the same color.

In addition, the other party's skin color is very strange, darker.

It's not the kind of bronze color that has been exposed to the sun too much, nor is it the yellow-black color of naturally dark skin, but pure black with a hint of gray.

The skin color is very weird, not like human skin color.

Qiao Ye looked at Shan Haijun and said, "Nine lives? They did what happened here, right?"

"Yes." Shan Haijun nodded, then looked at the other party and said: "Don't go too far, there are fewer and fewer monsters now, and you are still doing this kind of thing. When the monsters are completely wiped out, our monster clan I can't even survive!"


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