And under Chen Chou's momentary stupefaction, Qiao Ye made a sudden move.

The black halberd in his hand swept out, slammed Chen Qiu's waist fiercely, and sent Chen Qiu flying with a blow.

Chen Chou backed away and managed to stabilize his body, but just as he stood still, Qiao Ye came up again.

The black halberd in his hand fell forward, and Chen Chou quickly crossed his arms.

A purplish-red demonic force appeared, encircling Chen Chou's body, as if it had substance, and when Qiao Ye slashed down with a halberd, it helped Chen Chou block Qiao Ye's attack.

"Can the demon power still be used like this? Just defend?" Qiao Ye looked at Chen Chou and said, "Then I'll see how much demon power you have to consume!"

While talking, Qiao Ye turned her body around. The black halberd wrapped around Qiao Ye's waist and spun around. Taking advantage of the situation, she drew on Chen Qiu's waist again, and swept Chen Qiu away again. She staggered for a few steps before she stabilized Body.

This Chen Chou...

Qiao Ye tilted his head. Apart from his speed, he didn't seem to be very strong. At least the attack was not as terrifying as Shan Haijun's Demon Sword.

Could it be that because the Yuyi Demon Emperor in this village was weaker, he was killed by Chen Chou?

Qiao Ye couldn't understand the cultivation of the monster clan more and more. Judging from the aura emitted by the monster power, it was indeed the cultivation of the emperor realm, but compared with the practitioners of the same realm in other domains, it seemed to be really meaningless.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party has not tried their best.

Therefore, Qiao Ye hooked his fingers directly and said, "You can be more serious, there is no way to kill me at this level."

"Bastard!" Chen Chou immediately revealed an angry expression, and said in a low voice, "Should die!"

On Chen Chou's body, the monster power suddenly churned up, wrapping Chen Chou's body, and obviously improved.

Qiao Ye said, "That's right, are you serious? That's interesting!"

Seeing Chen Chou flying towards him again, Qiao Ye still had no intention of dodging.

Chen Chou slapped Qiao Ye. Immediately afterwards, the surrounding monster power surged up in an instant, gathered in front of Chen Chou's palm, and then slammed down on Qiao Ye.

Without avoiding it, Qiao Ye also slapped forward.


The palms of the two collided in the air, making a dull sound.

Just at this very moment...

Chen Chou suddenly raised his head and laughed loudly. After laughing, he looked at Qiao Ye with a ferocious expression and said, "Boy, you are finished, hand over all your monster power!"

While Chen Chou was talking, the monster power that appeared from Chen Chou's body quickly encircled Qiao Ye's body like ropes.

There was a sneer on Chen Chou's face. Next, the demon power in Qiao Ye's body would be extracted, and through resonating with his own demon power, it would all flow into his body. No matter how strong Qiao Ye was, losing the demon power would be meaningless.


The smile on Chen Chou's face soon froze.

Suddenly, Chen Chou widened his eyes, looked at Qiao Ye and shouted, "Where's the demon power? Where's your demon power? Why don't you have any demon power in your body?"

"Monster power?" Qiao Ye said with a smile, "I don't have that kind of thing!"


The moment Qiao Ye said that, he directly bumped his knee against Chen Chou's lower abdomen. Chen Chou's body immediately curled up, clutching his stomach and kept retreating, but before he could stand still, Qiao Ye swept over with a halberd and swept over again. In Chen Chou's chest.

Chen Chou's body flew backwards and hit the ground fiercely.

Feeling the pain coming from his body, Chen Chou stood up shaking, looked at Qiao Ye with an incredulous look, and murmured: "Without demon power? It's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Qiao Ye walked towards Chen Chou and said, "What's so strange about not having demon power? I don't look at the faces of your demon clan and live on. Open your eyes and see clearly!"


Suddenly, a terrifying aura erupted from Qiao Ye's body, mobilizing all the energy in his body to surge, and the ground under Qiao Ye's feet shattered inch by inch, bursting continuously.

"See it clearly?" Qiao Ye looked at Chen Chou and said, "My name is Qiao Ye, and I'm from Wuyu. I want to make a deal with your Grandmother. What you have to do is take me to see you." she."

Chen Qiuque seemed not to have heard Qiao Ye's words, and kept murmuring about Qiao Ye's lack of demon power. Obviously, this was beyond the common sense that Chen Qiu could accept, which made him unbelievable.

Qiao Ye patted his forehead, it's over, this kid is stupid.

"I do not believe!"

But at this moment, Chen Chou suddenly let out a roar and jumped up from the ground.

At the same time, Chen Chou's demonic power surged. Unlike before, the demonic power gushing out from Chen Chou's body was deeper and stronger than before.

Even, Nine Lives Phantom appeared behind Chen Chou at this moment.

"He's serious." Shan Haijun shouted at Qiao Ye: "He's using the purified demon power now!"

Qiao Ye looked at Shan Haijun with a puzzled look, is there any difference?

"In the current situation in the Demon Realm, it is too difficult to obtain demon power." Shan Haijun said: "So, usually only ordinary demon power is used, and the purified demon power is kept in the body, so it is not easy to be willing to use it."

Qiao Ye showed a dazed look. It seemed that he had misunderstood Shan Haijun. This guy's strength should be more than what he saw before, because Shan Haijun had only used ordinary demon power before.

On the other side, Chen Chou made a real move, and after the monster power emerging from his body turned into a phantom of Nine Lives, Chen Chou's body was filled with a wild feeling.

The phantom of nine lives has only five tails, which means that Chen Chou still has five lives left. At the same time, after the phantom of nine lives emerged, the five tails immediately swung out and fell towards Qiao Ye continuously.

Qiao Ye didn't take it hard this time. The Nine Lives phantom was condensed with demon power. The attack with the tail was actually an attack of demon power. It's too high, so it can still be blocked, but since it can be avoided, there is no need to deliberately resist it.

As Qiao Ye's figure continued to move, the five tails also continuously hit the ground.

Boom, boom, boom!

The tail formed by the monster power kept hitting the ground, making loud noises, smashing the ground into pieces.

"Come on, keep fighting with me!" Chen Chou shouted in the direction of Qiao Ye: "Use your monster power!"

Qiao Ye licked the corner of her mouth, looked at Chen Chou and said, "It doesn't seem to make sense, so I'll let you see if I'm using demon power."

As Qiao Ye spoke, he raised the black halberd high and smashed it to the ground.

Almost instantly, a large cloud of black smoke appeared and spread around.



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