Qiao Ye couldn't help laughing.

You see, Chen Chou is very honest, as long as it is beneficial, he can even immediately forget that he was beaten by Qiao Ye just now.

In comparison, Shan Haijun is definitely a good person. If there is a deal or negotiation, Shan Haijun must be the better one, because there is no need to worry about credibility.

However, people like Chen Qiu are actually more suitable for negotiation, because it is more practical. The so-called negotiation is mutual benefit and win-win for both parties. in spite of.

"If I can come to the Demon Realm, of course there is a way to leave. My presence here is the best proof." Qiao Ye said: "But there is no need for us to talk. What you said doesn't count at all. I want to see your wife." Go to grandma, and, in fact, it doesn’t count if I say it.”

Chen Chou frowned and said, "What do you say?"

Qiao Ye said: "It doesn't count, but someone has the final say."

Chen Chou said, "Where is the man?"

Qiao Ye said: "It depends on your abilities. They are probably also in the Demon Realm, but we need to find them first."

This is also a very important matter. Essentially, Qiao Ye is going to use the power of the demon domain to find Lin Jiexu. As for what Qiao Ye promised, should you agree first before talking about it? It's just a verbal agreement. There are not many people in Yaoyu, this is the best way to deal with it, Qiao Ye thinks that Lin Jiexu should be happy to solve the troubles in Yaoyu so easily.

Moreover, if the guardians and guards of the Wuyu domain can incorporate the people of the Yaoyu domain, their absolute strength will increase greatly. Of course, the details still need to be considered.

From the point of view of one domain, there are really not many people in the demon domain, but from the point of view of the direct recruitment of the guardians and guards, there are still a lot of people. If there is a faction of the monster clan, it will not be good to affect the unity.

However, Qiao Ye didn't need to think about this matter. It was something that the defenders of the world had to worry about, and it was something that the forest community needed to worry about.

Therefore, Qiao Ye doesn't care how many people there are, since the Grandma Grandma has many people who can help find Lin Jiexu, then she can be used and negotiated with.

Chen Chou pondered for a moment and then said: "Your companion may be dead, this place is full of evil beasts."

Qiao Ye said: "There are many of them, and their strength is not inferior to mine. It is not so easy to be killed by the evil beast. This is one of the conditions of the negotiation, because some of them can make the decision."

Chen Chou thought for a while, and then said: "I don't dare to guarantee anything, but I can take you to see Grandma Taishang."

"I wish I had said no earlier." Qiao Ye said, "You don't have to be beaten!"

Chen Chou twitched his eyes, then took a deep breath, ignored Qiao Ye's words, and stretched out his hand, "Please!"

Qiao Ye looked at Shan Haijun and said: "If you hate them very much, I can go alone. Anyway, this transaction is not for some people, but for the entire Demon Realm. If you want to relocate, it must be the entire Demon Realm together. Migration, unless it's people who don't want to leave here, but there shouldn't be anyone who doesn't want to leave, right?"

Shan Haijun thought for a while and said: "No, I will go with you, and we will take care of each other."

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Alright."

Chen Chou was in charge of leading the way, and everyone began to turn to the northwest.

Grandma Taishang's lair is not too far from this place, or in other words, the current population distribution of Yaoyu is in this area.

Originally, before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, the area occupied by the Monster Realm was quite small, or to put it simply, it was the smallest of the Nine Realms.

Now, the situation in Yaoyu is not ordinary tragic, but far beyond imagination.

Although the evil beasts were everywhere, Qiao Ye didn't see much.

There are not many reasons not because there are no evil beasts, but two reasons. The first is that no matter Shan Haijun or Chen Chou, both of them have lived in this area for a long time. Apart from encountering sporadic evil beasts, it is impossible to calculate. It was impossible for either of them to take Qiao Ye to the beast's lair.

Naturally, I didn't see so many Dour beasts.

The second reason is that the Yaoyu has been eroded by evil beasts, but the erosion also needs a process. Now this desert, once beautiful, is the best area in the Yaoyu.

The Three Realms and Nine Realms were shattered, and the evil beasts began to erode the Demon Realm from the edge.

At that time, there were five regions in Yaoyu, namely Caiyu, Motong, Weishen, Chongming, and Shanhai. Image, through belief, to control and instill demonic power into demons.

At the same time, the five tribes in the Yaoyu domain have different ways of propagating their beliefs, and eventually evolved into five different gods, in charge of five different regions.

This desert was an area belonging to mountains and seas in the early days, but now it has become a gathering place for everyone in the demon domain.


It's very simple, because the other four regions have no way to live.

The four districts of Caiyu, Motong, Taishen, and Chongming are completely occupied by evil beasts. In Chen Chou's words, if you walk a distance of 50 meters in those four areas, you will be attacked by evil beasts once. But wherever you come into view, except for the evil beasts, all the food, water sources, and even the resources that can be used for cultivation are invaded by the evil beasts. The area survives, because it will be attacked by evil beasts every minute and every second.

Right now, everyone in the Demon Realm has been driven to live in this desert. In fact, the area covered by the mountains and seas has shrunk by a third compared to when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken. These places have completely become evil beasts. lair, and those evil beasts are still trying to penetrate this area.

"Ten years? Fifty years? One hundred years?" Chen Chou said: "Everyone knows that Yaoyu will eventually become a paradise for evil beasts. This area can still barely let us survive, but it will be a matter of time before it falls. .”

Shan Haijun said: "This is not the reason for you to bully others. It's not that you are the only ones who have a hard life, but that everyone has a hard life."

"I know, but so what?" Chen Qiu sneered, "I just want to live longer than others. Is it a mistake to live hard?"

Shan Haijun said: "Everyone is trying to live, but only you are depriving the right to live!"

"Stop arguing." Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Qiao Ye said directly: "I came here to solve this problem. Of course, the ugly words are in front of you. You went to the Nine Domains Battlefield. You'd better be honest."

Chen Qiudao: "Who wouldn't want to be able to live well? When the Liutong clan was expelled, our Nine Fate clan was also a pioneer!"

"That's the best." Qiao Ye said, "How long will it take to get there?"

Chen Chou said: "Hurry up, it's just ahead, about fifty miles away."


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