Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1372 Grandma Grandmother

However, it made Qiao Ye feel a bit strange that Chen Chou settled the three of them first, instead of taking Qiao Ye to see Grandma Grandma immediately.

From all perspectives, Chen Chou should be very excited and eager.

In fact, Chen Chou's emotions were indeed like this. Along the way, Chen Chou kept asking Qiao Ye about the Nine Domains Battlefield and other domains.

This is completely different from Shan Haijun's attitude when Qiao Ye first met Shan Haijun.

Shan Haijun is really a proper and honest person. Although he was excited, he didn't act too aggressively. He helped Qiao Ye find Lin Jiexu and others very seriously.

As for Chen Chou, he didn't care about finding someone at all. Qiao Ye even foresaw a possibility. If he couldn't find anyone, Chen Chou would definitely lead someone to find a way to force Qiao Ye to take them to the Nine Regions Battlefield.

That being the case, after arriving at Longmen Cave, it was strange that he didn't rush to take Qiao Ye to see Grandma Taishang.

"Because Grandma Taishang may be really in trouble and it's not convenient to see you." Shan Haijun said: "Remember what I told you? The lifespan of monster races is much longer than that of humans. When it was broken, it may only have been two or three generations, so the Yaozu will know more about what happened back then."

Qiao Ye nodded.

This is a matter of course. Although the time is the same, the role of time is completely different when it is passed down for only two or three generations while it is passed down for more than a dozen generations.

Shan Haijun continued: "Grandma Taishang is only two generations away from the era when the Three Realms and Nine Territories were broken. She is not only the strongest monster clan in the Monster Realm, but also the oldest monster clan in the Monster Realm, and Grandma Taishang I have lived for a long time, as far as I know, she only has three tails left, and, if there is no accident, her current tail is almost gone."

While talking, Shan Haijun glanced outside the house, and then suppressed his voice.

"Although Grandma Taishang's subordinates are plundering demon power everywhere, they don't do much direct killing, because as you said before, this is undoubtedly the time to kill chickens and get eggs." Shan Haijun said: "Chen Chou The group of people are so vicious this time, if there is no accident, it should be that Grandma Taishang's current life is coming to an end, and she wants to continue her life."

Qiao Ye said: "Extend your life? Is this kind of thing okay?"

Shan Haijun spread his hands and said: "For the monster clan, monster power is the most nourishing thing. If there is monster power, it is still possible to continue life. Moreover, the current monster clan has a much shorter lifespan, because the monster power is not enough, so temporarily can If you get a lot of demon power, it is normal to extend your life, to put it bluntly, to extend your life is to return your lifespan to a relatively normal level."

Qiao Ye said: "That's why Chen Chou said Grandma Grandma can't see me now, right? Because she might be lying on the bed right now, unable to even speak?"

Shan Haijun nodded and said, "Nine times out of ten it is like this."

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Then just wait, Xiao Ji..."

After Qiao Ye finished talking to Shan Haijun, she glanced at Xiao Ji, only to realize that the girl had fallen asleep while leaning against a chair in her arms.

Qiao Ye helped Xiao Ji smooth her hair. It was indeed very tiring after the long journey.

Shan Haijun said: "There is a bed in the room, let her sleep for a while."

Qiao Ye nodded, put Xiao Ji on the bed, then sat in the living room with Shan Haijun and waited, and chatted about some things by the way. Of course, most of the time, Shan Haijun was talking and Qiao Ye was listening. Let Qiao Ye better understand Yaoyu.

In fact, this kind of time should belong to the link of information exchange. Qiao Ye got the information about the Demon Realm from Shan Haijun, and Shan Haijun could know the information about the Nine Realms Battlefield from Qiao Ye. However, Shan Hai Jun is an honest child. Although he had expectations for the future described by Qiao Ye, he didn't think too much about it.

And Qiao Ye chatted with Shan Haijun for a while, Chen Chou came back faster than expected, and reappeared in front of Qiao Ye in about half an hour.

"Let's go!" Chen Chou said to Qiao Ye, "Grandma wants to see you."

Qiao Ye got up, but when Shan Haijun wanted to get up, Chen Chou held him down.

Chen Choudao: "Grandma said that she only saw him, but didn't say she saw you, so you should stay here for now."

Shan Haijun wanted to speak, but was stopped by Qiao Ye.

Qiao Ye stretched out her hand and signaled, "You can rest here first, help me take care of Xiaoji, I'll be back as soon as I go."

Shan Haijun glanced at Qiao Ye, nodded and said, "Be careful yourself."

Chen Choudao: "As long as he speaks the truth, then he is our honored guest. How dare we show no respect to him?"

Qiao Ye said: "Don't say it's useless, let's go!"

Chen Chou stretched out his hand towards the outside of the stone house and said, "Please!"

Qiao Ye followed Chen Chou out of the house, and then walked towards the depths of the residence.

Grandma Taishang lived in the deep part of the residence, but it was not as luxurious as imagined, it was just a slightly larger stone house.

However, it's normal to think about it. The current environment in Yaoyu doesn't seem to be an environment that can make people enjoy themselves. Even Grandma Taishang's life is just like this.

Entering the house, Qiao Ye saw a fairly exquisite screen.

Chen Qiu stepped forward, bowed to the screen and said, "Grandma, I've already brought him here."

"Well, go and stand aside first!"

A voice came from behind the screen, which made Qiao Ye a little stunned. Hearing the voice, the other party didn't seem to be very old. Immediately afterwards, a young girl walked out from behind the screen, wearing a long aqua blue dress. , a simple bodice, a piece of white flowers.

The facial features are even more exquisite, and can even be called absolutely beautiful, especially the eyes, which reveal a mysterious feeling, they are four-color pupils, the left pupil is red and blue, and the right pupil is gold and silver.

Qiao Ye couldn't help asking: "Grandma?"

"Surprised?" Grandma Taishang looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Little devil, I lost my life for you. If you dare to lie to me or fail to satisfy me, trust me, I will let you understand. There are worse things in this world than death."

Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, and then understood.


I chopped off my own tail!

This is the ability of nine lives, one tail and one life, and the lifespan of each life is similar to that of human beings, and the degree of aging is also similar.

However, after losing a life, the next life will return to its peak period and start over at the best stage of life.

Grandma Taishang's last life is almost at the end of the day, and she is in a bedridden state. Of course, who wants to die if she can live? Therefore, Grandma Taishang still wants to give herself a few more years of life.

However, at this time Qiao Ye appeared!


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