Qiao Ye said, "Explore spells?"

Tian Ce Longzun said: "Simply speaking, the progress of the exploration was not very smooth at that time. I wanted to borrow the power of the magician from our Kowloon Tanshu Pavilion, and the exploration magician was newly researched by us. Probably That is, within a certain area, if there is any abnormality or obvious change, it can be discovered, and this is how the vents and ruins of the black sandstorm were discovered, and it has nothing to do with the technique you mentioned."

"This..." Qiao Ye scratched his head and said, "Then what's my situation now? I'm in the Demon Realm now."

Qiao Ye glanced at Shan Haijun while talking.

Qiao Ye said: "Beside me is a monster from the Shanhai clan."

Tiance Longzun said: "I know you are in the demon domain, and you have the Liuding Liujia talisman on you. I can use the Liuding Liujia talisman to know something about your current situation. It was originally a hidden method for the affairs of the airspace. In case of any accident, when the projection avatar cannot be established for communication, it can also be used to spy on the airspace through magic. I didn't expect you to use it first. However, it is also because of this that the things you discovered are weird .”

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Is that bastard Jiang Liuxue doing it again?"

Tiance Longzun said: "How do you say?"

Qiao Ye said: "I met Jiang Liuxue on the way here, that guy wanted the Tianshu tablet in our hand, but it seems that another clone came here, not the one who knows the spells in the air space, but it can't be guaranteed. It’s coming, and it seems that only that guy can open up passages from the Nine Domains Battlefield to each domain, so maybe it’s his good deed again?”

Tiance Longzun said: "It's not impossible, no matter what, you should come back first."

"En!" Qiao Ye nodded, then raised her head to look forward, and suddenly said in a daze, "Long Zun, where did your technique send me?"

"Where to send it?" Tiance Longzun said: "I tried to send a message to you, but found that the general message is useless, and a cross-domain message is needed. The spell spies on your situation and knows that you are surrounded by people, but I don't know the specific situation on the other side of the demon realm, and the geographical location is also at a loss. How can I send you to the designated place? Therefore, I arrange The magic technique is to open up void cracks, and send you as far as possible through the space technique, so that they will not be able to catch up with you."

"Those monster races probably won't be able to catch up to me." Qiao Ye wiped the cold sweat off his head and said, "However, I still have to run for my life and I'll contact you later!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he quickly ended the call, and then made a downward gesture to Sibuxiang and Shanhaijun, signaling everyone to be careful and not to make any noise.

The surrounding yellow fog gradually dissipated, everything in front became clear, and then...

Qiao Ye found himself in a dilapidated city.

There are collapsed buildings and dilapidated streets all around, it should be an abandoned ancient city, and Qiao Ye's current position is just in an alleyway.

Looking outside from the entrance of the alleyway, it is impressively...

There are so many evil beasts that there are so many that you can feel your scalp go numb just by looking at them with your eyes.

Right now, Qiao Ye felt as if he had stepped out of the wolf's lair and into the tiger's mouth again.

Qiao Ye didn't dare to act rashly, because there were so many evil beasts on the street, it was a bit scary. Looking left and right, the whole street was completely occupied by evil beasts. .

Fortunately, there were no evil beasts in the alley. After Qiao Ye retreated to the alley, he said to Shan Haijun, "Do you know where this is?"

Before Shan Haijun opened his mouth, Qiao Ye knew the answer, because Shan Haijun also had a confused face, obviously he didn't know where it was.

After a long time, Shan Haijun said: "I don't know where this is, but it's definitely not the Shan Hai District."

There are five regions in Yaoyu, Caiyu, Motong, Taigami, Chongming, Mountain and Sea. The four regions are completely destroyed and completely occupied by evil beasts, leaving only the Mountain and Sea region.

Shan Haijun said: "There are only deserts in the Shanhai area, it is impossible to have a city."

Qiao Ye said: "Are there any leftovers from before the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken?"

Shan Haijun said: "No, the monsters in the Shanhai area used to live a nomadic life. They didn't build cities, which is also in line with the characteristics of our mountains and seas. The Shanhai clan hides in the mountains and seas, and their monster power has a natural meaning. Those monsters believe in us, so naturally they don't Will build a city, but choose to hide in the mountains and forests, nomadic and other lifestyles."

"Then it will be a big trouble." Qiao Ye slapped his forehead and said, "Have we entered the other four districts?"

Shan Haijun said: "It is very possible, with a high probability, it should be Chongming or Weishen District, and those two districts are connected with Shanhai District."

Qiao Ye sighed, you see, being too strong is not without its disadvantages, if it were arranged by an ordinary magician, there would be absolutely no way to send Qiao Ye and the others so far.

Tiance Longzun cheated himself!

Qiao Ye hugged Xiao Ji from Si Buxiang's back, and then let Si Buxiang shrink back to the size of a palm. This physique is too conspicuous.

Qiao Ye whispered: "I don't care what area we went to. First of all, we can be sure that this should be an ancient city occupied by evil beasts. If there is no accident, this place has already become a lair of evil beasts."

Shan Haijun nodded and said, "It should be like this."

Qiao Ye said: "Then, we have only one goal now, and that is to leave this city, or directly, to leave the lair of the evil beast."

Shan Haijun said: "The good news in the misfortune is that if it is a lair, after leaving this city, there will be a relatively safe area. Although the four districts except the Shanhai area are completely occupied and there are evil beasts everywhere, but the lair is There are a lot of evil beasts gathering points, so, relatively, there will be a little less evil beasts near the lair, or there will be no evil beasts at all, forming a small vacuum area. However, if the city has been completely occupied by evil beasts, we have Is there a way to get out?"

"How do you know if you haven't tried it?" Qiao Ye looked around, then pointed to a house that was still intact on the side and said, "Will the evil beast enter the house?"

Shan Haijun spread his hands, and he didn't know, because he had never encountered a situation where an evil beast occupied a city.

Of course, Qiao Ye didn't know. Although he saw the evil beasts a lot, there were almost no cities in the void fault. Moreover, even if the city was built, the void faults like Mo Ye City were built only after the evil beasts were controlled. of.

Qiao Ye pouted towards Sibuxiang, Sibuxiang understood it, and immediately jumped up the wall of the alleyway, and then jumped up the window of the side building.


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