Qiao Ye looked at the falling stars, and also chuckled secretly.

The power of this Emerald Star Record is a bit scary, it is worthy of being a super first-grade treasure, but if you buy it with one hammer, and meet again after one blow, it will be six hours later.

Qiao Ye looked at the Cui Xinglu whose light was fading, and threw it into the jade tablet casually.

However, because Shan Haijun was ruthless and Cui Xinglu had another round of terrifying bombing, the evil beasts in front of them were finally wiped out, which meant that Qiao Ye and the others could come under the city wall smoothly.

This time, the Dragon Devil's Claw could really come in handy. He swung it upwards and hung it directly on the city wall. Then, Qiao Ye hugged Xiao Ji and walked towards the city wall.

After reaching the city wall, Qiao Ye put Xiao Ji aside, then dropped the Dragon Demon Claw downwards, and pulled Shan Haijun up.

Everyone boarded the city wall, and then came to the other side, just glanced at it, and instantly froze.

There was a large wilderness outside the city. Wherever one could see, there were densely packed with evil beasts, which were innumerable. Even Qiao Ye believed it if there were hundreds of thousands of them.

Qiao Ye looked at Shan Haijun and said, "Didn't it mean that there should be a vacuum near the beast's lair?"

Shan Haijun also said helplessly: "That can only mean that this lair is much bigger than we imagined."

Qiao Ye didn't know what to say, her only thought was that it was over.

There are already countless evil beasts inside the city, and hundreds of thousands of evil beasts outside the city. It is really too difficult to rush out.

Shan Haijun comforted: "If you think about it again, I will definitely send you out."

"Don't!" Qiao Ye said, "It sounds like you are going to die generously."

Shan Haijun hesitated for a moment and said, "I can't die."

Qiao Ye asked suspiciously, "Huh?"

Shan Haijun said: "Shan Hai's racial ability is called immovable as a mountain. As long as I want, I can turn into a mountain rock. No one can kill me, even if a god comes. However, I can't move, and I will enter a state of suspended animation. Just like real rocks."

Qiao Ye couldn't help saying: "This is a life-saving skill!"

However, Qiao Ye quickly recalled that although it was said to be a magical skill to save his life, this trick was a bit tasteless. His life was saved, but he became like a stone, as if he might as well be dead.

Qiao Ye said, "Can it change back?"

Shan Haijun said: "Of course you can, otherwise you're not really dead, so it's better to commit suicide."

"That's okay." Qiao Ye said: "It's strange, since this is the case, the other monster clans have been wiped out, and your Shanhai clan can't be wiped out, right? Why are there so few now?"

Shan Haijun said: "Being as immovable as a mountain requires demon power. If the demon power is exhausted, there is no way out. Moreover, in essence, all monster races are on the verge of extinction. The invasion of evil beasts is one aspect, and the more important aspect is the problem of demon power."

Qiao Ye nodded.

Although Shan Haijun is quite honest, honesty doesn't mean he's stupid. He also has a reliance to accompany Qiao Ye to find Grandma Taishang.

Qiao Ye said: "How long can your demon power last?"

Shan Haijun said: "If you continue to use it, it will take thirty to fifty years, but I don't need to stay in a state of immobility like a mountain."

Qiao Ye almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. It seems that he used the word "for a while" wrongly. However, after thinking about it, there seems to be nothing wrong with it. The lifespan of the monster clan is there, and the monster power can make the monster clan live for so long , this unique ability of the monster clan, if combined with the monster power, it seems that it is not against the harmony to last for decades, and this ability is really not as great as imagined, after all, the price paid is still very high.

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said: "You can kill slowly, if you can't kill, or if you can't kill, you will enter a state of immobility, wait for a certain period of time to recover, and then continue to kill. Can it be killed?"

Shan Haijun said: "That's right, but the consumption of demon power may be huge, and it may reduce my life by more than ten years, but it doesn't matter. In terms of the life span of our Shanhai clan, ten years is not too much. "

After Shan Haijun finished speaking, he showed a helpless expression to Qiao Ye, and he was apologetic. This is the racial ability of the monster race. Even if he is willing to sacrifice the power of the monster, he can't help Qiao Ye.

Shan Haijun said: "Before you die, I will not use this method, I will definitely find a way to send you out first."

Qiao Ye thought for a while and said, "Let's take a look first, after all, there are four walls."

There are no Evil Beasts on this city wall, only a few Evil Beasts that can fly in the air, which is not a big problem.

Walking along the city wall towards the side, Qiao Ye's only hope now is the four sides of the city, one side can be free from the gathering of evil beasts, at least there can be fewer gatherings, and it is good to be able to fight through a way.

However, after walking around the city wall, Qiao Ye was only disappointed.

The city was completely surrounded by evil beasts, and the surrounding walls were densely packed with evil beasts.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye stopped suddenly and looked sideways forward.

There was a glimmer of light in that position, and then, Qiao Ye's eyes widened, and he suddenly ran quickly.

"I can go!" Qiao Ye shouted to Xiaoji and Shan Haijun, "I can leave here."

Shan Haijun came to Qiao Ye and said, "What's going on?"

Qiao Ye pointed forward and said, "Did you see that reflection?"

Shan Haijun narrowed his eyes, not sure: "Is this a lake?"

That reflective place is impressively...

A silver lake!

"That's the thing!" Qiao Ye said: "I came to the Demon Realm from the Nine Realms Battlefield through that lake. Since I can come here, of course I can go back."

Shan Haijun asked curiously, "How to go back?"

Qiao Ye said: "Enter the lake and sink to the bottom. You should be able to go back. Anyway, that's how you came here. However, shouldn't the lake be in the Wanyue Sand Cave? Why did you come here? Forget it , I can’t control that much anymore, we can go!”

The place where the Silver Lake appeared was not far from the city wall, about 100 meters outside the city wall. Because it is silver in itself, it has reflections, and there are a large number of evil beasts gathered around it, so it is hard to see and very real. But after looking carefully, Joe Ye can be sure that it is the silver lake that he saw in the Wanyue Sand Grotto.

"Let's go!" Qiao Ye said, "It's not a problem to kill from this distance."

But just as Qiao Ye was about to leave, Shan Haijun suddenly grabbed Qiao Ye's shoulder.

Qiao Ye looked back at Shan Haijun suspiciously and said, "Let's go, what are you waiting for?"

Shan Haijun said: "I'll take you there."

Qiao Ye said, "What do you mean?"

Shan Haijun said: "I can't go."


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