"Xiao Ji, let's go!" Qiao Ye thought for a moment, then waved his hand and said, "Go ahead."

This matter is not very complicated, just ask what Jiang Liuxue said before and you will know what's going on.

Qiao Ye remembered Tiance Longzun was in Dulong Pass? No, Tiance Longzun should have gone to the Hunyue Sand Grotto, and found Lin Jiexu. I don't know if he has returned, so I have to send an interrogation first.

Qiao Ye was thinking as he walked towards the pass gate, but was stopped as soon as he reached the gate, and there were guards at the gate.

It is said to be guards, but it is actually a gang of rogues. The place of Dulong Pass has long been abandoned and has become an uninvolved area. Now a group of thugs and rogues occupy it. The so-called guarding the city gates is a group of rogues who want to extort a little entry fee. .

"If you don't leave something behind, you won't be able to get in..."


Before the rogue could finish his sentence, Qiao Ye directly pinned the other person's head against the city wall. Almost instantly, the rogue's face was covered in blood.

The rogues around were startled and wanted to step forward, Qiao Ye casually took out the token of the Defender and shook it: "Think about it, do you have to ask me to leave something, or are you planning to leave something for me?" ?”

A rogue, who can bend and stretch, whoever has the backbone will be a rogue.

"Master Qiao, please!"

Several rogues retreated obediently, not daring to stop them.

Qiao Ye dropped the rogue in his hand and turned towards him. At this moment, the spirit paper of summons suddenly lit up.

"Old man!" Qiao Ye picked up the spiritual paper and said, "I'm back."

Lin Jiexu asked: "Didn't you go to the Demon Realm? How is the situation over there?"

"It's hard to explain." Qiao Ye said: "What the hell is Jiang Liuxue doing? At the gate of Dulong Pass, I saw that guy's projection appearing on the water curtain."

"I know!" Lin Jiexu said, "I'm at Dulong Pass, where are you now?"

Qiao Ye said: "The gate of the city."

Lin Jiexu said: "Wait, we are preparing to leave now."

Qiao Ye agreed, and soon, a flying boat of the boundary guard appeared, slowly landed in front of the tower, and picked up Qiao Ye.

A large group of defenders and world mystics were busy on the airship, carrying some boxes, which seemed to be treasures found from some ruins. Lin Jie had to stand at the bow of the ship, but Qiao Ye didn't Dare to bother.

However, Tian Ce Longzun was also there, stepped forward and patted Qiao Ye on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay, there is no missing arm or leg."

"The mere demon clan in the demon domain can't trouble me." Qiao Ye smiled, and then said: "Master Long, what the hell is Jiang Liuxue doing out of nowhere again?"

Tiance Longzun's expression became more serious, he pulled Qiao Ye aside and said, "Remember what I told you about the prophecy of Qin Tianchu?"

Qiao Ye said: "The gods come back, and the throne will be unified?"

Tiance Longzun said: "The Sky Throne really appeared, did you see the water curtain?"

Qiao Ye said: "I saw it, but I didn't see it completely. I only saw the last part. However, the building behind Jiang Liuxue is very similar to the structure of the Sky Throne ruins."

"It's not like!" Tiance Longzun said, "That's the Sky Throne!"

Qiao Ye was surprised: "Although I also feel that the building looks like the Throne of the Sky, wasn't the Throne of the Sky completely destroyed when the Three Realms and Nine Realms were shattered? How could it be intact!"

"I'm not sure about this, but Qin Tianzhu's prophecy has come true, and the Sky Throne has really returned." Tiance Longzun said: "Jiang Liuxue used some method to make the Sky Throne reappear in the world, Moreover, I named a bunch of people and provoked them to enter the Sky Throne and compete for the throne!"

Qiao Ye pointed to herself and said, "Is the last name mine?"

Qiao Ye heard his name.

Tiance Longzun nodded.

Qiao Ye said, "Who else?"

Tiance Longzun said: "There are twenty-eight guardians of the world, sixteen generals of the spiritual realm, nine guardians of the Hundred Beasts Mountain, and three supreme beings of the Demon Realm, including the Emperor of the Demon Realm, and Kongyu, all the people from the Shuyu Realm. They are some prominent figures, and those named can directly enter the Sky Throne. However, Jiang Liuxue did not announce the time of entry, and besides those named by Jiang Liuxue, if other people want to enter the Sky Throne, they must Find a dozen of the things he said as proof of entry."

Qiao Ye said, "I heard this passage."

Tiance Longzun said: "It is foreseeable that this guy is going to do big things. This is the throne of the sky. Before the three realms and nine domains were broken, how many people rushed for the throne of the sky? Even if they risked their lives, they still wanted to compete for the throne of the sky? Power, glory, money, if Jiang Liuxue can regain the former throne of the sky, it can really be said to have everything there."

Before Qiao Ye could answer, Lin Jiexu stepped forward and said, "It's not about making a big deal, but it has already become a big deal."

Tiance Longzun said: "Why?"

Lin Jiexu said: "The entire Nine Regions Battlefield is crazy, the light curtain is not only here at Dulong Pass, but the entire Nine Regions Battlefield, where all the people gather, all the light curtains appear, Jiang Liuxue's Guy, use the water curtain to announce this matter to the entire Nine Realms battlefield, and announce the matter of the Sky Throne."

"What is this guy trying to figure out?" Qiao Ye said, "Generally speaking, according to historical records, the Sky Throne itself is actually a rare treasure, right?"

Tiance Longzun nodded and said: "I can be sure of this point. There are similar records in many historical documents, so there should be no mistakes."

Qiao Ye said: "Since that's the case, who doesn't want to keep it in their own hands? Get out all the top experts from all domains to compete for the ranking of the Sky Throne? Compete for the throne seat? What's the point?"

Lin Jiexu said: "Although this is reasonable, but such a thing as the Sky Throne, you can't hold it in your hands, can you? Can you still stuff the Sky Throne into a space treasure?"

Qiao Ye said, "What about the intention?"

Lin Jiexu shook his head and said, "Then we can only ask Jiang Liuxue."

Tiance Longzun said: "The reappearance of the Sky Throne is no small matter in itself. Speaking of it, how did he manage to restore the Sky Throne that had already been broken into a relic? This kind of thing can really be done. Come? Just thinking about it makes me feel unbelievable."

Qiao Ye and Lin Jiexu looked at each other, this question can only be asked to Jiang Liuxue, and only he can give the answer, because in the eyes of Qiao Ye and Lin Jiexu, this matter is equally incredible.

"Anyway, I'm busy, by the way..." Lin Jiexu looked at Qiao Ye and said, "I heard that when you came to look for me, you suddenly ran to the Demon Realm? How about the Demon Realm?"


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