Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1405 something happened

Qiao Ye said: "The important thing is, where are they?"

Ding Xiang said: "Nvliangshan!"

"Huh?" Qiao Ye was stunned and said, "I know that place, it's not far from Tianliang Village."

Nuliang Mountain is a very ordinary barren mountain, but after a while, it became lively, and now it is still passable.

Things have to start with the Tianliang Mountain Secret Realm. At that time, Qiao Ye participated in the first appearance of the Tianliang Mountain Secret Realm. However, there was more than one Tianliang Mountain Secret Realm. With Tianliang Mountain as the center, it was about 300 miles around, and a total of Eight secret realms, the competition was fierce at the beginning, but it was okay later on. After all, there are too many secret realms, and they are not so valuable anymore.

The masters with outstanding strength have almost withdrawn from the battle, and now they are guarded by the guards as ordinary secret realms, and they are open, and there is also a secret realm around Nuliang Mountain.

Ding Xiang said: "The farmer is doing well. There is a licorice garden on Nuliang Mountain, which is a medicine garden occupied by Wuyu. The dealer is responsible for regularly escorting the elixir and the things that cultivate the elixir. After the secret realm of Nuliang Mountain is opened, They also undertook the escort of items from the secret realm, built a resident in Nuliangshan, and are currently residing there, after all, the licorice garden and the secret realm are their main revenue."

Qiao Ye said: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go, if we start now, we will be there in the evening."

Ding Xiang nodded, and then said: "Have you ever thought about what will happen if they don't want to hand over the things?"

"Don't hand over things?" Qiao Ye was stunned for a while and said, "Are they courting death?"

Ding Xiang said: "Can you stop thinking about fighting and killing? Although he is not a serious defender, he works for the defenders anyway. You have the nerve to kill them."

"Hey, don't talk nonsense." Qiao Ye said: "Although I cultivate the Supreme Killing Realm, I don't kill people indiscriminately. What I mean is that if they want to protect their things, they can only invite death, Jiang Liuxue That guy made things so big, do you know how many people are looking for those things now? If I don’t make a move, others won’t make a move? If you don’t have enough skills and power, those twelve things are life-threatening charms. If the dealer People are not stupid, so they should know that it is the best choice to give things to the boundary guards, and the boundary guards will definitely compensate them afterwards."

Ding Xiang nodded and said, "It makes sense."

Qiao Ye said: "So, I hope they are not stupid."

While talking, Qiao Ye took out the flying boat and boarded the flying boat with Ding Xiang.

Nuliangshan, the dealer's residence, is actually very easy to find. Qiao Ye has even been here before, but Qiao Ye has no idea that this residence has any relationship with the dealer.

Because the Zhuang family was afraid of Ye Huai's revenge, so they changed their appearance a long time ago, and even changed their surnames. Now their surname is Luo, and Nuliangshan's residence is actually called the Luo family residence.

Qiao Ye and Ding Xiang landed the flying boat on the mountainside. This is the basic etiquette. It is very impolite for the flying boat to come to the door. According to the etiquette, you should hand over the greeting card and then visit the mountain.

Qiao Ye and Ding Xiang came to ask for things, not to grab them. Of course, they still need to do enough to make a good impression on each other.

However, when they reached the top of the mountain from halfway up the mountain, a villa with a decent scale appeared in front of the three of them, and Qiao Ye suddenly frowned.

Qiao Ye stretched out her hand and stopped Ding Xiang and Xiao Ji behind her.

Ding Xiang said: "What's wrong?"

Qiao Ye said, "It doesn't feel right."

The dealer's residence was built in the shape of a mountain villa, with a vermilion gate and red lanterns hanging on both sides, making it a little dim and hazy.

On the surface, there was nothing wrong with the villa, but Qiao Ye had a strange feeling, and the villa gave Qiao Ye a vigilance.

If you have to describe this feeling, Qiao Ye thinks it should be dead silence, like the feeling of entering a cemetery in the middle of the night, dead silent and gloomy.

Ding Xiang said: "Is it too sensitive? It's just that the red lanterns are a bit stuttering, and it's a bit dazzling in the middle of the night."

Qiao Ye shook her head, it was difficult to explain that feeling to Ding Xiang, after all, Ding Xiang was not someone who often had blood on her hands, so she wouldn't feel too much about it.

"Follow me." Qiao Ye said, "Try to be quiet."

However, although Qiao Ye felt something was wrong, the feeling was just a feeling after all.

Qiao Ye stepped forward, intending to knock on the door before talking, but just as he came to the door, Qiao Ye's pupils shrank.

Very strong smell of blood.

This time Lilac also felt something was wrong, the smell of blood was so strong that she could smell it clearly two or three meters away from the door, only Xiaoji's expression remained unchanged.

Qiao Ye immediately grabbed the door knocker and knocked hard. The door was not locked, and a gap opened with a "creak".

Qiao Ye kicked the door open. After stepping in, Qiao Ye saw a man sitting by the side door. He was dressed as a dealer's servant. He was already dead. On the side door.

Looking forward, in the small courtyard in front of the hall, there are seven or eight corpses lying here and there, all dressed as servants.

"Something happened." Qiao Ye said, "Be careful!"

Qiao Ye stretched out her hand to signal Ding Xiang and Xiao Ji to slow down, then she took the lead and walked forward, directly entering the front hall.

This front hall is worse than the courtyard, there are corpses everywhere, at least a dozen of them, and not only servants, but some of them are clearly dressed as dealers.

Qiao Ye released Polaris from the beast cage, and said, "You guys wait in the front hall. I'll go and have a look at the back, don't run around!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and shook it, and transformed the black halberd out, then walked across the front hall to the back.

The smell of blood wafting in the air became obviously stronger.

The atrium, the backyard, and the villa of the dealer are not very big. Qiao Ye walked all the way inward, and there were slowly corpses everywhere he entered.

Qiao Ye could almost conclude that the servants and disciples of the Zhuang family, plus hundreds of members of the Zhuang family's family, should all have met with misfortune.

Moreover, the opponent's purpose seems to be very clear, it is likely that they came for the Dragon Emperor Qin.

Because Qiao Ye found the dealer's warehouse, and the things in the warehouse have not been touched at all, which means that it is not an ordinary robbery, and the other party's purpose should be very clear.

At the same time, Zhuang Yuxian, the head of the Zhuang family, died in the study room. He was stabbed through the throat with a sword. There were no other wounds on his body, and he was killed by a single sword.

Although there were some traces of fighting in the study, these traces were not many, and there were not many damaged things in the study, which meant that the strength gap was quite large. Although Zhuang Yuxian resisted, he was not the opponent at all. He was killed by the opponent within ten moves at most.


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