Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1409 Can you beat it?

"Hey, do you really want to exchange people with them?" Qiao Ye glanced at Zhuang Sifang and said, "After seeing people, ask them to release them first, and then give them things. If it doesn't work, ask them to let you see To people, if they are unwilling to die, it means that they are likely to die."

Ding Xiang said: "It can't be ruled out that they are still alive, but they just don't want to?"

Qiao Ye said: "Then give them the qin. If they take the qin, they still won't hand it over to anyone? Then tell them that the qin is fake and you have hidden the real Dragon Emperor qin. Kill you, once you die, no one in the world knows where the Dragon Emperor Qin is, let them find it slowly, and when it comes to this point, even if they refuse to let you go first, at least they can let you meet , if you still can't see it, don't have any illusions, people are probably gone, understand?"

Zhuang Sifang nodded and said, "Understood."

"Just understand, you can do as I said, and I will take care of the rest!" Qiao Ye said, "Let's go to Shilipo!"

The place of Shilipo is a barren slope with nothing in it. This kind of place usually doesn't even have a name. It was named Shilipo because there was a battle between Lingyu and Wuyu here.

Lin Ziyi's father, Zi Yihou, has few enemies and many enemies here, not to mention seven in and seven out. , blood flowed into a river, and since then the barren slope has been named Shilipo.

Qiao Ye and Zhuang Sifang broke up before the barren slope, and let Zhuang Sifang go alone.

When the defender showed up, the other party might be on guard. Of course, it was just that Qiao Ye hadn't followed. Using Tianmo Dazzling's ability, Qiao Ye turned into a night crow and followed Zhuang Sifang all the time.

When Zhuang Sifang arrived at Shilipo, Zishi hadn't arrived yet, but there were already people waiting for him, and there were quite a few people, about a dozen people.

Zhuang Sifang took a deep breath, stepped forward and said: "I brought the things, let my young master and girl go."

In the dim night, among the dozen or so people, someone rode on a horse and slowly walked towards the square of the village, showing a figure.

Qiao Ye had a panoramic view of everything through Ye Ya, and when she saw someone, she was slightly startled and said, "It turned out to be these guys."

Ding Xiang asked curiously, "Who?"

Qiao Ye said: "The leader of the seventy-two ghosts, You Tong, leads the team himself!"

Ding Xiang said: "Those guys are notorious, but they are not considered to be able to stand on the stage. The leader Youtong is not bad, the cultivation base of the ninth-order peak of the Martial Emperor Realm can be the supreme in the world in half a step, and he can also exorcise gods With praying rain, one of them is the spirit emperor and the other is the beast emperor, and their abilities are quite good, but apart from the three of them, the rest are just like that. If there isn’t, it’s just a mob.”

Qiao Ye smiled and said, "Coincidentally, youtong, exorcising gods, praying for rain, these three guys are all here."

Ding Xiang spread her hands and said, "More importantly, I don't think their intelligence network will allow them to find Longhuangqin so quickly."

"Who knows?" Qiao Ye said: "I'm not interested in how they know the location of the Dragon Emperor Qin, anyway, now that the Dragon Emperor Qin is in our hands, what we need to do is to kill all these guys, because, yes Avenge Zhuang Sifang."

Ding Xiang said: "And save those two children."

Qiao Ye said: "It depends on their luck. After all, no matter how capable I am, I can't bring the dead back to life."

When Qiao Ye was talking to Ding Xiang, You Tong was almost at the front of Zhuang Sifang.

Zhuang Sifang remembered Qiao Ye's advice, and immediately said: "Stop, don't come here, where is he?"

Youtong: "Did you bring the piano?"

Zhuang Sifang clapped the qin in his hand and said, "Here is the qin, where is the person?"

You Tong smirked and said: "You have brought all your things, so is it up to you to decide whether I let him go or not?"

Zhuang Sifang was shocked, held up the qin and said: "Then I will smash the qin."

You Tong said nonchalantly: "Small it, if you can smash this kind of treasure if you want, do you think it can still be a good thing? If you can destroy it, then show me it. "

Zhuang Sifang was startled again. Qiao Ye was sure that the other party had never thought of letting him go, and he didn't even show him to Zhuang Sifang.

Zhuang Sifang gritted his teeth, smashed the qin to the ground, took out the golden gong, and chopped it down with all his strength.

With a bang, the Qin was instantly cut into two pieces!

Although the Qin is a sixth-grade treasure, which is not bad, the golden gong in Zhuang Sifang's hand is obviously not an ordinary treasure, but a third-grade treasure. If you want to destroy the Qin, it is natural More than enough.

Seeing that Qin was destroyed, You Tong immediately raised his eyebrows, stared fiercely at Zhuang Sifang and said: "Boy, how dare you play me!"

Zhuang Sifang shook his throat joint, gritted his teeth and said, "I have hidden the Dragon Emperor Qin. Now, I am the only one in the world who knows where the Qin is. If you dare to kill me, we will die. I will die today. Here, you don't even want to get anything."

Youtong said with gloomy eyes, "What do you want?"

Zhuang Sifang said: "I don't need things, but I can't lose things, and I can't save people, so let me meet people, and I'll take you to get things."

You Tong glanced at Zhuang Sifang up and down, then waved his hand.

Someone took two sacks off the horse and threw them on the ground, then untied the ropes of the sacks, shook them vigorously, and a man and a woman, two children about eight or nine years old, fell out of the sacks, their bodies There was blood everywhere and, moreover, it looked weak.

Zhuang Sifang immediately shouted: "Xiaodong, Xiaoyu!"

"Don't make such a fuss!" You Tong sneered and said, "Don't worry, those two brats are still alive, but I really don't know how long they can live. If you don’t know for sure, you will really burp.”

While talking, You Tong gestured.

A seventy-two earth ghost stepped forward and directly lifted the two children from the ground.

You Tong looked at Zhuang Sifang and said: "Take me to get the things. After getting the things, I will naturally release these two little devils, otherwise you can wait to collect their bodies!"

Zhuang Sifang gritted his teeth, on the one hand he was angry, on the other hand...

Zhuang Sifang suddenly remembered that Qiao Ye didn't seem to teach him what to do after the other party let him see someone!

at the same time……

Ding Xiang looked at Qiao Ye and said, "The two children are still alive, so they can do it now. However, I suddenly thought of a very important question."

Qiao Ye said, "What's the problem?"

Ding Xiang said: "Although I think the seventy-two earth ghosts are a bunch of rabble, it is true that they have three emperors. I believe you can win against any one of them, but if you deal with three, you can fight Did you get through it?"


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