Chapter 1422 Interception

Qiao Ye felt that the group of Skywalkers were poor and crazy, so they came to Tianliang Village to plunder.

But it doesn't feel quite right. Shouldn't looting be about robbing whatever you see, and then running away after robbing?

But right now it seems to be quite orderly, appearing, occupying, responding, and there is a very obvious plan in it.

Qiao Ye thought for a moment, then turned to Princess Yongle and said, "Things are safe, I have something to do, let's go first!"

After Qiao Ye finished speaking, he patted Sibixiang on the head and left.


Yongle County insisted on opening his mouth, but in the end he hesitated to speak, and watched Qiao Ye leave.

After running for a certain distance, Qiao Ye let Si Buxiang onto the roof, then quickly jumped between the roofs and headed towards the west.

The west side is also a mess, after all, there are so many empty boats in the dark.

However, the battle obviously didn't affect here. Although it was chaotic, it wasn't completely disorderly. The surrounding shops closed their doors immediately, and then asked their own guards to prepare well in case Skywalker came to kill them.

At the same time, the people on the whole street were retreating, obviously not wanting to be affected.

But at this moment...

Qiao Ye suddenly heard a scream. Hearing the sound, it turned out to be a group of Skywalkers. There were about twenty people with blood on their bodies. They seemed to have gone through a battle. When they encountered someone who wanted to stop them, they immediately shot and killed them. , flew in the air, and quickly moved towards the direction of the battle circle.

Qiao Ye thought for a while, then patted the disparate heads and said, "Give them a shot!"

Si Buxiang immediately opened his mouth, grabbed the spirit-gathering ring and threw it forward.

The gathering spirit ring floated in the air, and soon, circles of halos appeared continuously, gathering energy continuously, and then formed a beam of light, which flew forward.


The gathering beam appeared, directly across a large area, and headed towards the group of skywalkers.

The moment the group of skywalkers discovered the gathering light beam, they were also shocked, and then quickly stepped aside to the sides.

Even though those Skywalkers reacted fast enough, there were still any Skywalkers who were able to get out of the way in time, watching the Gathering Beam coming, and then being engulfed by the beam for the first time!

The next moment, the smoke disappeared!

Those skywalkers disappeared without a trace in the spirit-gathering beam, with no bones left, just completely annihilated!

"You defeated a Skywalker of the ninth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 113,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the eighth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 80,000 points."

"You defeated a Skywalker at the ninth level of the Heavenly King Realm, absorbed the power of the martial soul, and obtained the martial soul value: 121,000 points."


Qiao Ye raised her eyebrows, all of them were in the Heavenly King Realm. The level of this group of Skywalkers seems to be quite good?

In his thoughts, Sibuxiang jumped forward and landed directly on the roof in front of the other party, blocking the other party's way.

"Hey, Birdman..." Qiao Ye looked at the group of Skywalkers and said, "You..."

Before Qiao Ye finished speaking, a Skywalker suddenly swooped down from the air, with a silver gun in his hand, piercing Qiao Ye's face.

Qiao Ye's pupils shrank, and he quickly moved forward with a false grip. The black halberd was quickly condensed in the smog, and then swept across it forcefully.


The crisp chirping sound suddenly sounded.

When the spears and halberds collided, that Skywalker's face suddenly changed. The huge power coming from the black halberd made him feel irresistible. After only half a second of stalemate, that Skywalker was stabbed by Qiao Ye. It flew out and smashed obliquely to the ground, smashing the ground into pieces.

But this is just the beginning!

Those Skywalkers were more ferocious and tyrannical than Qiao Ye had imagined. Not only did they attack suddenly before Qiao Ye finished speaking, they even attacked in groups.

Qiao Ye sensed something was wrong, this group of Skywalkers was brutal, fierce, and most importantly...


Qiao Ye could feel the obvious eagerness and anxiety from them. They didn't want to talk nonsense with Qiao Ye, because they wanted to leave immediately, and no matter who was blocking them from leaving, there was only one word. --kill!

Qiao Ye associated everything together, and suddenly thought of a possibility.

"It can't be such a coincidence?"

Qiao Ye murmured involuntarily, and then watched Skywalker swooping down in all directions, directly holding up the black halberd, and with a twist of his wrist, the black halberd in his hand swirled, and then the strong wind swept across, like one handle after another The heavy hammer struck those skywalkers, blasting those skywalkers into the air.

Those Skywalkers had just landed when Xiao Ji made a sudden move!

The moment those Skywalkers landed, the surrounding ground suddenly softened and turned into streaks of mud. Snake-like snakes quickly climbed onto those Skywalkers, binding them like ropes. Get up, and then quickly harden, binding those Skywalkers firmly.

Qiao Ye stretched out his hand towards Xiao Ji, and said with a smile, "There is a tacit understanding!"

Xiao Ji rarely showed a smile, or rather, Xiao Ji would only smile in front of Qiao Ye and reach out to give Qiao Ye a high-five.

Qiao Ye had some guesses in his heart. He didn't intend to kill the group of Skywalkers directly, but wanted to live. Xiao Ji just watched Qiao Ye leave a few points when he made a move, so she guessed Qiao Ye's intentions, and helped Qiao Ye Ye bound people up.

The so-called tacit understanding is the best interpretation of nature.

However, at this moment...

Suddenly, the sound of howling wind suddenly sounded, and then an extremely explosive wind suddenly hit from the side.

Click, click!

The rocks bound to Skywalker's body continued to make crisp sounds, and then cracked one after another.

The skywalkers roared and shattered the rocks on their bodies, struggling to get up from the ground.

Qiao Ye frowned, then looked in the direction of the wind.

A Skywalker was floating in the air, about thirty years old, with six wings on his back, and the feathers were like carved out of jade. Around the wings, there were circles of wind around them.

Qiao Ye narrowed his eyes and said, "Emperor?"

The Heavenly Emperor ignored Qiao Ye's intentions, but took out a bag-shaped space treasure and threw it downwards, saying, "I'll stop him, you guys take your things and go!"

A Skywalker jumped up from the ground, grabbed the bag, turned around without being pretentious, and shouted, "Let's go!"

Qiao Ye's eyes were always on the bag, and his eyes were shining brightly.

These Skywalkers are sending things away!

My guess may really come true!


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