Fantasy: The Strongest Martial Soul System

Chapter 1432 black, really black

Chapter 1432 Black, really black

Ding Xiang said: "First of all, participants need tickets. There are no restrictions on the types of tickets. To put it bluntly, you need to hand in a treasure, any type is fine, but those below the third rank will not be accepted. Apart from tickets, you will be considered If you win to the end, the Moon Moon Sword is not necessarily yours, you are not allowed to take away the stone and the sword, you have to pull it out."

Qiao Ye said speechlessly: "Who knows what the Moon Moon Sword looks like?

What if people just stick it on the stone? "

Ding Xiang said: "It's not so nonsense, the stone is probably hugged by three people, it can't be the body of the Moon Yin Sword."

Qiao Ye said: "That's dark enough, what if you can't pull it out?"

"Compare again!"

Ding Xiang said: "Competition again, yes, the previous tickets are non-refundable, then pay for the tickets again, compete again, draw after the winner is decided, if you still can't pull out...Of course there will be a third match! "

Qiao Ye said: "Do I have to pay the third ticket?

If the third time is not enough, then the fourth time, if the fourth time is not enough, then the fifth time! "

Ding Xiang smiled and said, "It's really smart, that's what it means!"

Qiao Ye said angrily: "Doesn't this show that no one in your art field has ever pulled out the sword, knowing that it might be difficult to pull out the sword, so it's a scam!"

Ding Xiang said: "Yeah, did you see it?

Qiao Ye said: "His grandma's, Kunlun slaves are not as bad as yours!"

"Again, it has nothing to do with us, it was created by the Mohist organ building."

Ding Xiang said: "Although the holy building has to smoke 20% of the things."

Qiao Ye said: "Raws of the same feather, you never thought about it, everyone discussed it, each of them handed over one thing, and the others didn't hand over, anyway, there was only one person, so there was no need to compare, and then took turns to draw swords?

Then see who loses! "

Ding Xiang said: "I'm really sorry, this trick has already been thought of, but it's not a problem, the reason is very simple, how to decide the order?

Who goes up first?

Are you willing to let people do it first?

It is true that no one can pull out the Shuyu, but don't forget, there is no one who can fight in the Shuyu. What we practice is the technique, so why is it strange that we can't pull it out?

But if the magician can't pull it out, it doesn't mean that the practitioners from other domains can't pull it out either. "

"It makes sense!"

Qiao Ye said: "Then can't we compare in private?

After the comparison, go up one by one. "

Ding Xiang said: "The competition is over, what should I do if someone cheats and refuses to admit it?"

Qiao Ye sighed and said, "I'm convinced, you guys are ruthless."

Ding Xiang said: "Then are you coming?"

Qiao Ye said: "I have to ask Lin Jiexu first, I have paid for the ticket, and I have to hand in the things later, who should I talk to for reasoning?

What's even more deceitful is that the ticket may not be enough to pay once. "

Ding Xiang said: "If you don't participate, just come and have fun. I think this time it should be quite lively."

Qiao Ye said: "Be confident, let's get rid of the feeling. Recently, almost everyone is running around for those twelve things. Finding clues is hard enough. What's more, things appear directly. No matter what, they will be fooled." , However, there should be a lot of people joining in the fun, but there shouldn't be too many shots."


Ding Xiang nodded and said: "There are not too many people who can fight, and the defenders have also coordinated, and the supreme being in the world can't make a move."

Qiao Ye said: "Then why don't you agree?

If the Supreme Being in the World joins the battle, other people don’t have to play, they can’t beat it at all, and the Supreme Being in the World is not a Chinese cabbage, there are only so many people, they may not be close to them, but if the Supreme Being in the World is below, there are still a lot of masters in the Emperor Realm of. "

"That's the reason, so the Mohist organ building readily agreed."

Ding Xiang said: "However, this matter is not that simple. The supreme being in the world does not want to fight easily. Firstly, it is because the fight is too noisy. Secondly, if the supreme being in the world fights, if there is any death or injury, it will be a big deal for the first domain." Huge loss, this is also the reason for the defenders to coordinate, no one wants to see the supreme being in the world go into battle easily."

Qiao Ye nodded and said: "Yes, in the past ten years, the number of times the Supreme Beings in the world have fought is very small. It seems that the only ones who fight in public are the Battle of the Demon Realm and the recent Skywalker."

The defenders here are also more cautious about sending out the Supreme Being. When King Ruyang usurped the throne, it was because he was going to fight the Demon Lord. Since he cooperated with King Ruyang, he wanted to send someone to help. I'm sorry, but to take a step back, King Ruyang still has a lot of masters under his command. At least half of the reason for cooperating with the defenders is because the defenders are willing to send a warrior.

As for Skywalker, he was the Heavenly Venerable who was sent directly without any emphasis on martial ethics. However, Skywalker did not integrate into the Nine Realms Battlefield. This kind of potential rule that the supreme being in the world does not easily do it, people don't know whether they know it or not. Well, people didn't play according to your rules. Skywalker's current role is a group of bandits.

Furthermore, Qiao Ye has fought against the Yaozun in the Yaoyu, but the nature is similar to Skywalker's situation, and, if it is not necessary, Grandma Taishang doesn't want to make a move. After all, if you fight once, you will lose many years of life. It was too precious, but if grandma Taishang didn't make a move, there was no way anyone could fight Qiao Ye.

Generally speaking, if it is not necessary, the Supreme Being in the world will hardly do anything in public.

Ding Xiang said: "By the way, the negotiations with Skywalker are over, do you know?"

Qiao Ye said: "I really don't know about this, how did you talk about it?"

Ding Xiang said: "I don't know the specifics, but the war has ceased for the time being. Skywalker will not launch an attack in the short term. The most incredible thing is that they are now on Jiang Liuxue's side."

Qiao Ye was stunned for a moment, and said in surprise, "Huh?"

Ding Xiang said: "Didn't you analyze it? If Jiang Liuxue does something like this, Skywalker will definitely become a huge problem for him. The Sky Throne reappears. If Skywalker doesn't follow his rules, what should he do? manage?"

Qiao Ye nodded and said, "Yes!"

Ding Xiang said: "But now they not only don't break in, but also help Jiang Liuxue guard the Sky Throne, I heard that someone took the opportunity to sneak into the airspace, trying to find a way to enter the Sky Throne, but was intercepted by Skywalker. "

"No way!"

Qiao Ye said: "Why do those Skywalkers listen to Jiang Liuxue?

Have the six Skywalker ships become Jiang Liuxue's dogs? "

Ding Xiang said: "I don't know if all the six Skywalker ships have reached a consensus, but at least I can be sure that the Red Dragon Corps and the Thousand Strike Ships, one of the six Skywalker ships, have joined forces with Jiang Liuxue got together."

Qiao Ye was also speechless, can this kind of thing be done?

To a certain extent, Qiao Ye felt that Jiang Liuxue was really powerful, and many things were unimaginable. How could Jiang Liuxue be able to do it.


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