Chapter 1444 Sea Dragon God

The second round of the second round ended, and because the number of people in the first round was reduced by half, the third round was already the top four.

In the two battles, Qiao Ye faced Wu Ze, and Qin Jianchuan faced Ling Yu Xia Wu.

No one cared about Qin Jianchuan's battle. Almost everyone sentenced Qin Jianchuan to death. On paper, Qin Jianchuan was far behind.

This kind of battle where the strength gap is too obvious is not very pleasing, because everyone thinks there is no surprise.

The focus naturally fell on the battle between Qiao Ye and Wu Ze.

Slowly walking onto the ring, the two looked at each other.

It's hard for Qiao Ye to describe how she felt when she saw Wu Ze face to face for the first time. If she had to describe it, it would be...


Wu Ze's body is rare, and he doesn't have the vicious and tyrannical feeling that Pirates of the Beast Realm usually have, but Qiao Ye can feel the danger of Wu Ze.

This guy walks unsteadily, and even keeps waving to the surroundings, with a smile on his face all the time, but it's not that kind of friendly smile, nor is it contemptuous, mocking, or disdainful, a very weird smile, It's like smirking on purpose.

Every move of the whole person, Qiao Ye could feel the eccentricity in Wu Ze's body, and at the same time, Qiao Ye could feel the fierceness hidden under the smile, as well as the feeling of madness.

This is a very dangerous guy.

"Little friend..." Wu Ze looked at Qiao Ye and said, "Remember to surrender when you can't beat him."

Qiao Ye said: "If you can't beat it, I suggest you jump directly to the bottom of the ring."

"Jie Jie Jie..." Wu Ze laughed strangely and said, "I like personality, so let's start!"

Wu Ze took out his Imperial Beast Cage and threw it forward.

It is understandable that Wu Ze's imperial beast appeared from the imperial beast cage, not the two realm-level imperial beasts.

First of all, it can be determined that the Jiuyou Sea Dragon is useless, because there is no water in the ring, and the size of the Jiuyou Sea Dragon is very large. Even if there is water, the area is not wide enough. It can be said directly that without the sea, the Jiuyou Sea Dragon nothing.

As for the other end, the other side doesn't need it, and they can understand it. In a fight, they won't hand over their hole cards first. After all, it's not a life-and-death fight.

However, Wu Ze's reputation in the Beast Realm was not something to brag about. The first beast to fight was already quite vicious.

Unparalleled Level Monster Familiar, Flying Scythe!

That Flying Scythe has a human body, but has a pair of huge white wings, like a birdman in the airspace, but Flying Scythe's head is really a bird's head.

"Family Beast..." Qiao Ye murmured, "It's interesting, then I'll play with you Beast Familiar first!"

Qiao Ye also took out the imperial beast cage and threw it forward.

In the next instant, Polaris stepped out amidst the silver light!


Wu Ze raised his eyebrows.

Based on Wu Ze's knowledge, he doesn't think there are any beasts that he has never seen before, but Wu Ze really doesn't know Polaris.

In other words, Wu Ze knew the normal Polaris at that time, but Qiao Ye's Polaris had completed evolution, so that's another matter!

There will be obvious changes in all aspects of the evolution of the royal beast, and evolution is not the norm, it is very rare, unless it seems to have happened to be encountered, otherwise it is difficult to distinguish.

Therefore, even with Wu Ze's knowledge, he couldn't recognize Polaris at all.

However, after all, he is a beast master, and he is also a beast emperor. Even though Polaris looks like a human, he can still recognize him as a beast master.

If the Polaris comes out of the beast cage, it can only be the beast. Humans can't get in, and the evil beast is fine, but the ghost lamp is a special case. Generally, the evil beast will make a fuss, and the beast cage is nothing. Binding treasures are easily destroyed by evil beasts.

The second is breath, Wu Ze can clearly distinguish that the breath of Polaris is not the breath of human beings, but the breath of the imperial beast.


Wu Ze smiled and said, "Then come and play!"

It's not uncommon for Qiao Ye to have a beast master. Nowadays, not only the beast masters of the beast domain, but many people have beast masters.

There is no need to go to the Beast Realm to catch them. Within the Nine Realms Battlefield, the two most important business items in the market opened by the Beast Realm are the sale of royal beasts and the cultivation of royal beasts. At the same time, according to these two The project extends to other businesses, such as treasures for royal beasts, rations, and beast domains have the profession of cultivators. Therefore, the market in beast domains usually has foster care business, if it is not hatched by yourself Yes, for the less obedient beast masters, there is also a business of training them on behalf of them.

However, people from other domains usually buy beast masters only to increase their combat power. On the one hand, they are not professional beast masters, and they are indeed unprofessional in all aspects. On the other hand, they are lacking enough powerful beast masters. Sell ​​it?

Therefore, in the Beast Familiar Market, there are usually all Earth-level Familiars, and Tianxuan-level ones also appear, but they are very rare, and Wushuang-level ones have never been sold directly. Of course, Tianwei Emperor Ya does not count. It wasn't put up for auction by the Beastmaster of the Beast Realm, but Qiao Ye's good deed.

Of course, there are occasional circulations, mainly because it is similar to the situation when Qiao Ye got the four different phases, selling eggs directly, no one knows what will be hatched, but in this case, it is polite to pick one out of ten thousand. It can be said that it is almost impossible for a person to obtain the Peerless Level Beast Familiar.

But Qiao Ye, as a member of the martial arts domain, not only took out a beast that looked at least at the unparalleled level, but also a beast that he had never seen before, so Wu Ze was naturally a little interested.

"Flying scythe!"

Wu Ze raised his head and said, "Cut that guy's imperial beast."

Polaris looked at Qiao Ye, Qiao Ye spread his hands indifferently and said, "You watch and play for yourself."

Polaris nodded, looked at the flying scythe that swooped down in the air, and directly stretched out his hand and pressed it forward.

Beast Master Skill, Flower of Ice Mirror!

Click, click!

Bingjie's voice kept ringing, and immediately after, a huge ice flower appeared in front of Polaris, blocking it like a huge shield.

The flying scythe didn't stop, it bumped straight up, obviously trying to smash the ice flower into pieces, but...


With a bang, not only was the ice flower not crushed, on the contrary, Wu Ze's flying scythe was directly thrown out, and the hit was all messy, and the ice flower's defense was far stronger than the opponent imagined.

After defending against the next blow, Polaris was not polite, grabbed the ice flower as a weapon, and threw the ice flower out forcefully.

The ice flower whirled continuously, bringing out silver arcs one after another, and slashed down towards the flying sickle.


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