Chapter 1456 Return

Shi Yanyu's fight was lively, but Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan were actually transporting the Yueyin Sword.

As for how to give the sword to Shi Yanyu in front of everyone, but in the end the sword returned to Qin Jianchuan's hands, it was actually very simple, just a small teleportation technique.

After Shi Yanyu left, the Yueyin Sword appeared directly in the cloth bag wrapped in the magic sword.

Lin Jie has to take over Moon Yin Yin: "At present, more than half of what Jiang Liuxue said has appeared, and most of them are in the hands of our boundary guards. Of course, not only us, but also the spiritual realm has gained. Look, everything is going in a good direction."

Qiao Ye said, "Is it halfway already?"

Lin Jiexu nodded and said: "The Bailiuyin and the Spring and Autumn Book of Apocalypse Ruilin also appeared, but the whereabouts of these two things are unknown now. The Bailiuyin appeared in Tianjue Valley, and a big battle broke out because of it. There are few people. When we received the news and rushed over there, we had been fighting for a day and a night. We didn't know whose hands the Bailiu Seal had fallen into. We couldn't even pursue it. As for the Tianqi Ruilin Spring and Autumn Book, Appeared, but disappeared again."

Qiao Ye wondered: "What does it mean to appear and then disappear?"

Lin Jiexu said: "The Spring and Autumn Book of Tianqi Ruilin appeared in the sea of ​​no return. Many people saw it, but before they had time to fight for it, the Spring and Autumn Book of Qi Ruilin turned into a green unicorn and ran away that day."

Qiao Ye said: "Then how do you know it's Tianqi Ruilin Spring and Autumn Book?"

Lin Jiexu said: "Many of the things Jiang Liuxue said have never been heard by us, but there are still some records. The Spring and Autumn Book of Tianqi Ruilin is among them, and it is recorded in the historical documents of Shuyu. Recognizable by appearance."

Qiao Ye said: "It seems that we will soon know what kind of medicine is sold in Jiang Liuxue's gourd."

Lin Jie nodded.

But at this moment...

The door was pushed open suddenly, and a guard rushed into the room.

Lin Jie frowned, looked at the guard and said, "What do you mean by being reckless?"

The guard said anxiously: "Jiang Liuxue has appeared."

Lin Jiexu's pupils shrank and said, "Where is it?"

"No, not a real person."

The boundary guard said: "It's the water curtain from last time, and it appeared again. It's in the main hall on every floor of Linglong Tower."

Lin Jiexu was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Go, go and have a look!"

Lin Jie must leave the room immediately.

After Qiao Ye and Qin Jianchuan looked at each other, they quickly followed.

When I came to the hall, I saw a huge water curtain appear, but I didn't see Jiang Liuxue's figure.

The defender said: "The one who was there just now!"

Qiao Ye came to Lin Jiexu and whispered, "It's the Sky Throne!"

The picture in the water curtain was the Throne in the Sky, and Qiao Ye could easily identify it because he had seen the ruins before.

At this moment, the Sky Throne not only returned to its original shape, soaring into the clouds, but also, the entire Sky Throne exuded a cyan radiance, as if wrapped in a layer of jade-colored halo.

Soon, Jiang Liuxue's voice sounded: "See you on the Sky Throne in seven days!"

After Jiang Liuxue's voice appeared, the water curtain gradually faded and finally disappeared completely.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly became agitated.

Qiao Ye looked at Lin Jiexu and said, "The throne of the sky is about to open!"

"Come on!"

Lin Jiexu stretched out his hand to summon someone and said, "Go and check, whether there are water curtains in many areas."

A boundary guard nodded and quickly took orders.

Qiao Ye frowned and said, "According to Jiang Liuxue's previous intention, the Throne of the Sky should be opened only after those twelve things appear?"

Lin Jiexu said: "I think so too."

Qiao Ye said: "Then what do you mean now?

Is everything ready? "

Lin Jiexu said: "Perhaps before the twelve items, there were several items in Jiang Liuxue's hands, and after removing the items in Jiang Liuxue's hands, all the remaining items have appeared."

Qiao Ye said: "Then he shouldn't say anything in the first place, wouldn't it be fine?"

"This..." Lin Jiexu thought for a while and said, "It's really weird."

At this time, Qin Jianchuan said weakly: "Are we thinking too complicated?"

Qiao Ye and Lin Jiexu couldn't help looking at Qin Jianchuan.

Qin Jianchuan said: "Whether the Sky Throne will be opened or not, and when it will be opened, is it up to Jiang Liuxue?"

Lin Jiexu was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "I haven't really thought about this idea, please tell me your opinion."

Qin Jianchuan said: "Jiang Liuxue just said seven days later, right?

Why seven days later?

The most important thing is that he said see you in seven days, that is to say, after seven days, the Sky Throne will be opened, but after it is opened, will the Sky Throne be closed?

In theory, it should not be, because he only said that after seven days, instead of specifying a time period to enter the Sky Throne, it means that the Sky Throne will not be closed after it is opened. "

Qiao Ye said, "It makes sense."

Qin Jianchuan said: "Then here comes the question, if Jiang Liuxue can open the Sky Throne freely, then he can open it now, what's the point of reserving it for seven days?

Anyway, after it is turned on, the Sky Throne will not be closed, and you should be able to enter and exit at will. "

"Speaking of which, the Sky Throne is actually a treasure, right?"

Qiao Ye said: "If Jiang Liuxue gets the Sky Throne, I don't think he needs to make such a big show, anyway, the Sky Throne and the things inside the Sky Throne should be his, will it be... Jiang Liuxue thought Want the Sky Throne?"

Lin Jiexu said: "He wants the throne of the sky, what does it have to do with those things and people entering the throne of the sky?"

"do not know."

Qiao Ye spread her hands and said, "Just guessing."

Lin Jiexu was speechless, then felt something, and took out the spiritual paper of communication from his arms to take a look.

"There is news coming back."

Lin Jiexu said: "Just like last time, water curtains appeared everywhere. Jiang Liuxue is announcing the opening of the Sky Throne to everyone."

Qiao Ye said: "Then let's go, can we not go?"

Lin Jiexu sighed and said, "I wish things were that simple."

Qiao Ye said, "How complicated is it?"

Lin Jiexu said: "Have you ever thought about the twenty-eight star defenders and the strongest defenders on the list, and if everyone goes to the Sky Throne, what will happen?"

Qiao Ye twitched and said, "I'm not that strong either. I don't dare to be the strongest boundary guard or something."

Lin Jiexu rolled his eyes, kicked Qiao Ye and said, "Be serious."

Qiao Ye immediately became honest, and then said: "The sixteen generals who guard the realm are also coming out from the spiritual realm?"

Lin Jie nodded.

Qiao Ye said, "Is it ready?"


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