The body of the sun and the moon gradually turned into a phantom, and the scattered brilliance of the sun and the moon gradually dissipated.

And when Riyue's body gradually became transparent, Qiao Ye understood what King Ruyang meant when he said that the magic circle was on Sunyue's back.

That magic circle turned out to be a tattoo, which was tattooed on the back of the sun and the moon.

After Riyue died, a radiant brilliance suddenly burst out from the array.

At the moment when the brilliance appeared in the magic circle, rays of brilliance enveloped everyone present.

"not good……"

Qiao Ye suddenly thought of something, and shouted loudly.

Qiao Ye saw Xiao Ji from the periphery of the crowd, but when Qiao Ye tried to reach out, the surroundings were blurred, and the scene changed rapidly in the brilliance.

"Damn it!"

Qiao Ye couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

The magic array was on Riyue's back, and it would be activated when Riyue died, which meant that at the moment of Riyue's death, everyone was within the range of the magic array, and everyone would be teleported!

This also means...

Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji must have been teleported to different places!

But right now Qiao Ye couldn't do anything, he couldn't leave during the teleportation process, and Qiao Ye could only watch the scene continue to flow.

After a while, the brilliance gradually dissipated, and the surrounding blurry scenery reappeared, but the environment was completely changed.

"Little Ji..."

Qiao Ye shouted loudly, but got no response, and then Qiao Ye knew it was over.

This is the top of a waterfall. The water flows straight down and makes continuous noises. On the side of the waterfall, there is a hillside. A red-roofed pavilion was built on the hillside. On the front of the pavilion is a plaque with two big characters written in dragons and phoenixes. : Perform martial arts!

The weird thing is that looking further away, you can find that there are huge walls around.

The waterfall and the pavilion were built indoors!

This is the twentieth floor of the Sky Throne!

Ring battle!

It was because Qiao Ye understood this that she knew she was going to die.

Since the floor of the ring fight is a ring fight, there will definitely not be more than two people at a time, which means that the probability of Qiao Ye and Xiao Ji being separated will become extremely high.

At the same time, even if Xiao Ji appeared on this floor, it would be extremely bad news for Qiao Ye.

The reason is very simple. On the floor of the ring battle, only one person can go up to a higher floor at a time. The rules are simple, the winner goes up and the loser goes down.

If Xiao Ji and Qiao Ye both appear on this floor, it means that they can't leave this floor at the same time. No matter whether Qiao Ye wins or Xiao Ji wins, the final result is separation.

This was an unsolvable situation, and Qiao Ye could only curse secretly, but now he hoped that Xiao Ji would not appear on this floor.

If Xiao Ji didn't appear on this floor, she might have gone to a higher floor. As long as Qiao Ye passed through here, the two of them might still meet. If Xiao Ji appeared on this floor, they would go up and down, and It becomes very difficult to meet again.

Qiao Ye took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down as much as possible.

The good news is that Sibuxiang is beside Xiaoji, and there is also Zhang Liwang. If the two people are next to each other when the magic circle appears, Zhang Liwang should be teleported with Xiaoji, and they should go to the same floor.

However, if you think about it carefully, the tension king seems to be useless?

Qiao Ye walked forward while thinking.

Except that Sibuxiang will definitely follow Xiaoji, and Tension King may follow Xiaoji, the good news that is not good news is that, except for the arena floor, everyone who enters the Sky Throne does not need to fight. Because there is hatred in itself.

Of course, that doesn't mean there's no danger.

The throne of the sky itself is full of dangers, but the danger of the throne of the sky comes from wanting to enter the next level. As long as you are willing to stay on one level honestly, the degree of danger is actually not too high.

For example, the level of the Barbarian God seems to be a dangerous city, but in fact everything is not real. It is a re-enactment of the battle before the Three Realms and Nine Domains were broken. In other words, the Barbarian God will not actually break the city. The people in the city are not in danger either.

Then, as long as you don't want to enter the next floor, go out of the city and find a way to enter the magic circle, and hide in the city obediently, there is actually no danger in that place as you imagined.

However, these can only prove that Xiaoji is not that dangerous, but it does not mean that there is no danger. Therefore, the most urgent thing Qiao Ye needs to do now is to leave this floor to find Xiaoji.

Before Qiao Ye came to the attic.

The arena on the second floor, the entire area here is the scope of the arena.

The waterfall, the pool under the waterfall, the hills on both sides of the waterfall, and of course, the pavilion in front of us are all within the range of the arena.

Although Qiao Ye hadn't fought this time, but at the Tianshu Monument, Qiao Ye had fought once, and knew that the arena inside the Sky Throne was different from the traditional arena. The entire floor was full of arenas. Moreover, it is not the traditional table.

The surrounding environment was not complicated, and the surroundings of the waterfall could be seen at a glance. Qiao Ye didn't find any figures. In this case, there were only two possibilities.

The person I need to confront the enemy has not come to this floor, or the opponent is in the building in front of me.

While thinking about it, Qiao Ye reached out and pushed the door of the pavilion.


The heavy door opened towards the rear, making a screeching sound.

Qiao Ye looked up and looked around. Although it was used as a ring, it didn't have any structure for fighting. It was a very ordinary pavilion. The first floor was the main hall. There were two main seats in front of it, and two rows of guest seats on the side. , there is a screen on the right, and behind the screen is a table for the Eight Immortals.

Qiao Ye opened the screen and looked around, but found nothing, then walked up the stairs to the second floor.

The second floor is a room.


Qiao Ye walked along the corridor, kicking open the doors one by one, but also found nothing.

Qiao Ye came to the stairs and went up to the third floor of the pavilion.

The third floor is a huge library, octagonal, surrounded by densely packed bookshelves, there are countless books on the bookshelves, and no one was found in the quiet.

"It seems like I'm the only one on this floor?" Qiao Ye frowned and said, "Do we have to wait for someone to come over before we can start the fight?"

In the arena, the rules are relatively clear. There is no need for the opponent to hide from him deliberately, because the opponent cannot leave this floor unless he kills Qiao Ye. Qiao Ye entered here carelessly, not to mention looking for his opponent. It is better to say that he is announcing to his opponent that he has come, and it is time to come out to fight and decide who can go to the upper level.


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