Jiang Liuxue casually picked up a chopstick, twisted it on the table, and the chopsticks spun.

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said: "Whoever points to, whoever answers."

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, the chopsticks just stopped and pointed at Jiang Liuxue.

"It seems that you miscalculated." Qiao Ye said with a smile: "You made the Sky Throne and let so many masters come here. What is your intention?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "It's a long story. You have walked through so many layers and seen so many things, and you have some guesses. Therefore, to talk about this matter, you have to go back to before the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken. .”

After Jiang Liuxue finished speaking, she fell into silence. After waiting for a while, Qiao Ye couldn't help but said, "Keep talking."

Jiang Liuxue said: "I'm done."

Qiao Ye said, "What did you say?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "I said, this matter is a long story."

Qiao Ye almost threw Jiang Liuxue's face with a glass of wine, gritted his teeth and said, "You are cheating."

Jiang Liuxue smiled and said, "Qiao Ye, you missed the opportunity yourself. You should be very clear. I can't answer your question directly, because there are too many problems involved."

Jiang Liuxue drank a glass of wine while talking, and turned the chopsticks again, but the tip of the chopsticks pointed at Jiang Liuxue's side again.

Qiao Ye said: "It seems that your luck today is really not very good."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Everyone has a half chance. As long as you dare to play, there is always a chance to come back. By the way, don't miss the chance again."

Qiao Ye said: "Has the Throne of the Sky been destroyed?"

"No." Jiang Liuxue said: "I can give you an answer first, you should have understood one thing after walking through the Sky Throne, that is, the breaking of the Three Realms and Nine Realms back then was related to the Evil Beast, or in other words, The Evil Beast is the source of all this."

Qiao Ye nodded, indicating that Jiang Liuxue hadn't answered her question yet.

Jiang Liuxue said: "The Throne of the Sky was a battle line at that time, used to resist the invasion of evil beasts, but the Three Realms and Nine Realms were broken, which meant that they could not resist in the end. However, the Throne of the Sky was not destroyed. Those relics are fake, the Sky Throne itself is a treasure, it can actually appear anywhere, but the Sky Throne is too huge, it is not easy to hide, so, in order to preserve the Sky Throne, the Sky Throne It was dismantled."

Qiao Ye said: "Tianshu Monument."

"Correct answer." Jiang Liuxue said: "It's like a jigsaw puzzle. At that time, the Sky Throne was dismantled into piece by piece Heavenly Book Stele, and what I did was actually very simple. Putting the puzzle pieces together, when all the Heavenly Book Tablets were reassembled, After the gathering, the Sky Throne reappeared naturally, and besides, you only asked me if the Sky Throne was destroyed, and the reorganization of the Sky Throne can be regarded as my answer for you."

Qiao Ye shrugged, then turned the chopsticks, and after a while, the chopsticks pointed at Jiang Liuxue again.

"It seems that my luck today is not so good." Qiao Ye said: "The reason why you brought everyone here, no, change the question so that you don't cheat again. Why did you let everyone climb the Sky Throne?"

Qiao Ye didn't ask what Jiang Liuxue's ultimate goal was, but instead asked their purpose of climbing the Sky Throne.

"Choose people." Jiang Liuxue said: "I want to do some things and need some people, but not everyone is what I need, and not everyone is qualified to do this job."

Qiao Ye said: "Anyway, I asked you what is the matter, do you think you will not answer me?"

"I can answer you, I'm saving the world!" Jiang Liuxue shook her head with a smile, turned her chopsticks around with her hands, pointed at Qiao Ye and said, "Qiao Ye, I'm curious about one thing, why do you think I'm a villain? ?”

Qiao Ye asked back, "Don't you?"

Jiang Liuxue said: "Did I do something heinous? Or let me put it another way, I connected each domain to the battlefield of the Nine Domains. So far, have there been any problems?"

This question really stumped Qiao Ye. To be honest, there is no disadvantage so far after the domains are connected to the Nine Domains battlefield. On the contrary, there are many advantages.

First of all, there is no war between Lingwu and Lingwu.

For things like war, in terms of the grievances and grievances of generations in the Lingwu and Wu domains, if you want to fight, you can continue to fight without any fear.

Even, many people have been experiencing these, and have turned these into habits and instincts.

But no one likes things like war, because people will die.

War can drive progress, but it also has a painful price to pay.

The second is trade. The circulation of goods and personnel between domains is an absolutely beneficial thing for development, and these benefits can be reflected intuitively.

For example, cultivation base!

Nowadays, everyone's cultivation is improving much faster than before, and the fundamental reason is this kind of mutual exchange, because the resources obtained have increased.

Among them, the masters of the younger generation and the masters of the imperial realm have benefited a lot in this regard.

In the past, it can be said that there are only a handful of emperors before the age of thirty.

But what about today?

Qin Jianchuan, Lin Ziyi, Jin Shengyi...

The young people who are hailed as geniuses have all come to the fore. Is it because the young people of this generation are exceptionally talented?

of course not!

In every era, there are people with outstanding talents, but their cultivation resources are not enough, which limits their growth. Nowadays, trade in various domains is equivalent to unlocking everyone's shackles, making it easier for everyone to cash in their talents into strength.

If it was placed more than ten years ago, no matter whether it was Lin Ziyi or Qin Jianchuan, the younger generation of masters among these defenders would not have become the mainstay so quickly, and it would be difficult to break through to the emperor's realm before the age of thirty.

This is how times change!

There is also the matter of concurrent cultivation, not to mention other things, the appearance of the beast domain, as long as you raise your head and guard the beast, you can increase your combat power by a bit. Where did you find such a good thing before?

People who majored in formations were very small in the past, and there were very few high-strength ones. However, after the emergence of the art field, many methods of cultivation in this area were supplemented, and the missing knowledge came back. Today's formations major Practitioners are much stronger than before.

As for Shuyu, it is more straightforward, and the Shuwu partner has reappeared.

As a magician, he needs to be attached to others, or in other words, he needs a thug to display his abilities. In a closed environment, the cultivation of a magician is greatly weakened, and the current development of the magic field has suddenly doubled. times.

Qiao Ye was silent for a moment and said, "You killed a lot of people, including my robe."

Jiang Liuxue said: "Qiao Ye, it doesn't make sense for you to say that."

Qiao Ye said: "It's true that it doesn't make sense, but it's enough to answer your question."


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